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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 3.
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1 RD To The Vast Turd Pile Of Paki Generals and Paki Pols who have Continued to RIP Everyone of US American Citizens OFF... First, Continue staying Drunk, as per usual. Then Round Up your Most Virulent Diseased Goatz and Sheep and load them all up In one of the Turbo-Prop Transports we also paid for assholes. And Last Proceed To Take a Flying Fuck Junket Over Wazoo-Land with your favorite Farm Yard Animals! To the Paki-Pols and Paki-Generals: If you cheese dicks happen to buy the farm while fornicating with your favorite goats and sheep at 10,000m, 15,000m, or 20,000m SO BE IT!]
Come back when you're sober.
2008-11-15 19:47
2 Enver Pherens2580 I forgot what I was going to say. 2008-11-15 06:10
3 Mattinhagma to: Admin - If You want to delete your site from my spam list, please sent url of your domain to my emai: And I will remove your site from my base within 24 hours webmastegz 2008-11-15 00:58