
Ivory Coast rebels bitch because Frenchies are killing them...
The main rebel group in Ivory Coast has condemned the French army for killing rebel fighters from a different group on Monday. A spokesman for the Ivory Coast Patriotic Movement (MPCI) said that the clashes "seriously compromised" peace talks scheduled to be held in Paris next week.
Ummm... They were shooting at the Frenchies. Normally, they take that sort of thing seriously enough to shoot back.
Earlier, regional leaders in West Africa drew up a plan to put all peacekeeping operations in Ivory Coast under United Nations control.
Heck, yeah! Shoulda thought of that! That always works, doesn't it?
The French said they had killed some 30 rebels after being attacked near Duekoue on Monday, while nine of its men were wounded. "There was a sort of joy and satisfaction when they spoke of the deaths of young Ivorians killed by French bullets," MPCI spokesman Sidiki Konate told the BBC's Focus on Africa programme.
Comes from that sense of a job well done...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-01-07