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2023-01-26 Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Ukrainian Perspective: Invasion of Ukraine: January 25th, 2023
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Korrespondent] 23:20 The Turkish NTV channel reported that in the port of Kherson, the Russians last night got into the Tuzla ship flying the Turkish flag, there were no people on board, a fire broke out.

22:51 Australia has joined the countries that will help create a special tribunal for war crimes of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, said Foreign Minister Penny Wong.

22:48 The largest oil and gas company in Germany and Europe, Wintershell Dea, through a joint venture with Gazprom, supplied paraffin for Russian aviation involved in attacks on a high-rise building in the Dnieper and a shopping center in Kremenchug, according to a joint investigation by Spiegel and ZDF.

22:43 German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, after several weeks of negotiations, finally agreed to transfer Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine. Not only American and European politicians, but also social networks convinced Germany to make this decision. About the reaction of the Network to the decision of Scholz - in the material Tankeshon .

22:14 Zelensky, in an evening video message, called the transfer of tanks to Ukraine a historic achievement of the leaders: "The key now is speed and volume. The speed of training of our military, the speed of delivery of tanks to Ukraine. The volume of tank support. We must form such a tank fist, such a fist of freedom, after whose blows tyranny will not rise again."

The President also spoke in more detail about his today's conversation with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg: "We must also open the supply of long-range missiles for Ukraine, it is important - we must expand our cooperation in artillery, we must enter the supply of aircraft for Ukraine. And this is a dream. And it's a task."

22:02 The war in Ukraine has entered a phase when both sides are preparing for a decisive offensive. The confidence with which future offensives by Russia and Ukraine are being discussed is already so great that the conversation is not about the possibility of such operations, but about the time when they begin, and the direction of the strikes. Read more in the material Offensive at the front: who will start it and where?

21:17 The Russians are increasing pressure on the Bakhmut and Ugledar directions, Deputy Defense Minister Anna Malyar said: "Heavy battles are underway. The enemy throws a significant amount of personnel, weapons and military equipment into battle, trying to break through our defenses, suffers significant losses, but does not give up of their plans. The intensity of the fighting is growing. Now in the Donbass, against their advantage in the number of fighters and weapons, our advantage is in the professionalism of the military command and the courage of the soldiers."

21:10 Zaluzhny declared zero tolerance for corruption in the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces of Ukraine: “Zero tolerance for corruption is confessed in the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Therefore, any information about its possible manifestations must be carefully checked, received a legal assessment and an appropriate response. Shifting responsibility or guilt subordinates to leaders not only harms the cause, but also contradicts the management principles of NATO, to which we are striving to move. This applies to both the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces."

20:18 France plans to send the first AMX10-RC wheeled light tanks to Ukraine in February, said Defense Minister Sebastian Lecornu. At the same time, Paris does not name the specific amount of equipment that is planned to be transferred to Ukraine, for security reasons.

19:42 Minister of Defense of Norway Bjorn Aril Gram confirmed the transfer of Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine. He did not name the number of vehicles, but the media wrote about eight units the day before.

19:29 Slovakia is ready to discuss the transfer of its MiG-29s to Ukraine, Defense Minister Yaroslav Nagy said. He also said that his country is ready to send 30 T-72 tanks to Ukraine if it receives Western vehicles as replacements.

19:26 Zelensky said that he met with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi - this is his third visit since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia. During the meeting, they discussed the importance of urgent access to Ukrainian citizens deported to Russia and the protection of their rights. Separately, we considered the topic of mass illegal export of Ukrainian children by Russia.

19:23 Biden said that the goal of Western partners is to create at least two tank battalions for Ukraine. According to him, hundreds of armored vehicles, including tanks, will be handed over to Kyiv in the coming weeks - the crews have already been trained.

The US President also said that Washington expects an increase in Russian offensive operations in Ukraine in the coming weeks, and assured that the actions of the West in the context of Ukraine do not pose a threat to the Russian Federation. According to him, the US wants a settlement in Ukraine on fair and lasting terms.

19:15 Biden said that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are preparing for a counteroffensive: "Ukraine is fighting for its independence, and we will help it in this."

19:05 The White House confirmed the dispatch of 31 M1 Abrams tanks to Ukraine, they will form one tank battalion. At the same time, the Biden administration reported that it would take months to deliver the equipment. Ukraine will also receive eight repair and recovery vehicles for servicing tanks. In addition, the US is starting to work on a program to train Ukrainian tank crews to use Abrams tanks.

In general, Kyiv will receive hundreds of armored vehicles from the West, in particular tanks, to solve problems within the framework of the next operations, the White House clarified and expressed the hope that the supply of weapons will help return Ukrainian territories, including Crimea. According to an administration official, Washington does not tell Kyiv where to strike and where to conduct offensive operations.

The White House also reported that Biden spoke by phone with the leaders of France, Germany, Italy and Britain as part of coordinating support for Ukraine.

18:58 The United States asked Israel to send Ukraine MIM-23 Hawk air defense systems, which were decommissioned and sent to warehouses, but were refused, Axios reports, citing representatives of the American and Israeli authorities. The Israeli Ministry of Defense recalled that the country still does not supply weapons to Ukraine, and the MIM-23 Hawk systems are not in working order due to long storage without proper maintenance.

18:37 Ukraine received two more Bayraktar TB2 drones from the Turkish company Baykar. According to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, the Baykar company transferred them free of charge to help the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

18:35 Zelensky said that he had discussed with Stoltenberg the further consolidation of partners to support Ukraine, including the expansion of the tank coalition, the unlocking of fundamentally new types of weapons. They also spoke about the necessary steps towards further integration into NATO.

18:12 Reznikov said that he had spoken with Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin: "We discussed the results of the Ramstein-8 meeting, further strengthening of the Ukrainian army, including the supply of tanks and the maintenance of new weapons. More good news will be announced soon."

18:06 Soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have completely moved away from the settlement of Soledar, Donetsk region. The Armed Forces of Ukraine completed the main task: they did not allow Russian troops to systematically break through the front line in the Donetsk direction and enter the rear, and then move to the operational space. More details - in the material Trap for the enemy .

18:03 UNESCO recognized the historical center of Odessa as an object of historical heritage under threat. The city's application was supported by six countries, Russia voted against.

17:59 At least two weeks will pass from the moment the offensive group is formed in Belarus to its possible invasion of Ukraine, head of the State Border Service Sergei Deineko said. According to him, at present the enemy has not created a single offensive grouping on the territory of Belarus, so there are no real threats to Ukraine from this direction now.

"We will have at least two weeks. Our intelligence is working very well, steadily. No enemy plans can be hidden from our intelligence officers," Deineko assured. He added that between 6,000 and 10,000 Russian servicemen are now in Belarus, who are participating in joint exercises. The Ukrainian military is monitoring the situation and is ready for any development of events.

17:55 Reznikov announced changes in military catering, which should be implemented within 4-5 months. In particular, a flexible but unified menu system will be introduced, which will be based not on money and calories, but on units of measure and calories - this is a common approach in NATO. The new menu will take into account the special nutritional requirements of species, genera and forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. There are also plans to develop a vegan, halal, kosher menu and a lenten menu of the Christian tradition.

17:48 The Russians today hit one of the districts of Zaporozhye, as a result of which a private house was destroyed. According to preliminary information, one person died, said Anatoly Kurtev, secretary of the City Council.

17:17 The ECtHR announced its decision on the admissibility of the interstate case Ukraine and the Netherlands v. Russia. This is the first case on the occupation of the East of Ukraine in 2014 and another court decision to bring the Russian Federation to international legal responsibility, Yermak said.

The case concerns Russia's administrative practice of human rights violations in the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions since 2014, as well as the downing of MH17. The decision will help hold the Russian Federation accountable for the occupation of Ukrainian territories, human rights violations and other crimes.

16:56 Bloomberg writes that the United States will send 31 Abrams tanks to Ukraine. Biden is expected to speak today at 19:00 Kyiv time on the issue of military assistance to Ukraine.

16:41 The Russians are trying to recruit about 150 Belarusian repairmen to work at the ZNPP. According to Energoatom, they are needed in order to hastily repair the damage resulting from shelling, which the Russians themselves arrange. The Russian occupants fail to force the Ukrainian nuclear scientists to cooperate.

16:33 Podolyak predicts that Russia will resort to offensive actions in the short term, but will lose a lot of personnel, forces and means. As part of the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Russia will suffer two to four significant defeats, "and it is after this that the processes of disintegration and final demoralization in the Russian army will become irreversible."

According to the adviser to the head of the Presidential Office, protests will begin in the Russian Federation not of a political, but of a social nature - because of loved ones lost in the war. At this time, internal strife will begin in Putin's entourage, there will be a classic Russian search for the guilty, the power verticals will weaken and begin to rapidly decline.

Podolyak predicts that the Ukrainian army will stop at the borders of 1991, and an uncontrolled political transformation will begin in Russia. As a result, the temporarily formed government of the Russian Federation will begin real negotiations on responsibility for crimes in Ukraine and on demilitarization zones on the border.

"The date for the implementation of this scenario depends on the tools available to Ukraine - on when Ukraine will receive the exact number of well-defined weapons. Ukraine has provided our partner Alliance with specific numbers and names. Now we are at the stage when the war is a reasonable mathematical model. The formula is simple: you want end the war as soon as possible - give Ukraine more weapons that we ask for in a timely manner," Podolyak wrote.

16:09 The Armed Forces of Ukraine will not leave Bakhmut as long as it is possible to defend there, said the speaker of the General Staff Andrey Kovalev: "As long as there are basements in Bakhmut and the ability to hold this territory, the fighters will stay there." According to him, the situation is under control and there is no question of retreat now.

15:48 In Berislav, Kherson region, the Russians fired at a place of mass congestion of people - the shells hit a grocery store in which there were people. As a result of the shelling, two people were killed and three were injured, the IVA said.

15:37 Belgium will give Ukraine a package of military assistance, which will include anti-tank weapons, ammunition and means to strengthen air defense, Defense Minister Ludivine Dedonder said. She added that there are no tanks in Belgium - the country abandoned them ten years ago. However, there is a possibility that they will be bought back for further transfer to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

15:09 Zelensky said that he had a conversation with Scholz: "German main battle tanks, further expansion of defense support and training missions, green light for partners to supply similar weapons. I just heard about these important and timely decisions in a conversation with the federal chancellor."

15:06 Putin called the next goal of the "special operation" the protection of Russia from threats that "are trying to create in our own historical territories adjacent to us."

14:59 Germany still believes that escalation between Russia and NATO must be avoided, Scholz said: "In everything we do, we must always make it clear that we will do everything necessary and possible to support Ukraine, but at the same same time to prevent the escalation of the war before the war between Russia and NATO".

The chancellor also stressed that Germany would not supply combat aircraft to Ukraine and send its soldiers "neither now nor in the future."

14:47 Ukraine will receive a total of 80 Leopard 2 tanks from Europe, writes Spiegel. This is enough for two battalions, and the third battalion will be equipped with American Abrams. German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said the first Leopards would arrive in about three months.

13:36 The Ukrainian Defense Forces have withdrawn from Soledar in order to save the lives of personnel , spokesman for the Eastern Group of Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Serhiy Cherevaty said: "After months of fierce fighting, including in recent weeks, the Armed Forces of Ukraine left Soledar and retreated around the neighborhood to previously prepared positions" .

13:23 Ukraine in February will receive 10,000 Starlink terminals from Germany, Mikhail Fedorov, head of the Ministry of Digital Development, said.

12:54 Ukrainian crews for Leopard will be trained in Germany, training will begin as soon as possible, the German government said. In addition, the German side will help Ukraine with logistics, ammunition and tank maintenance.

12:45 The German government announced that it will supply Ukraine with 14 Leopard 2 tanks. Berlin will also allow other countries to re-export tanks to Ukraine.

12:39 "Head" of the occupied Zaporozhye region Yevgeny Balitsky said that Ukrainian troops are preparing a counteroffensive in the Zaporizhia direction, an accumulation of up to 40 thousand people is allegedly recorded.

12:34 In Spain, a man was detained, suspected of sending letters with explosives, in particular to the address of the Ukrainian embassy, ​​writes El País. Police have arrested a 74-year-old man in the northern city of Burgos as the alleged author of six letters sent in late November and early December. Among the recipients were Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, as well as the Ukrainian and US embassies in Madrid.

According to the report, the suspect allegedly acted on his own and was not affiliated with any group. The police conduct a search at his place of residence in Burgos.

12:17 The "LPR" announced a Ukrainian strike from HIMARS on the building of a music school in Kremennaya.

12:13 Today, there is a powerful regrouping of Russian troops in all directions on the front line, Vadim Skibitsky, spokesman for the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, said. According to him, the enemy's mobilization reserves are moving, the Russians are preparing for a powerful offensive. The change of commanders of the Russian Federation, the completion of the first stage of mobilization, the regrouping of Russian troops indicate that spring and early summer will be decisive in this war.

According to military intelligence, Russia has asked many countries to provide ammunition, but many understand that Russia has already lost strategically, so relations with it are becoming very dangerous. In particular, the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense does not have clear data that a large amount of weapons from North Korea is entering Russia.

Meanwhile, on the territory of Belarus, the land component is 5,800 servicemen, but there is a problem with equipment. The second mechanized division of the 1st Panzer Army was supposed to be ready for combat use on December 1, but "people were caught up, but there was no equipment," Skibitsky noted. This division has now moved to the territory of Russia, from where it entered the territory of Ukraine in the Lugansk region.

On the territory of Belarus today there is one Iskander division, anti-aircraft missile systems S-300, S-400 and three MIG-31 aircraft.

12:00 The New York Times reports, citing satellite imagery data, that the number of graves in the cemetery near the village of the Baku Krasnodar Territory of the Russian Federation, owned by PMC Wagner, has increased seven times over the past two months. The photo taken on January 24 shows about 170 graves.

11:58 The EU ambassadors approved the extension of all economic sanctions applied by the European Union against the Russian Federation for another six months, Radio Liberty correspondent Rikard Jozwiak said.

11:53 Peskov said that there are no prospects for entering the diplomatic path of resolving the situation around Ukraine now.

11:49 Portugal is preparing four Leopard 2A6 tanks for transfer to Ukraine, writes Correio da Manhã, citing government sources. In turn, El País reports that Spain is also preparing to supply Leopard tanks to Ukraine - after Germany grants permission for this.

11:42 Stoltenberg called on NATO countries to increase support for Ukraine, including with tanks and other heavy equipment: "There are no signs that President Putin has changed his goal of dominating Ukraine. Nothing indicates that he is preparing for peace. He is willing to sacrifice tens of thousands of Russian soldiers in this totally unjustified war, has mobilized over 200,000 troops, plans to mobilize more, and is actively working to get more weapons from other authoritarian states such as Iran and North Korea.We know that Russia is planning new offensives and we must be ready for them. That is why it is so important that we continue to strengthen our support for Ukraine."

11:18 Electricity consumption in Ukraine is increasing due to a cold snap, respectively, the power shortage is also increasing significantly, Ukrenergo reported. All oblenergos have been notified of daily consumption limits.

10:59 Director of the Procurement Department of the Ministry of Defense Bogdan Khmelnitsky, who appears in the scandal over food purchases for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, was dismissed from his post, said Anastasia Radina, head of the anti-corruption committee of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. She added that the head of the defense department "has no legal claims against the author of the journalistic investigation."

10:49 Zelensky, by his decree, put into effect the decision of the National Security and Defense Council to expand the list of sanctions that are imposed on the governor of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Pavel (Lebed), other hierarchs of the UOC-MP and former MP Vadim Novinsky.

10:33 The American Institute for the Study of War (ISW) believes that Russian sources announced an offensive in the Vuhledar region of the Donetsk region to divert attention from the lack of progress in Bakhmut. Analysts have not recorded any video footage indicating that Russian forces have indeed launched a localized offensive in the Ugledar area as of January 25.

The ISW notes that the Russians are likely to repeat the information campaign in the Zaporozhye region, where they circulated allegations of localized offensives without any confirmation in order to divert attention from the failures in Bakhmut. Experts emphasize that the 155th Marine Brigade, which is trying to advance in Vuhledar, has greatly degraded during offensive operations in November 2022 and is unlikely to be able to resume the offensive on this sector of the front.

10:12 British intelligence reports that Russia has been working on preparing a small number of T-14 Armata main battle tanks for use in Ukraine, but in recent months, Russian troops have been reluctant to accept the first batch of T-14s allocated to them due to the poor condition of the vehicles. It is not clear what characteristics of the tanks caused such a reaction, but over the past three years, Russian officials have publicly described problems with the T-14 engine and thermal imaging systems.

In 2021, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu described the production batch planned for 2022 as "pilot production". Therefore, it is unlikely that the T-14 tanks will meet the usual standards for the new equipment to be considered combat-ready, analysts say.

09:49 Erdogan today convenes a meeting of the Security Council, which will also discuss the work of the grain corridor and the war in Ukraine, Anadolu reports.

09:24 In the Kherson region over the past day, due to Russian shelling, one person was killed, six were injured, the OVA reported.

08:48 In the Donetsk region over the past day, as a result of Russian shelling, ten civilians were injured: five in Konstantinovka, two in Toretsk, one each in Veliky Novoselka, Avdeevka and Krasnogorovka, said the head of the OVA Pavel Kirilenko.

08:32 The General Staff announced the approximate losses of the enemy as of the morning of January 25th.

  • personnel - about 123,080 (+910) people liquidated,

  • tanks - 3161 (+9),

  • armored combat vehicles - 6307 (+23),

  • artillery systems - 2154 (+6),

  • MLRS - 450 (+2),

  • air defense systems - 220 (+0),

  • aircraft - 290 (+1),

  • helicopters - 281 (+0),

  • UAV operational-tactical level - 1902 (+5),

  • cruise missiles - 749 (+0),

  • ships/boats - 18 (+0),

  • automotive equipment and tankers - 4967 (+23),

  • special equipment - 194 (+0).

08:24 The enemy, although suffering numerous losses, still does not stop offensive operations in the Limansky, Bakhmutsky, Avdeevsky and Novopavlovsky directions. On Kupyansky, Zaporizhzhya and Kherson - it is defending itself, the General Staff said in the morning summary . The units of the Defense Forces of Ukraine repelled the attacks of the invaders in the areas of the settlements of Belogorovka, Lugansk region and Razdolivka, Krasnaya Gora, Bakhmut, Novobakhmutovka, Krasnogorovka, Maryinka and Charivne, Donetsk region.

According to the General Staff, Russia recruits imprisoned citizens of Ukraine who were forcibly taken to Russian places of detention. In particular, in Krasnodar there is an active recruitment of such persons into the Wagner PMC. The majority of Ukrainian prisoners are dissatisfied with the forced change of position and the dismissive attitude of Russian prisoners towards them. The people who are serving sentences for serious criminal offenses are most actively called to participate in the war against Ukraine.

From Kakhovka in the Kherson region, the invaders are taking medical equipment from the central city hospital to Genichesk.

05:47 Resignations related to cases of corruption in the Ukrainian government are not related to financial, military and humanitarian aid from the United States, State Department spokesman Ned Price said. The Biden administration is not aware of any misuse of US aid in Ukraine, he said, and US aid to Ukraine is subject to close scrutiny.

At the same time, Price acknowledged that the destruction caused by the Russian invasion complicated efforts to track weapons, as well as economic and humanitarian aid, which Washington sent to Kyiv.

04:33 The US Department of Defense plans to increase the production of artillery ammunition by 500% within two years - up to 90,000 shells per month, the NYT writes, citing an American army official. The Pentagon is set to ramp up production of conventional munitions to levels not seen since the Korean War to make up for shortages caused by the war in Ukraine and to stockpile for future conflicts.

03:51 Biden will announce the transfer of Abrams tanks to Ukraine on Wednesday, January 25, Al-Jazeera and AP report, citing US officials. The tanks will not be transferred from American stocks, but contracted - that is, purchased from manufacturers under long-term contracts. This means that the cars will not appear in Ukraine soon, and such a move is seen as a symbolic gesture aimed at getting Germany's consent to the supply of Leopard 2.

Reuters writes, citing three unnamed US officials, that the United States may announce a decision to supply Ukraine with 30 American Abrams M1 tanks. The delivery process can take months.

02:05 Peskov said that for "several years" Putin had neither personal nor telephone contacts with Zelensky.

00:01 Zelensky signed bill No. 8271, which provides for criminal liability for the military for violation of discipline, failure to comply with combat orders, desertion and flight from a military unit.

Posted by badanov 2023-01-26 00:00|| || Front Page|| [19 views ]  Top

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