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The Road to Rantburg Ramadan™
The Active Index of Rantburg Recipes – 10-17-06

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A Rantburg Ramadan Part II™

More Rantburg Ramadan™

Son of A Rantburg Ramadan™

The Son of Rantburg Ramadan Returns™

The Bride of Rantburg Ramadan™

A Rantburg Ramadan – The Prequel ™

A Rantburg Ramadan – The Sequel ™

A Rantburg Ramadan Strikes Back™

Revenge of the Rantburg Ramadan™

Rantburg Ramadan Battles the Roller Maidens from Outer Space ™

Crouching Rantburg Hidden Ramadan™

Rantburg Ramadan’s Flying Circus™

A Rantburg Ramadan Meets Abbot and Costello™

A Rantburg Ramadan – First Blood™

A Rantburg Ramadan vs. King Kong™

Fear and Loathing In Rantburg Ramadan™

Rantburg Ramadan the 13th ™

Enter the Rantburg Ramadan™

Rantburg Ramadan Reloaded™

Post # 1:
Pit Roasted Hawg
Old Style Barbecued Pig
Submitted by Shipman

Post # 3:
The Mother of All Ramadan Soups
Barley and Bean Vegetable Soup
Submitted by anon1

Post # 19:
Classic American Comfort Food
Submitted by Zenster

Post # 20:
Club Sandwich
Classic American Lunch Order
Submitted by Zenster

Rantburg Ramadan of Arabia™

Post # 3:
Breakfast Burrito
Mexican Fusion Style Morning Meal
Submitted by Zenster
Posted by:Zenster

#4  Deviled Ham Salad
Sandwich Spread

Preparation Time: 15 Minutes

Serves: 8 People


2 Cups Minced or Ground Ham
2 Hard-Boiled Eggs
1 Small Onion (grated)
½ Cup Hellman’s Mayonnaise (once known as Best Foods)
1 TSP Sweet Pickle Relish (or more)
1 TSP Dill Pickle Relish (or chopped dill pickle)
1-2 TSP Mustard (yellow, brown, Colmans, Dijon or Creole)
1-2 TSP Prepared Horseradish (avoid cream style versions)
¼ TSP Celery Salt
⅛-¼ TSP Cracked Black Pepper


2 TBS Chopped Celery
1-2 TBS Minced Green Pepper
1 TBS Green Tomato Relish
1 TSP Minced Jalapeño Pepper (seeds and ribs removed)
1 Small Clove of Crushed Garlic (or powder)
Dash of Worcestershire Sauce
Dash of sweet pickle brine
Dash of dill pickle brine
Dash of white vinegar
Dash of liquid smoke

Substitute chopped bread & butter pickles for the sweet pickle relish


Pulp onion with grater or food processor. Mix together Mayonnaise, relish, mustard, horseradish and all other spice ingredients. Taste for correct flavor balance and spiciness. Without the ham or hard-boiled eggs the taste should be a bit strong. If garlic is added, you should not be able to notice the flavor. Run the cooked eggs through a slicing harp. Rotate ninety degrees and slice eggs with harp again to make a fine dice. Mince ham with sharp knife or grind in food processor. Slowly add the seasoned Mayonnaise mixture to the ham and eggs while tasting for flavor and checking consistency. If the mixture is runny, add a bit more Mayonnaise. If the salad is too dense, thin with a little white vinegar or pickle brine.

Spread on buttered toast or bread. Top with lettuce, sliced tomato or a paper-thin slice of onion plus extra dill pickle or mustard.

Note: This mixture can be blended into softened cream cheese to make a cheese ball for buffet parties. Shredded sharp Cheddar cheese may be added to accent the flavor.
Posted by: Zenster   2006-10-17 22:40  

#3  Ramadan Pork Ribs

Crock-pot Country Pork Ribs. This is a tasty dish that can be made during the day while youÂ’re out.

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking Time: 6 hours

Makes: 4 Servings

1. 1 large onion, pealed, sliced and separated into rings.
2. 3 – 4 lbs. country-style pork ribs.
3. 1 cup each, tomato juice and vegetable juice.
4. 2 Tbsp molasses.
5. 1 tsp Worcestershire Sauce.
6. 3 Tbsp Balsamic Vinegar.
7. 1 tsp Dijon mustard.
8. 1 tsp poultry seasoning.
9. Salt and pepper to taste.

Replace the Tomato and vegetable juice with Clamato Juice

1. Place Onion rings in the bottom of the crock-pot.
2. Place the ribs on top.
3. Wisk all the remaining ingredients together.
4. Reserve 1 cup and refrigerate this cup.
5. Pour the remaining sauce over the ribs, cover the pot.
6. Cook on high for 5 – 6 hours. Drain ribs, keep them warm.
7. In a small sauce pan, simmer the reserved sauce for 10 minutes; serve over the cooked ribs.
Posted by: Jack Bross   2006-10-17 20:29  

#2  Oops, hit the wrong key....forgot to add that it's a lot easier to just fry up the bacon strips and then dice them after they are cooked, but since most of youse guys on the 'burg are pretty smart you probably would have done it that way anyhow....
Posted by: Swamp Blondie   2006-10-17 17:36  

#1  Happily stolen & adapted from "Please to the Table: The Russian Cookbook"....

Lithuanian Kugelis

This is sort of like a scalloped potato recipe. It is vaguely related to kugel, but no way in hell is this kosher or halal. It's not diet food, either. Sorry.

1/4 lb sliced bacon, diced
2 large onions, finely chopped
3 lbs shredded hash browns, thawed (*)
1 c light cream or half and half
3 large egg yolks, slightly beaten
2 large egg whites
4 T unsalted butter
Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste

Saute the bacon over medium heat until it renders its fat. Remove from skillet and drain on paper towels.

Pour off all of the bacon fat except for 2 tablespoons. Add the onion and saute until deeply colored (approx 15 minutes over medium heat). Remove from heat and set aside.

In a large bowl, and I do mean a LARGE bowl, thoroughly combine the hash browns, onions, bacon, cream/half and half, and egg yolks. Season generously with salt and pepper.

In separate bowl, beat the egg whites until stiff. Gently fold into the potato mixture with a rubber spatula. Carefully transfer the mixture to a 13 x 9 in baking dish. Dot the top with butter.

Bake at 375 degrees for 45 minutes, or until the top is a lovely, crispy brown color.

Serve with sour cream, applesauce or lingonberry preserves. Goes great with polska kielbasa and a fresh loaf of rye or dark wheat bread.

(*) Yes, I didn't shred the potatoes myself. Why? Because I'm a lazy Amerikanerin who got tired of shredding my fingers and ending up with grayish potatoes in my kugelis.

If, however, you want to do it old school, get yourself 3 lbs of new potatoes. Shred 'em up either by hand or in a food processor. Wash in several changes of water. Squeeze the potatoes well in a cotton or linen cloth (not terry cloth, unless you are desperate for added fiber...yuk), to remove the excess water. it one more time just to be sure. This could take a while, so pull up a chair.

Or you could just get the #$%&-ing hash browns and save some time. Believe me, no one will know the difference, and it will save you some extra laundry to boot (the kitchen towels are disgusting when you're done, and paper towels just won't cut it).
Posted by: Swamp Blondie   2006-10-17 17:33  
