
Britain hardens its stance on fundamentalism
The early-morning anti-terrorism raid on London's notorious Finsbury Park mosque this week reveals that the rules of the game have changed in Britain's struggle with Islamic extremism.
About 150 officers in riot gear stormed the mosque at 2am on Monday using battering rams and ladders. They arrested seven suspects in the investigation of a terrorist network involved in the production of deadly poison and the murder of a police detective. A search turned up canisters of CS tear gas, a stun gun and an imitation firearm, along with potentially significant documents, police said.
Under British law, the gas, stun gun and imitation firearm are enough to hold them for a while. The documents are the real haul, heard there are a lot of phoney ID's, what a surprise.
The raid also sent an emphatic message: police have decided to get tough with a house of worship that, according to European law enforcement agencies, has openly supported acts of terrorism. The three-storey, red-brick structure, which stands next to elevated railway tracks, has been a crossroads connecting European ideologues to Afghan training camps and Islamic battlegrounds in Chechnya, Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Middle East, according to investigators. Finsbury Park played a role in the emerging radicalism of "holy warriors," including Richard Reid, the al Qaeda "shoe-bomber" convicted of trying to blow up an American Airlines flight, and Zacarias Moussaoui, the Frenchman on trial for his alleged part in the September 11 conspiracy. Its Egyptian-born imam, Abu Hamza al Masri, a one-eyed cleric with hooks for hands, has been a very public face of hard-core Islam. His glorification of Osama bin Laden and his active contact with accused terrorists around the world have made him the target of investigators in the United States and other countries. After the September 11 attacks, British authorities were slow to move against Abu Hamza or Abu Qatada, a fellow radical cleric revered by al Qaeda who was jailed last year. Liberal laws governing free speech and political asylum protected the cleric and his associates, who in the past had treated Britain as a haven rather than a target, according to European experts.
The classic trade-off between intelligence work and crime prevention also played a role. Britain's powerful spy agencies found the Finsbury Park mosque a valuable surveillance post for watching al Qaeda's web of contacts.
Just like we thought.
Tolerance for Islamic fundamentalism has faded fast in Europe, especially as intelligence agencies learnt in recent months that an al Qaeda-linked Algerian network in Britain and France was plotting an attack, possibly with lethal chemicals.
Last week, a suspected member of that network stabbed and killed a Manchester detective during a manhunt resulting from the discovery of a makeshift lab for producing ricin poison. The murder, and the fact that a suspect in the ricin case worked at the mosque's bookstore, appears to have pushed police across a long-standing line.
First time I've heard one of the ricin suspects worked at the mosque. Bet that's how they got the search warrant.
"The raid was symbolic and necessary to show the government was getting tough," said Mustafa Alani, an analyst at the Royal United Services Institute, a London panel of experts.
"There was certainly a benefit in the past for intelligence gathering. It is always a balance between the intelligence benefits, security and public opinion." Nonetheless, police have still not arrested Abu Hamza, who lost his eye and his hands in Afghan combat in the early 1990s and is wanted by Yemen in connection with the murders of American and European tourists in 1999. His bank accounts have been frozen, but as a British citizen he cannot be arrested under new anti-terror legislation that gives police considerable power to detain foreigners. "He was not part of this operation," said Deputy Police Commissioner Andy Trotter on Monday. "We were not looking for him today and not in relation to this."
Abu Hamza, 45, called the police raid "disgusting" and "a desecration". "You cannot find a reason for this kind of Rambo-like way of attacking the mosque," he told the Press Association, a British news agency. "I think it was a provocative act. When did you last hear of a church being raided when someone has been arrested?"
The image of police battering down the doors of a mosque is unusual and potentially explosive. Scotland Yard officials insisted that they went out of their way to be sensitive.
Muslim police officers were involved in the planning and the search, which avoided prayer areas and focused on offices and two apartment buildings next door to the mosque, according to Scotland Yard. The police wore cloth-covered shoes out of respect for Islamic dictates about footwear in holy places, a spokesman said. On Monday evening, searchers were still inside the mosque, a busy gathering point in an immigrant neighbourhood full of Middle Eastern cafes, Pakistani grocery stores and money wiring services that attest to the population mix. Residents come from countries as diverse as Somalia, Albania, Bangladesh, Malta and Algeria. The seven men arrested on Monday were described only as six North Africans and an East European between the ages of 22 and 48. Two worked as permanent security guards and the others were volunteer guards on duty because of a spate of threats, according to Abu Hamza.
This is just the start, I hope.
Posted by: Steve 2003-01-21