
U.S. Plans Interim Military Rule in Postwar Iraq
U.S. military commanders will likely rule Iraq for at least several months in the aftermath of a U.S.-led ouster of President Saddam Hussein, according to Bush administration blueprints for Iraq's future that outline a broad and protracted American role in managing the reconstruction of the country. The administration's plans, which are nearing completion, envision installing a civilian administration within months of a change of government, U.S. officials said. But the officials said that even under the best of circumstances, U.S. forces likely would remain at full strength in Iraq for months after a war ended, with a continued role for thousands of U.S. troops there for years to come.
Soddy toilet paper consumption reached record levels when they read that part...
Iraqis relegated to advisory roles in the immediate postwar period would gradually be given a greater role, but they would not regain control of their country for a year or more, according to current U.S. thinking.
Either Sammy's going to pack the treasury into his suitcase and "resign," or he's going to "fall down the stairs." If the Soddies let this scenario happen it'll be checkmate for them...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-01-17