
Saturday, January 25, 2003

While I don't usually post on Saturdays, I received word of this breaking news story today. Forwarded by a Mr. W. Argood, who found it on a local (Arizona) newspaper's website. And, yes, I did see something about it on the local TV news last night but missed the first part of the story so didn't realize its frightening implications until getting Mr. Argood's email. Just what is this world coming to, anyway?
- Pete

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PHOENIX - In recent weeks, a growing number of pro-American Americans have begun showing their support for the coming war with Iraq through a simple, but effective, act.

An act inspired by Don Crawford, a talk-radio host at KLBJ in Austin, Texas, who made an on-air plea calling, "for all the normal Americans who support the war against Saddam to turn on their headlights!"

The response was overwhelming, Crawford said, as "Numerous callers reported that every car on Austin's highways and byways had its headlights on. We received only one report of one car in all of Austin's roads that had its lights off."

Crawford has since continued his on-the-road grass roots initiative, hoping people across the country will follow suit, enacting, in his words, "The same pro-war protest to show where Americans really stand."

But now, the pro-war movement has taken a larger - and perhaps more disturbing - turn.

A pro-war rally held on the steps of the state capitol in Phoenix, Arizona, on Friday, took the message from one of support to a call for immediate action.

According to local officials, an estimated 200 people gathered, far outnumbering the dozen or so anti-war protesters who were already picketing in the same area.

Carrying signs which read, "Might Makes Right", "Bomb Now, Ask Questions Later!" and "Killing People is No Big Deal", the general consensus among attendees was that the Bush Administration is, in fact, waiting too long to take action against the Saddam Hussein regime.

"As far as I'm concerned," Mack Donnelly, 47, said, "I'm ready, willing and able to go out on the streets tonight, and hunt down any Iraqi-born U.S. citizens. I plan to shoot to kill, to show my support for President Bush."

Donnelly wasn't the only one with this sentiment. In way of explaining her philosophy, Jasmine Burke, 19, stated, "To me, Bush is Da Bomb! I, like, say, 'Today, Iraq! Tomorrow, North Korea! Next week, the world!'"

If this most recent rally is any indication, while support for a U.S.-led attack is waning in Europe and much of the rest of the world, support at home is growing exponentially.

The fact that such a rally was held in Arizona is no surprise to psychologist Dr. W.S. Benway, who said, "Traditionally, Arizona has been one of the more politically conservative states in America. The number of people, per capita, afflicted with what psychologists term 'Redneckedness' is perhaps larger than in any other state, with the possible exception of a couple of states in the Deep South."

According to Benway, in layman's terms this can be defined as, "blind patriotism and unmitigated national fervor."

The noted psychologist added, "This affliction, known in medical circles as 'the scourge of the country' due to the low cure rate, is marked by periods of overwhelming arrogance alternating with moments of fear and mild paranoia. The subject often thinks his target may either be persecuting him or hiding something, whether real or imagined. In some cases I'm familiar with, the subject focuses on a general target-group due to some incident in the past in which a member of said group acted against, for example, the subject's family. His father, for instance."

Many pro-war marchers agreed that their methods might be bold but, as one person put it, "Desperate times call for desperate measures," adding, "the time to act is sooner rather than later. Let's stop pussyfooting around, and kill us some Iraqi terrorists."

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from 'The World According to Pete' @ http://worldofpete.blogspot.com/

Posted by: Pete 2003-01-25