
Rantissi wants to send boomer corps to help Sammy...
Hamas urged Iraq on Friday to open its doors to Muslim volunteer fighters and form squads of suicide bombers as the United States continues preparations for a possible war to topple Saddam Hussein. Speaking to hundreds of supporters, Abdel Aziz Rantisi, a Hamas leader, said Iraq should train and outfit cells of suicide attackers with "thousands of highly explosive belts" to fight American and British troops in Iraq.
If that happened, I think we'd regard it as a downright unfriendly act...
The remarks were unusual for Hamas. Since it was formed at the start of the first Palestinian uprising in 1987, Hamas leaders have said the group's focus is its conflict with Israel and they have not sought involvement in other battles. "We urge the Iraqi leadership to open the door for Muslim volunteers who should perform their role in defense of Iraq because all Muslims were targeted by the USA," Rantisi said to the crowd of about 2,000 people.
Not as precisely targeted as doing something that stoopid will get you, though...
The demonstrators shouted pro-Iraq slogans and set fire to American, British and Israeli flags. "We call on the Arabs and Muslims to burn the land under the feet of the American invaders, especially our brothers in Saudi Arabia because this war is not against Iraq, it's against the Islamic nation," Rantisi said.
"And Soddy Arabia leads the Islamic nation, at least that part of it that likes explosions and corpses..."
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-01-10