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Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Ukrainian Perspective: Invasion of Ukraine: May 1st, 2022
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Korrespondent] 22:52 Arestovich said that as a result of attacks on Russian headquarters, almost 200 people were killed within five days - "this is what has been established, but in fact there are more of them." Among them are at least 30 senior officers: "The senior officer who commanded the command post died, the elite Russian special forces were liquidated, who were guarding someone serious, many were killed. Whether Gerasimov was there - it's impossible to say for sure yet."

22:49 Arestovich said that the Russian army really has a lot of volunteers, "but they are only manpower, this is also not for long." According to him, of all those "who came in the last two weeks," no more than 30% survived.

22:47 The British edition of The Times reports, citing Ukrainian intelligence, that Russia has developed "clear plans" for an invasion of Moldova.

22:43 The Russians captured the driver of the evacuation bus in Popasna and recorded a propaganda interview with him, said the head of the Luhansk OVA Serhiy Gaidai: "The invaders forced him to say that the Ukrainian authorities are not engaged in evacuating people, that we left our own to their fate. Lies, which the Russians only live on. They kill, lie and destroy. I understand that Mikhail had no other option."

22:41 Scholz said that he is trying to change the position of several states that still remain "neutral" in relation to Russia after its attack on Ukraine. In particular, the chancellor plans to invite Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi as a special guest to the group's summit to be held in the Bavarian Alps from 26 to 28 June.

22:39 Russian invaders are shelling settlements 50 kilometers from Krivoy Rog from the occupied territory of the Kherson region, said Alexander Vilkul, chairman of the Krivoy Rog VA.

22:37 Lavrov said that Moscow "does not aim to change the Kiev regime - only the United States is doing this."

He also commented on the possibility of completing the "operation" of the Russian Federation by May 9: "Our military will not adjust their actions to any date, including Victory Day."

22:35 Biden insists on the inevitability of punishing Russia for military aggression against Ukraine: "Just as Putin decided to launch this brutal invasion, he could decide to end it. Russia is the aggressor, and the world must and will hold Russia accountable."

22:33 Finland plans to strengthen the defenses on the border with Russia, said the commander of the border service of North Karelia, Marko Turunen. He said that now only thin barbed wire fences separate Finland from the aggressor country, which can only hold animals.

22:17 At the end of the evacuation from Azovstal, the Russians again opened fire on the city, said the commander of the 12th operational brigade of the National Guard Denis Shlega.

22:03 Zelensky: "Today, Russian troops continued to strike at the territory of our state. The fact that they choose their targets proves once again that the war against Ukraine for the Russian army is a war of extermination. They hit the warehouses of agricultural enterprises. They destroyed the warehouse with grain. They also shelled a warehouse with fertilizers. They continued to hit residential areas in the Kharkiv region, the Donbass, etc. They are pulling up forces to the south of the country to try to attack our cities and communities in the Dnipropetrovsk region."

21:16 Japan's largest oil refinery Eneos Holdings Inc announced that it has no plans to buy Russian oil. The Japanese say they will not resume buying oil from Russia until "all the problems associated with Russia's invasion of Ukraine are resolved." The company organized alternative supplies from the Middle East.

21:14 The Azov Regiment provided unique footage of the rescue operation in Mariupol:

21:10 Zelensky is convinced that the war in Ukraine will not give Russia anything, but will only increase the number of states that will work to isolate the Russian Federation: "What can be Russia's strategic success in this war? Honestly, I don't know. Destroyed lives of people, burned or the stolen property of Russia will not give anything, it will only increase the toxicity of the Russian state and the number of those who will work to isolate Russia."

20:43 Adviser to the mayor of Mariupol, Petr Andryushchenko, published a video of the evacuation from Azovstal:

20:38 Zelensky spoke about the evacuation from Azovstal: "Today we finally managed to start the evacuation of people from Azovstal. After many weeks of negotiations, after many attempts, various meetings, calls and proposals. There was not a day that we did not try to find such a solution that will ensure the salvation of our people.Today, for the first time in all the days of the war, this vital corridor began to work.For the first time there was two days of a real ceasefire.

It was possible to take out more than a hundred civilians - women, children, who were fleeing the hostilities exactly there, precisely at Azovstal. Given all the complexity of the process, the first evacuees will arrive in Zaporozhye tomorrow morning. Our team will meet them there. I hope that tomorrow all the necessary conditions will also be met in order to continue the removal of people from Mariupol. We plan to start at eight in the morning."

20:27 Residents of Transnistria began to flee from there even to Odessa, said the speaker of the Odessa OVA Sergey Bratchuk: "They admit that we are safer, because there is a guarantor - the Armed Forces of Ukraine. They understand that what is happening there is preparation for a certain springboard for, possibly, armed provocations against Ukraine."

Bratchuk says that, in particular, "plans" for landings are being voiced: "If Russia really wants to land troops in Transnistria, they will fly over the territory of Ukraine, our Armed Forces will shoot down military aircraft."

20:25 Representative of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry Oleg Nikolenko trolled colleagues from the Russian Foreign Ministry after the comment of the press secretary of the Russian department Maria Zakharova about Angelina Jolie's visit to Ukraine: "I like it, I don't like it - but Moscow will have to come to terms with the new reality: Ukraine can call" the hyped representative of everything of the world" (as Zakharova called Jolie), but Russia is not. Even marginal stars of foreign show business are now denying the Russian regime."

20:14 Adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Vadim Denisenko does not exclude that on May 9 a statement will be made about the accession of the "LDNR" to Russia: "I think that somewhere in this direction they will move." According to him, it is customary in Russia to demonstrate new "achievements" by "big dates", and since it will not be possible to boast of military victories, Putin can take such a step.

19:25 Congressman Adam Kinzinger announced the submission of a draft joint resolution that would allow the use of US military forces to protect the territorial integrity of Ukraine if Putin intensifies the war against Ukraine, Arakhamia said.

19:16 In the occupied territories, the Russians are destroying medical infrastructure, taking out equipment and leaving the population without medical care, reports the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

19:11 The Mariupol City Council reported that with the support of the UN and the Red Cross, the evacuation of civilians from the territory of Azovstal began, and for security reasons, the evacuation of the civilian population of Mariupol, located in other parts of the city, was postponed to Monday, May 2. Meeting at 08:00 near the Port City shopping center.

19:00 Sanctions against Russia should be strengthened, and Finland is ready for more decisive action in this direction, Prime Minister Sanna Marin said: "Finland is ready to impose increasingly tough sanctions against Russia in order to end the war in Ukraine. Ukraine will also be provided support in the war and help in its restoration".

She also recalled that the purchase of Russian energy carriers is the financing of the war. In addition, the prime minister said that a decision on Finland's accession to NATO is expected before May 12.

18:54 Kuleba spoke with Borrell, discussed the next package of sanctions against Russia, which should include an oil embargo. "I also stressed that there can be no alternative to granting Ukraine the status of a candidate member of the EU. We paid special attention to further safe evacuation from the besieged Mariupol," the head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry wrote.

18:51 The number of criminal cases on the facts of war crimes of Russians in Ukraine has exceeded 9,000, Venediktova said. They concern, in particular, the death of civilians, the bombing or the deportation of people. Every day there are more such cases.

18:44 Poland became the first country among the potential guarantor states that publicly announced that it would not participate in such a peace agreement, which would provide for the surrender of part of the territory of Ukraine.

18:38 The first photos of the evacuees from Azovstal appeared:

18:32 The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation stated that "thanks to Putin's initiative" 80 civilians were taken out of the territory of Azovstal, all of them were evacuated to Bezymennoye. And the civilians "evacuated by the Russian military" who wished to leave for the territory controlled by Ukraine were "handed over to representatives of the UN and the International Committee of the Red Cross."

18:27 Since the beginning of the Russian invasion, about 1 million people have returned from Poland to Ukraine, and about 3 million have left in the opposite direction, according to Polish border guards. At the same time, more people have been returning to Ukraine in recent days than leaving it. So, on April 30, 26,800 Ukrainians returned across the Polish border, 23,500 left.

18:24 The President of Brazil is ready, together with the leaders of a number of countries, including Erdogan, to visit Moscow to resolve the situation in Ukraine, the Turkish Foreign Minister said.

18:08 Arsen Avakov said that the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Federation Valery Gerasimov was wounded near Izyum - he received a shrapnel wound to the right shin without a bone fracture.

At the same time, the Conflict Intelligence Team investigators reported that in Belgorod, near the border with Ukraine, aircraft of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Russian Guard were noticed, and soon two Mi-8 transport helicopters accompanied by Ka-52 attack helicopters arrived. One of the helicopters brought Gerasimov, who soon flew to Moscow. According to investigators, "Gerasimov was alive and well."

"This may be an indirect confirmation of the rumors that Gerasimov was present in the occupied Izyum," CIT said.

17:59 Kursk governor Roman Starovoit called the collapse of a railway bridge in the region a diversion, a criminal case was initiated.

17:57 Ukrzaliznytsia reports that its online services are down again due to enemy hacker attacks.

17:48 The potential of Russian hackers in cyber attacks on Ukraine has probably reached its maximum. According to the State Service for Special Communications, they have already demonstrated all available tools and technologies. Thanks to the sanctions, Russian hackers "will not be able to develop as they did before," the service said.

17:39 Zelensky confirmed that the evacuation of civilians from Azovstal has begun: the first group of about 100 people is already heading to the controlled territory , tomorrow they will be in Zaporozhye.

"Thank you to our team! They are currently working with UN representatives to evacuate the remaining civilians from the plant," the president wrote.

16:36 In the Belgorod region of the Russian Federation, a fire broke out near one of the facilities of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov said. Information about the victims and destruction is being specified.

16:08 Operational command Pivden clarified information about the explosion in the Nikolaev region with a huge column of smoke: the enemy got into an agricultural warehouse with fertilizers during the shelling. About 600 kg of fertilizer exploded, a fire broke out. Rescue services worked quickly, there is no chemical threat to the environment and people.

16:05 Russian publics write that in Belgorod, after a series of "claps", the bridge over the Seversky Donets was blocked. It is reported that the reason for the smoke seen by local residents is the explosion of an ammunition depot in Tomarovka, Belgorod Region. Also, local residents write that they saw helicopters in the sky before the “pops”.

16:01 Anton Gerashchenko writes that yesterday, as a result of an explosion in Izyum near the headquarters of the 2nd Army of the Russian Federation, a "large number" of Russian military officers were killed. We are talking about the headquarters where the headquarters of the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Federation Gerasimov, who personally came to lead the attack on Slavyansk, is located.

15:58 A conference of donors to help Ukraine will be held on May 5 in Warsaw. According to the Office of the Polish Prime Minister, the initiators were the Prime Ministers of Poland and Sweden Mateusz Morawiecki and Magdalena Andersson, and the President of the European Council Charles Michel and President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen will become partners of the event.

15:55 Russian media reported that a group of buses with about 40 refugees left the territory of Azovstal and the quarters adjacent to the plant in the direction of Novoazovsk. There are allegedly 18 men, 14 women, eight children on the buses.

15:54 In the Kursk region of the Russian Federation, a railway bridge partially collapsed, there were no casualties, the causes of the emergency are being investigated, the governor said.

15:49 In the Black Sea, the activation of the forces of the enemy fleet was recorded, in the Odessa region, the invaders continue to conduct reconnaissance using drones, OK Pivden reported.

15:45 On May 1, the NATO military exercises Defender of Europe and Rapid Response started . In total, 18,000 soldiers from more than 20 countries, including about 7,000 soldiers and 3,000 pieces of equipment in Poland, will take part in the exercises, which will take place on the territory of Poland and eight other countries, the Ministry of National Defense of Poland said.

15:34 The Russian Embassy in Germany is spreading lies about the war in Ukraine, and this may have consequences for the so-called "diplomats", German Interior Minister Nancy Feser said in an interview with Handelsblatt: "Some platforms on the Internet create ideal conditions for disinformation campaigns and war propaganda. The Russian embassy also uses this."

She also recalled that the government had already expelled 40 "diplomats" suspected of espionage from the country, and warned that lying on social networks could have additional consequences for the Russian embassy - Germany has "other options."

15:32 Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi, after a visit to Kiev, answered the question of whether Putin would provoke an increase in the supply of American weapons to Ukraine for something "significantly worse": "Let me express only my personal opinion. Do not allow hooligans to intimidate you "If they threaten, you can't back down. We're here to fight, and you can't give in to a bully."

15:30 The head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, in honor of Labor Day, reminded Ukrainian migrants in the EU about the opportunity to get a job: "On this Labor Day, I express my respect to the people who are fleeing the war in Ukraine and are rebuilding their lives in the EU. In Europe, they can access labor markets and be recognized for their skills. Thank you to all EU countries and Europeans who help them integrate."

15:28 The consequences of two months of hostilities for the environment are comparable to the annual emissions of a metallurgical enterprise, the Ministry of Ecology reported.

15:03 Ambassador Andriy Melnyk proposes that Germany adopt a law on lend-lease for Ukraine, following the example of the United States. He stated this in an interview with Bild am Sonntag.

14:40 The Pope called the war in Ukraine "a terrible regression of humanity." In his Sunday sermon, he said he was "suffering and weeping" because of the war. Francis called the bombardment and destruction of Mariupol barbaric and called for a humanitarian corridor for the people at Azovstal.

13:57 In the Sinelnikovsky district of the Dnipropetrovsk region, a rocket hit the warehouses of agricultural enterprises - one was empty, the other with grain. Now both are destroyed, people were not injured, said the head of the OVA, Valentin Reznichenko.

13:19 The city council of Mariupol reports that the evacuation of the civilian population in Zaporozhye is possible today. Gathering of people at 16:00 near the Port City shopping center.

12:32 How the course of the war in Ukraine has changed since February 24:

12:30 Russia deployed an air defense system at the Belarusian airfield in Zyabrovka, Gomel region. According to the Belaruska Gayun monitoring group, despite the withdrawal of most of the Russian forces and equipment from the territory of Belarus, at least eight units of the S-400 air defense system, the Pantsir air defense missile system, several types of radar systems and other military equipment are based at the airfield. It is visible on satellite images of the object.

12:28 Ukrainian Ambassador to Berlin Andriy Melnik in an interview with Bild am Sonntag: "The fear of becoming a participant in the war by supplying weapons is complete nonsense. For Putin, Germany has long been a party to the war. Anyone who wants to prevent the escalation of their war should help us now put Putin in his place. A Russian victory in Ukraine would be the worst thing that could happen to Germany."

12:26 Counterattacks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kharkiv region can reduce the pressure of Russian troops on residential areas of the regional center, analysts at the American Institute for the Study of War say. According to them, over the past three days, Ukrainian troops have removed the danger of cordoning off the suburbs east of Kharkov.

Counterattacks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine can also force the Russian invaders to transfer their units to the Izyum direction.

12:24 The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation stated that Onyx missiles in the Odessa region at a military airfield destroyed a hangar "with weapons delivered to Ukraine from the West." Also, Russian aviation allegedly destroyed two Ukrainian S-300 complexes in the area of ​​Artemovsk and Zaporozhye, and two Tochka-U missiles were shot down over Tokmok.

12:23 The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation stated that on April 30, two groups of civilians, a total of 46 people, left residential buildings nearby Azovstal, "they were provided with accommodation and food."

12:22 The SBU neutralized the enemy DRG, which was preparing a terrorist attack - it was going to shoot down a passenger plane over the territory of Russia or Belarus, in order to later blame Ukraine for this.

12:16 Speaker of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Volodin proposes to confiscate business assets from unfriendly countries located on its territory in response to a possible confiscation of Russian assets in the West with their subsequent transfer to Ukraine.

12:14 A Wall of Remembrance in honor of the Ukrainians who died in the war appeared on Galician Square in Lviv. It was created by American Leo Soto from Miami.

12:09 Finland is preparing to cut off gas supplies from Russia, local newspaper Helsingin Sanomat writes. The government of the country does not agree with the condition of paying for gas in rubles. State-owned Gasum must notify Russia of its decision by May 20.

12:00 During the day, the Russian occupiers delivered three blows to Kharkov: Saltovka, Pyatikhatki and the airport area suffered, Oleg Sinegubov, head of the OVA, said. Also, according to him, in the morning the invaders again fired at the Dergachev community, there is one victim.

Due to heavy shelling, the Kharkiv OVA is urging residents of the northern and eastern districts of Kharkiv not to come out of hiding during the day, even if there is no air raid alert.

11:48 In Kakhovka, Kherson region, Russian invaders kidnapped deputy Igor Protokovilo, the city council said.

11:39 Russia is using a troll factory to spread disinformation about the war in Ukraine on social networks around the world, British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss said: “We cannot allow the Kremlin and its shadow troll farms to invade our online spaces with their lies about an illegal war Putin".

The British government has warned international partners of the danger and will continue to work closely with allies and media platforms to undermine Russian intelligence operations, she added.

11:27 The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine announced the approximate losses of the enemy on the morning of May 1:

  • personnel - about 23,500 (+300) people liquidated,

  • tanks - 1026 (+18),

  • armored fighting vehicles - 2471 (+26),

  • artillery systems - 451 (+15),

  • MLRS - 151 (+0),

  • air defense systems - 80 (+3),

  • aircraft - 192 (+2),

  • helicopters - 155 (+0),

  • automotive equipment and tankers - 1796 (+20),

  • ships/boats - 8 (+0),

  • UAV operational-tactical level - 245 (+13),

  • special equipment - 32 (+0),

  • cruise missiles - 84.

11:12 The head of the Nikolaev OVA, Vitaly Kim, said that Russian troops were hit with saltpeter, the air in the region is clean.

11:03 The Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense reports that a large circulation of a newspaper dated May 2, 2022 has been published in Pridnestrovie. The central material of the newspaper is "Official appeal of the inhabitants of the "PMR" to the President of Russia Putin."

The text contains a request "to involve the armed forces of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic in the actions of the Russian army." To do this, "mobilization points" are being opened on the territory of Russia itself to recruit volunteers to fight in the army of Transnistria.

Intelligence notes that the Kremlin is thus trying to legalize thousands of its military, who will arrange provocations from the territory of the "MRT".

10:41 The Ministry of Infrastructure has decided to close the occupied ports of Berdyansk, Mariupol, Skadovsk and Kherson until the territories are liberated.

10:39 Zelensky awarded the Order of Princess Olga of the III degree to the speaker of the House of Representatives of the US Congress Nancy Pelosi. The presidential decree says that Pelosi was awarded the order for "a significant personal contribution to strengthening Ukrainian-American interstate cooperation, support for a sovereign, independent and democratic Ukraine."

10:38 Japan and Vietnam call for an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine, and also oppose strikes on civilians. This was stated by Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida following the talks held in Hanoi with his Vietnamese counterpart Pham Min Chin.

10:37 Arestovich on the prospects for the Russian army: "Before our eyes, the professionalism of the armed forces is growing. It is being added by leaps and bounds. This means one thing - the forecast for the Russian army is unfavorable in Ukraine. The defeat could come exactly by May 9."

10:32 Ukraine has established daily grain exports to Germany. From March to April, ÖBB's Rail Cargo Group (RCG) already transported 60 thousand tons of grain by rail, which ran every other day. Now this route will become daily for at least three months, according to RailFreight.

The RCG grain train runs from Ukraine via Cerna (Slovakia) to Brak in northern Germany. Of the 30 trains, five will remain in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, while 25 trains will go to Germany.

10:31 Italian humanitarian organization Cesvi allocates the first 500 thousand euros for the restoration of the Ukrainian Bucha and plans to raise more thanks to charitable contributions.

10:07 The sounds of explosions in Odessa are the result of the work of air defense, said the speaker of the Odessa OVA Sergey Bratchuk. An enemy reconnaissance drone was working over Odessa, it was destroyed by a hit by Ukrainian air defense.

10:00 The occupiers cut off communications and the Internet in the Kherson and part of the Zaporozhye regions, according to the State Service for Communications. The reasons for the lack of communication were breaks in the fiber-optic trunk lines and disconnection from the power supply of the equipment of operators in these regions.

In parallel with the disconnection of Ukrainian operators, fake messages began to spread on enemy information resources that the Ukrainian authorities had given the order to disconnect communications. The department emphasizes that this is not true.

Russian media write with reference to the "Crimean authorities" that "Ukraine has disconnected the Kherson region from mobile communications and the Internet, thereby defiantly abandoning these territories."

09:53 On May 1, evacuation is planned from Severodonetsk, Lysichansk and Rubizhne, as well as from the Mountain community in the Luhansk region. The head of the OVA, Sergei Gaidai, urges people to evacuate while it is possible.

09:51 Russia must withdraw all its troops from the territory of Ukraine, only after that it will be possible to talk about establishing peace in Europe and lifting sanctions, said German Defense Minister Annalen Berbock.

"A ceasefire can only be the first step. Peace on terms dictated by Russia will not bring the desired security to either Ukraine or Europe," Burbock said. She also predicted that there would be no return to the days before February 24: "We will never again be able to rely only on Putin's promises."

09:48 Russia is trying to attract third countries in order to minimize the devastating consequences of sanctions, the Ukrainian Defense Ministry's Main Intelligence Directorate reports. According to military intelligence, Russia wants to organize the production of components for its military products in the CSTO countries, and is also negotiating with Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan to re-export Russian products to international markets.

09:46 Ukraine plans to complete work on the second part of the questionnaire to obtain the status of a candidate for admission by the end of next week, Deputy Prime Minister Olga Stefanishyna said.

09:43 Russian saboteurs can penetrate into Britain. MI5 officers informed Home Secretary Priti Patel of the high-level threat, the Express reported. It was instructed to strengthen the monitoring of tourists.

09:37 Zaluzhny phoned U.S. Chief of Staff Mark Milley and discussed the transition of the Ukrainian army to NATO-style weapons, the logistics of delivering weapons to Ukraine and control over supplies, and the difficult situation in the Izyum-Slavic direction.

09:29 Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi arrived in Kiev, they have already met with Zelensky.

08:45 British intelligence notes in its daily report that Russia is trying to "legitimize" its administrative power in Kherson and the surrounding area. The new "authorities" declare the impossibility of returning the region to Ukraine and introduce ruble circulation from May 1. This speaks to the Kremlin's plans to establish its political and economic influence in Kherson on a long-term basis.

Strong control over the Kherson region will increase Russia's ability to move north and west. It will also increase the security of Russia's positions in Crimea.

08:43 After a hunger strike in Bucha, Lyubov Panchenko, a sixties artist, died at the age of 85, Bucha Mayor Anatoly Fedoruk said: “She is one of the sixties patriots who, despite pressure from the Kremlin, developed Ukrainian culture during the Soviet censorship. She could not break in the KGB, but the artist suffered greatly during the new Russian invasion."

08:40 The leader of the German opposition, the head of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) Friedrich Merz is going to Kiev. According to Bild sources, he is going to visit the capital of Ukraine on Monday, May 2.

08:28 There are stubborn street battles in Orekhovo near Lisichansk, said the head of the Luhansk OVA Serhiy Gaidai. According to him, the enemy tried to storm Zolote-4, but the enemy groups, which entered under the cover of tanks, were driven back.

08:20 Blinken phoned Kuleba, discussed plans for the return of American diplomats to Ukraine, "including the first visits to Lviv this week and plans to return to Kiev as soon as possible," as well as providing $ 33 billion for security, economic and humanitarian aid "to give Ukraine the opportunity to win the Kremlin's shameless war."

07:57 To increase the pace of the offensive operation, the command of the armed forces of the Russian Federation continues to take measures to strengthen the strike potential of its troops, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reports in the morning report . Armaments and military equipment removed from storage in the Western, Central, Eastern military districts and the Northern Fleet are transferred by rail to the regions bordering Ukraine.

A difficult situation is noted in the Slobozhansky direction: the enemy grouping continues to inflict air strikes and fire artillery on Kharkov. The occupiers are carrying out offensive operations in the directions of Izyum - Barvenkovo ​​and Izyum - Slavyansk. The strengthening of the enemy strike force continues. Up to 300 units of weapons and military equipment were moved to certain areas, and about a thousand mobilized people from ORDLO arrived.

For the purpose of air defense of the advancing troops in four areas, the enemy deployed two anti-aircraft missile divisions armed with the Buk-M2 air defense system and the Tor-M air defense system.

02:55 Johnson after phone conversations with Zelensky: "I spoke with President Volodymyr Zelensky to determine how the UK will continue to provide military and humanitarian assistance to provide Ukrainians with the equipment they need to protect. I am more than ever committed to strengthening Ukraine and ensure Putin's failure."

02:33 In the Kherson region, artillery fire of the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed the enemy electronic warfare station Reppelent-1. According to OK Pivden, another attack on enemy targets on Zmeiny destroyed three anti-aircraft installations, an anti-aircraft missile system Strela-10, as well as a communication machine - a server room with telecommunications equipment. In addition, 42 Russian invaders were destroyed.

02:12 The invaders kidnapped the head of the village of Zmievka, Kherson region, Nikolai Kurivchak. Before that, the invaders carried out searches throughout the village, said the deputy of the regional council, Igor Iosipenko.

01:56 The speaker of the Odessa military administration, Sergei Bratchuk, said that the Odessa air defense "works very well": "The score on enemy aircraft is 7:0 in favor of Odessa."

00:37 Zelensky addressed the Russian soldiers: “We know that the Russian command is preparing for new big losses. New people are recruited into those units whose personnel was almost completely destroyed or significantly weakened in March-April. With weak motivation. weak combat experience. They just want to get the right amount. So that they can throw these units on the offensive ... But why do Russian soldiers themselves? Why do their relatives? Russian commanders lie to their soldiers when they say that some kind of serious responsibility for refusing to fight. And at the same time they do not tell, for example, about the preparation by the Russian army of additional refrigerators for storing corpses. They do not tell what new "planned" losses the generals are expecting."
Posted by:badanov

#3   Zelensky awarded the Order of Princess Olga of the III degree to the speaker of the House of Representatives of the US Congress Nancy Pelosi.

Our little Nancy is finally a princess. My heart swells.
Posted by: SteveS   2022-05-02 13:38  

#2  Haha. He called Angelina Jolie a "marginal star".

Posted by: Javiter Dark Lord of the Faith7963   2022-05-02 13:10  

#1  Ukraine war: Families hide in cellars as Russia targets Donbas region
Posted by: Skidmark   2022-05-02 10:30  
