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2016-12-19 Home Front: Culture Wars
Feldman: All the News the Editors See Fit to Print
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Posted by badanov 2016-12-19 00:00|| || Front Page|| [10 views ]  Top

#1 In Germany and I suppose in other countries news is currently going the same way as here. Contrary opinion is fake news to the established order of things. Fake News.
Then this; Heiko Maas wants to up to five years in prison for "fake news"? the end of the German Journalists Association (Djv) is coming
Heiko Maas has justice courts calls against fake news in social networks. Should, therefore, the entire image-editing now spend behind bars.
The Spirit of the "Guardianship and Regency Government" - a slogan of the gdr-Civil Rights Movement of 1989-seems to be back. It also fits the recent announcement by the minister for internal affairs Boris Pisto Rius, you'll need in Germany for journalists a new " Official Press Card ", the authorities can guarantee you a professional rapporteur ' years ago ".
The New Id should " by recognised bodies.
It is, that's for sure, and in order. The established want themselves, without interference from other, decide what truth is and who is a journalist. Since they apparently even in this increasingly use of propaganda to further their credibility is waning, which, in turn, increased the pressure of public opinion "under control". There is a vicious circle, a delusional, ghostly staging in whose current act the chief propagandist themselves become fighters for the pure truth.
The audience for this performance is hardly a standing ovation.
A brief look at recent history shows why the worry more than is justified. For example, in 1990, there were almost all newspapers and television stations that Iraqi soldiers in occupied kuwait infants from incubators and cracks on the cold floor die miserably. The news hit, the "International Community" was outraged and George Bush could his long-planned invasion of Iraq started.
What followed was the first Iraq war, sanctions, and around 1.500.000 deaths. It turned out later that the story was a perfect lie the PR Agency Hill & Knowlton on behalf of the Kuwaiti government in exile. A hoax or "fake news", as you can today, so to speak.
Almost ten years later, in April 1999, the German media also showed how far-reaching "fake news" Mingle. In Kosovo, the serbs pursued a " Horseshoe plan "; kosovars in catacombs were rounded up, humanity needs now is a " second " Prevent Auschwitz. Also in the news ran these stories, as in a mirror and all other so "serious" quality media. The Germans believed the stories that were outraged and the red-Green Government could the people on the first German aggression. Since 1945 The truth of these stories? It was lies, "fake news", about 13.000 victims.
That "fake news" are of paramount body, proved us secretary of state Colin Powell on 5. February 2003 in front of the un security council. Would faktenreich - today it looks more like "post" - in fact he presented evidence from which clearly showed that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction. And since the source yes beyond any doubt, showed the media worldwide Powell's Powerpoint slides and bush jr., Blair and their ' Coalition of the willing ' to back for the second Iraq war. Weapons of mass destruction were found, Powell's " evidence " were forgeries, the reports of " fake news ".
Justice Minister calls for tough action against "fake news"
Part Commentary from the " fake news "- hysteria and the new " Guardian scientific state ". by Paul Schreyer
Fake news? It's an old hat
#Fakenews #post in fact
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Posted by Dale 2016-12-19 06:50||   2016-12-19 06:50|| Front Page Top

#2 The reporters were often grizzled veterans of the world who drank hard, smoked a lot, and believed no one or nothing without evidence.

That was the old Master-Journeyman-Apprentice trade times, before academics got into the act and the money flow to 'certify' the process with a piece of paper and indoctrinate along the way. See - Academic-Technological Complex
Posted by Procopius2k 2016-12-19 07:44||   2016-12-19 07:44|| Front Page Top

#3 There is no Pravda in Izvestia and no Izvestia in Pravda.
Posted by Sgt.D.T. 2016-12-19 21:06||   2016-12-19 21:06|| Front Page Top

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