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2015-10-01 China-Japan-Koreas
Mr. Kim told to switch to rice, no more dog meat farming.
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Posted by Besoeker 2015-10-01 14:58|| || Front Page|| [21 views ]  Top

#1 Someone needs to be sent to diversity training. Imposing evil western standards. How imperialistic. Next they'll want to stop child rapists in Afghanistan.
Posted by Procopius2k 2015-10-01 17:15||   2015-10-01 17:15|| Front Page Top

#2 Haven't you heard? Asians are the new whites.
Posted by Betty Hitler2611 2015-10-01 17:18||   2015-10-01 17:18|| Front Page Top

#3 Hot dog! That's good news!
Posted by gorb 2015-10-01 17:23||   2015-10-01 17:23|| Front Page Top

#4 I'll adopt a Chihuahua and a Lamborgini.
Posted by Besoeker 2015-10-01 17:34||   2015-10-01 17:34|| Front Page Top

#5 What a collosal waste of money that could have been spent on say liberating slaves.
Posted by phil_b 2015-10-01 18:49||   2015-10-01 18:49|| Front Page Top

#6 I know for a fact that MEL "THE PATRIOT" GIBSON said dog made a fine meal, espec iff the Owner(s) was British or Tory.


AFAIK historically eating dog was, + remains, considered a delicacy in Imperial China + many parts of Asia.
Posted by JosephMendiola 2015-10-01 22:26||   2015-10-01 22:26|| Front Page Top

#7 Dogs were domesticated by early humans to help catch lunch, and if they couldn't catch lunch, they were lunch.
Posted by phil_b 2015-10-01 22:40||   2015-10-01 22:40|| Front Page Top

23:54 JosephMendiola
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22:57 Blossom Unains5562
22:47 Blossom Unains5562
22:40 phil_b
22:30 James
22:29 JosephMendiola
22:26 JosephMendiola
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22:21 JosephMendiola
22:07 M. Murcek
21:23 Besoeker
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20:55 Besoeker
20:54 Besoeker
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19:55 Betty Hitler2611
19:38 Betty Hitler2611

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