
Zim MP on Bob's hit list...
Tafadzwa Musekiwa, the MP for Zengeza (MDC), has fled into temporary exile in London to forestall an alleged plot by Zanu PF to eliminate him and other young MDC activists. “I had specific information that I was on a government hit list together with Job Sikhala,” Musekiwa said by telephone from London yesterday.
"Better gone than decomposing, eh?"
Sikhala is the MP for St Mary’s (MDC). Musekiwa said the plot to eliminate him was allegedly being spearheaded by the Minister for Information and Publicity in the President’s Office, Professor Jonathan Goebbels Moyo. The junior minister has frequently attacked the MP and his young colleagues in the opposition MDC as immature politicians. “We have been hauled before the courts on spurious charges as part of the harassment and a demonisation campaign by Professor Moyo who is keen to see this strategy work, but it won’t succeed,” Musekiwa said. He said Sikhala and him had been arrested more frequently than any other MDC MPs since they became parliamentarians. “It is an intimidation tactic, an attempt to harass and demoralise us.”
Looks like it's succeeded, since you've been run out of town...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-01-21