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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 6.
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1 HALLOWEEN BIG ED- when I was a kid, it was a cruel joke to take an old pocketbook (yard sale material) fill it with Cow or horse meadow muffins...then leave the pocket book in the middle of the road! You guessed it- hide behind a wall, wait and see who stops to pick up the million dollar pocketbook. (TRICK OR TREAT). Andrea 2005-02-19 3:15:56 PM
2 HALLOWEEN BIG ED- when I was a kid, it was a cruel joke to take an old pocketbook (yard sale material) fill it with Cow or horse meadow muffins...then leave the pocket book in the middle of the road! You guessed it- hide behind a wall, wait and see who stops to pick up the million dollar pocketbook. (TRICK OR TREAT). Andrea 2005-02-19 3:15:56 PM
3 Andrea BIG ED- when I was a kid, it was a cruel joke to take an old pocketbook (yard sale material) fill it with Cow or horse meadow muffins...then leave the pocket book in the middle of the road! You guessed it- hide behind a wall, wait and see who stops to pick up the million dollar pocketbook. (TRICK OR TREAT). Andrea 2005-02-19 3:14:41 PM
4 Andrea BIG ED- when I was a kid, it was a cruel joke to take an old pocketbook (yard sale material) fill it with Cow or horse meadow muffins...then leave the pocket book in the middle of the road! You guessed it- hide behind a wall, wait and see who stops to pick up the million dollar pocketbook. (TRICK OR TREAT). Andrea 2005-02-19 3:14:41 PM
5 Andrea BIG ED- when I was a kid, it was a cruel joke to take an old pocketbook (yard sale material) fill it with Cow or horse meadow muffins...then leave the pocket book in the middle of the road! You guessed it- hide behind a wall, wait and see who stops to pick up the million dollar pocketbook. (TRICK OR TREAT). Andrea 2005-02-19 3:10:06 PM
6 Andrea BIG ED- when I was a kid, it was a cruel joke to take an old pocketbook (yard sale material) fill it with Cow or horse meadow muffins...then leave the pocket book in the middle of the road! You guessed it- hide behind a wall, wait and see who stops to pick up the million dollar pocketbook. (TRICK OR TREAT). Andrea 2005-02-19 3:10:06 PM