
Australian Labour Party officially undermines USA
ALP given slap on the wrist
THE US Government has formally complained to the ALP about the party's criticism of President George W. Bush and its lack of support for the deployment of Australian troops to the Middle East.
And when you read what was said, you'll understand why.
The Bush administration complained to Opposition Leader Simon Crean's office, saying the ALP's apparent anti-Americanism and targeting of Mr Bush during a parliamentary debate this week was damaging the US-Australian alliance.
The Labour Party are playing to the lowest common denominator since the Australian Media have primed the public to loathe and distrust America and to think this war is only about controlling oil.
Mr Crean's office has confirmed the complaint, according to a report today in The Australian. "Labor makes no apologies for acting in the national interest, unlike John Howard, who seems to think the strength of an alliance lies in agreeing with everything the US says or does," a spokesman for Mr Crean told the paper. Labor MPs attacked the Bush administration during Wednesday's debate, with frontbencher Mark Latham saying the US President was "the most incompetent and dangerous president in living memory".
Why, because he actually takes ACTION instead of toadying and appeasing dictators? Who's the real toady?
The Bush administration made its views clear to Labor's foreign affairs spokesman Kevin Rudd during his trip to the US last week.
Sadly, the ALP will just argue that it is evidence of US manipulation and interference in our domestic affairs. They disgust me, and worse, Mark Latham is scheduled for the next leader of the Opposition, and possible future Prime Minister. Heaven help Australia!
Posted by: Anonymous 2003-02-07