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Southeast Asia
Policeman and son gunned down in southern Thailand
A police officer and his 14-year-old son were gunned down in Pattani province on Tuesday morning. Police Senior Sergeant Maj Sathaporn Kongput, 50, was killed along with Patcharapon Kongput, his 14-year-old son, in Saiburi district.

The father and son were riding on a motorcycle on the way to the son's school when terrorists insurgents also on a motorcycle shot at them. They died at the scene. Both were hit in the head and torso. Spent cartridge cases from an M16 assault rifle and a 9 mm pistol were found at the scene.

Two surveillance cameras are installed at the site, but they were not working. Local police were on alert following a report that suspected terrorists insurgents planned to kill officials.
Posted by:ryuge

#1  Two surveillance cameras are installed at the site, but they were not working.

Posted by: Redneck Jim   2012-01-17 09:59  
