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2006: Year of the European Intefadah
(original opinion)

Some wits have suggested that the post-WWII social democracies of Europe were set up in that way by America, both as accomplises to the naive leftists in the US, and by more conservative and far-sighted Americans to insure that they would have a defective economic and social model that would be in weakened competition with the US, and in no competition at all militarily.

That is, the democrats wanted them to be liberal-leftists societies, and the republicans wanted them to be the same, because they knew how ineffectual liberal-leftism is, as a form of government.

But whatever the intent of its inception, it is obvious that Europe is descending into both economic torpor and social unrest, excluding military aggression. At the same time, we in America can stand back and look at their deficiencies and know their proximate causes.

Today we see what might be, what might have been planned to be, a European-wide intefadah. Where 10% of the population try to use force and violence to control the other 90%, much like in Syria or Iraq. Yet uncomfirmed, I suspect that these "days of rage" are indeed carefully orchestrated, and their intention is that they spread to every European capitol with any significant Moslem population.

"Europe burning", is their concept. To cause the weak, ineffectual, and demilitarized Europe to collapse. In the land of gun control, to conquer it all with a revolver. Of course, few of them would believe it possible all at once, but they will take what they can get, and destroy as much as possible in the meantime. The Ottomans were masters of gradualism punctuated by vicious and destructive warfare, using every available means at their disposal.

This is both because they see chaos as their ally, and because it is a goal in itself. Their beliefs cannot co-exist with modernity, so they must destroy modernity and civilization in their entirety. Non-Moslem Europe must be as devastated as Beirut, or the Gaza Strip. The Louvre must be burned, unless it is owned by Moslems.

The European Moslem young man is an interesting creature. The prisons across Europe are filled with his kind, with far fewer natives and only a smattering of other prominent minorities, such as Hindus. These young Moslems view their religion as minimally a religion, more a license to personal villany, misogeny and criminality. Allah justifies their running amok, in their concept of Islam.

But they are far more than the children of a corrupted Islam. They are more than aware of such half-competitors/half-peers as communists, anarchists, neo-Nazis, punks, and other such underground dwellers. And there is an overlap in their worlds, sharing far more than the lexicon of the street. From them, they learn strategy and tactics--how best to foil the policeman.

And indeed they are underground street dwellers. This goes back to the failure of the European economic and social model. With the building of immense suburban ghettos, what in America are called "projects", into entire cities of such people.

By comparison, the conditions that exist there would be the same if every illegal alien caught in the US was allowed to stay, but only in "projects" that ringed the major cities of the southwest. Los Angeles, Phoenix, Albuquerque, Dallas, etc., surrounded by ghettos of perhaps 10 million Mexicans.

Not "Americans", "Mexican-Americans", "Chicanos", or even "La Raza", but Mexicans. Disenfranchised, poor, with high unemployment, and condemned to live in their ghettos.

The analogy could be continued with some agitators, perhaps sponsored by Chavez of Venezuela, entering those ghettos then spending years planning a challenge to authority, an uprising, with the intent of "reclaiming" the southwest, either as a province of Mexico, or as an independent, Hispanic-only country.

While terribly far-fetched, this is not beyond the pale in the equivalent Moslem philosophy. Even recently, a prominent Imam called for the conquest of a portion of Spain, claiming that it was Moslem property. "Any land over which the banner of Islam is flown is forever Moslem", is the concept. But again, they will take what they can get.

To justify this suspicion, that Moslem agents-provacateur have long been in the ghettos surrounding the major French cities, and perhaps in other European capitols, we have only to wait. If the French response is muted, then suddenly there are outbreaks elsewhere, it would explain why Europe has been relatively quiet for the last few years, as far as terrorism goes.

Otherwise, it makes no sense. Huge numbers of terrorists are close to Europe from several directions. Travel there is not daunting. Several countries have long been on tenterhooks against attack, because of their participation in the WoT. And yet, nothing has happened to precipitate a major crackdown with something like mass deportations.

The Europeans failed with their economic and social system, their unchecked immigration coupled with an unwillingness to force integration of the immigrants, and their efforts to quarter them in ghettos with no prospect except despair. For their part, the young men of these ghettos are a ruthless semi-urban-combat-trained army-in-waiting. If inspired to mischief and given even marginal strategy, the amount of destruction they can create in Europe is impressive.

So, much is on the shoulders of the French right now. A return to the status quo seems unlikely. So either they capitulate and allow the ghettos autonomy to some extent, or they realize that a hostile foreign army exists on their soil.

Ironic that they, and much of the rest of Europe, after so sanctimoniously condemning "ethnic cleansing", are forced to do so themselves, against a substantial threat to their people, their way of life, and their society.

We shall see.
Posted by:Anonymoose

#1  excellent writing, Moose
Posted by: 2b   2005-11-04 23:04  
