
35,000 British troops heading for the Gulf... and he doesn't like it.
‘A total of 35,000 British troops are now heading to the Gulf, where they will join 125,000 US forces already gearing up for action.’
Yet our glorious leader Blair declares ‘war is not the only option’! When are you going to stop lying?!?!
‘the anti-war camp is right to allege that at the heart of the current campaign is a severe double standard. Western inaction, even indulgence, of North Korea - where Washington was overcome with eagerness to talk and to avoid force - proves not the risk, but the value of having weapons of mass destruction, or WMDs. Pyongyang has them, so the US leaves it alone; Baghdad does not yet have them, so it's set to get invaded. In other words, if you really do pose a threat, you're safe. If you don't, you're in danger. What better advert for the Bomb could there be! The lesson a second Gulf war will teach the dictators of the world is: buy weapons of mass destruction now. As Kim Jong Il has proved, a nuke a day keeps the Yanks away. ’
I couldn't have put it better myself.
Posted by: Awkward Porcupine 2003-01-22