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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 1.
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1 Anonymous #1, Muslims do honor killing, it is extremely rare in Hindu families, although, they have their share of crazy people. It is true that some of the married Hindu women are abused and on rare occasions, murdered by in-laws, because the brides did not bring the dowry which was promised in their arranged marriages. There are examples on the contrary, one in Hindu myth and two during Mogal (Muslim) dynasty in India’s past, in which women made suicide in order to protect their or family dignity but they were not killed. At the worst, you may say, they were persuaded to commit suicide. Female were free and respectable members of society in ancient India, they went into hiding during the long Muslim dynasty because ruling Muslims were abducting them. Hindu women recovered a little bit during British rule, but never as they were in ancient times. History repeats. The west can only ill-afford to allow repeat of this chapter of history. 2004-12-06 2:45:16 PM