
Kenyan Pursuing Genocide Suspect Killed
A Kenyan working with the United States to capture a Rwandan genocide suspect with a $5 million bounty on his head has been killed. William Mwaura Munuhe was found dead at his home in the affluent Nairobi suburb of Karen on Jan. 17, two days after the U.S. Embassy and Kenyan police tried to trap genocide suspect Felicien Kabuga, police spokesman King'ori Mwangi said. There was blood on Munuhe's body, Mwangi said, but the cause of death has not been determined. The independent Daily Nation newspaper reported Tuesday that Munuhe, 27, was shot in the head but that his death was made to look like a suicide from carbon monoxide poisoning.
"Doctor? Are you sure it was CO poisoning? That bullet wound in his ear hole looks mighty suspicious..."
The U.S. Embassy suspects the killing "was connected with Kabuga's efforts to evade capture," spokesman Peter Claussen said. Kabuga, a wealthy businessman from Rwanda's majority Hutu community, is alleged to have helped finance the 1994 genocide in which more than 500,000 Rwandans, most of them minority Tutsis, were killed. Earlier this month, Pierre-Richard Prosper, the U.S. ambassador at large for war crimes, said Kabuga received Kenyan government help — including from an official in the Cabinet of former President Daniel arap Moi — in remaining a fugitive.
So maybe he had official help in bumping off poor Bill? Inspector Camembert! Call your office!
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-01-21