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Africa Horn
Somali, AU Forces Seize Strategic Town From Al Shabaab
[RADIOSHABELLE] Somalia National Army (SNA) backed by the African Union
...a union consisting of 53 African states, most run by dictators of one flavor or another. The only all-African state not in the AU is Morocco. Established in 2002, the AU is the successor to the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), which was even less successful...
peacekeeping mission (AMISOM) on Saturday captured several strategic locations in Lower Shabelle region, officials said.

Deputy Governor of Lower Shabelle Region Abdifitah Haji Abdulle said forces liberated Bariri, Sabib, Anole and Marerey locations that had been vital for Death Eater group al-Shabaab
... an Islamic infestation centering on Somalia...
’s operations.

"Somali National Army’s Commandos together with international partners captured several strategic areas including Bariri town about 60 km south of Mogadishu this morning, there was resistance from al-Shabaab. Bariri was a stronghold of the terrorist Death Eaters," Abdulle said.

Witnesses said the forces of Evil retreated and abandoned the town. Abdulle said that the joint forces are still in an operation to pursue the Death Eaters.

"The Somali flag has been hoisted in all the areas now after the withdrawal of the terrorists, residents and others who have farms and houses can come and visit them, this is a successful operation," he said.

Independent sources said Somali Commandos (Danab) backed by U.S. forces in the region carried out the operation and there has been increased joint operations by the allied forces in many parts in southern Somalia.

Posted by:Fred