
The joke’s on Saddam
Comedy break from The Sun
NOT since Adolf Hitler was lampooned for his lack of balls has one leader faced so much ridicule. But Saddam Hussein has now taken the crown as the world’s No1 figure of fun — as well as hate. The evil Iraqi president has become the butt of a thousand jokes across the world.You know things are getting bad when you start getting compared to No1 fruitcake Wacko Jacko.
This week the king of TV chat-shows, David Letterman, said:
"We now know Saddam Hussein has 24 presidential palaces, each with a dolphin pool and an amusement park. If you didn’t think this guy was creepy before, you do now — he’s starting to sound just like Michael Jackson.”

To add to that, it has been reported the dictator has also got a little problem down below. A former mistress of Saddam’s — one of six in addition to his three wives — revealed last year how he regularly has to use Viagra, enjoys dancing around to Frank Sinatra, smoking a cigar and wearing a cowboy hat.
Parisoula Lampsos also went on to say Saddam is a manic hypochondriac and heavy drinker and loves watching videos of his enemies being tortured. So to wipe the smile off his face and raise a laugh here are some of the best jokes at the expense of Saddam and his fanatical followers.

How is Saddam like Fred Flintstone?
Both look out their windows and see Rubble!

How many Iraqis does it take to change a lightbulb?
What lightbulb? We have no lightbulbs. We never had any lightbulbs and, anyway, we have since destroyed them.

What are the two worst things about Saddam Hussein?
His faces.

What is the difference between Saddam Hussein and the road to Basra?
One is crooked, oily and has a yellow stripe down the middle. The other was a tarmac strip heavily bombed by the Allies in the Gulf War.

What would you get if you crossed Saddam with a gorilla?
Who knows? There’s only so much a gorilla can be forced to do.

What’s the difference between Saddam Hussein and a carp?
One’s a scum-sucking bottom feeder and the other’s a fish.

What is the Iraqi air force motto?
I came, I saw, Iran.

Have you heard about the new Iraqi air force exercise programme?
Each morning you raise your hands above your head and leave them there.

What’s the five-day forecast for Baghdad?
Two days.

What do Miss Muffet and Saddam Hussein have in common?
They both have Kurds in their way.

What is the best Iraqi job?
Foreign ambassador.

Did you hear that it is twice as easy to train Iraqi fighter pilots?
You only have to teach them to take off.

How do you play Iraqi bingo?B-52 ... F-16 ... A-10

What is Iraq’s national bird?

What do Saddam Hussein and General Custer have in common?
They both want to know where the hell those Tomahawks are coming from!

Why does the Iraqi navy have glass bottom boats?
So they can see their air force.
Posted by: Steve 2003-02-05