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Home Front: Culture Wars
Asshat college writer says Pat Tillman"got what was coming to him"
This angers me. I linked the low bandwidth article. The college replaced this with the "We’re sorry" spiel. I wish we could flood this place and writer with emails telling them what we think of her opinion.

Pat Tillman is not a hero: He got what was coming to him

By Rene Gonzalez
April 28, 2004

When the death of Pat Tillman occurred, I turned to my friend who was watching the news with me and said, "How much you want to bet they start talking about him as a ’hero’ in about two hours?" Of course, my friend did not want to make that bet. He’d lose. In this self-critical incapable nation, nothing but a knee-jerk "He’s a hero" response is to be expected.

I’ve been mystified at the absolute nonsense of being in "awe" of Tillman’s "sacrifice" that has been the American response. Mystified, but not surprised. True, it’s not everyday that you forgo a $3.6 million contract for joining the military. And, not just the regular army, but the elite Army Rangers. You know he was a real Rambo, who wanted to be in the "real" thick of things. I could tell he was that type of macho guy, from his scowling, beefy face on the CNN pictures. Well, he got his wish. Even Rambo got shot in the third movie, but in real life, you die as a result of being shot. They should call Pat Tillman’s army life "Rambo 4: Rambo Attempts to Strike Back at His Former Rambo 3 Taliban Friends, and Gets Killed."

But, does that make him a hero? I guess it’s a matter of perspective. For people in the United States, who seem to be unable to admit the stupidity of both the Afghanistan and Iraqi wars, such a trade-off in life standards (if not expectancy) is nothing short of heroic. Obviously, the man must be made of "stronger stuff" to have had decided to "serve" his country rather than take from it. It’s the old JFK exhortation to citizen service to the nation, and it seems to strike an emotional chord. So, it’s understandable why Americans automatically knee-jerk into hero worship.

However, in my neighborhood in Puerto Rico, Tillman would have been called a "pendejo," an idiot. Tillman, in the absurd belief that he was defending or serving his all-powerful country from a seventh-rate, Third World nation devastated by the previous conflicts it had endured, decided to give up a comfortable life to place himself in a combat situation that cost him his life. This was not "Ramon or Tyrone," who joined the military out of financial necessity, or to have a chance at education. This was a "G.I. Joe" guy who got what was coming to him. That was not heroism, it was prophetic idiocy.

Tillman, probably acting out his nationalist-patriotic fantasies forged in years of exposure to Clint Eastwood and Rambo movies, decided to insert himself into a conflict he didn’t need to insert himself into. It wasn’t like he was defending the East coast from an invasion of a foreign power. THAT would have been heroic and laudable. What he did was make himself useful to a foreign invading army, and he paid for it. It’s hard to say I have any sympathy for his death because I don’t feel like his "service" was necessary. He wasn’t defending me, nor was he defending the Afghani people. He was acting out his macho, patriotic crap and I guess someone with a bigger gun did him in.

Perhaps it’s the old, dreamy American thought process that forces them to put sports greats and "larger than life" sacrificial lambs on the pedestal of heroism, no matter what they’ve done. After all, the American nation has no other role to play but to be the cheerleaders of the home team; a sad role to have to play during conflicts that suffer from severe legitimacy and credibility problems.

Matters are a little clearer for those living outside the American borders. Tillman got himself killed in a country other than his own without having been forced to go over to that country to kill its people. After all, whether we like them or not, the Taliban is more Afghani than we are. Their resistance is more legitimate than our invasion, regardless of the fact that our social values are probably more enlightened than theirs. For that, he shouldn’t be hailed as a hero, he should be used as a poster boy for the dangerous consequences of too much "America is #1," frat boy, propaganda bull. It might just make a regular man irrationally drop $3.6 million to go fight in a conflict that was anything but "self-defense." The same could be said of the unusual belief of 50 percent of the American nation that thinks Saddam Hussein was behind Sept. 11. One must indeed stand in awe of the amazing success of the American propaganda machine. It works wonders.

Al-Qaeda won’t be defeated in Afghanistan, even if we did kill all their operatives there. Only through careful and logical changing of the underlying conditions that allow for the ideology to foster will Al-Qaeda be defeated. Ask the Israelis if 50 years of blunt force have eradicated the Palestinian resistance. For that reason, Tillman’s service, along with that of thousands of American soldiers, has been wrongly utilized. He did die in vain, because in the years to come, we will realize the irrationality of the War on Terror and the American reaction to Sept. 11. The sad part is that we won’t realize it before we send more people like Pat Tillman over to their deaths.

Rene Gonzalez is a UMass graduate student.
and a spoiled asshat
Posted by:Yosemite Sam

#74  Yosemite Sam asked for contact info for Hugh Hewitt and/or Sean Hannity: or 800-941-7326.

Sofia the Librarian

PS I always heard the etymology of asshat had something to do with "wearing your ass for a hat," i.e., having your head so far up your ass you were in danger of methane poisoning.
Posted by: Sofia   2004-04-30 11:01:46 AM  

#73  This kid is clearly clueless. He has no grasp of the fact that soldiers don't select where they are going to fight - that is decided by echelons above. Tillman might just as well have ended up in Iraq, Kosovo, Haiti, Liberia, the Philippines - or (if his superiors ordered it) - performing a one-man airborne assault on Tehran - or defending some shitstain neighborhood in Puerto Rico from bad guys. The point is - he volunteered to join the fight against evil - anywhere someone felt a US Army Ranger was needed. He had no say in where he was deployed.

This is one Hispanic moron.
Posted by: Lone Ranger   2004-04-30 12:16:51 AM  

#72  Atomic - It is obvious ol' Mitt turned a few screws on the erstwile Chancellor Wilson.
Posted by: BigEd   2004-04-29 11:22:11 PM  

#71  Romney---> Wilson----> Rene the Asshat.
Yep, shit rolls downhill.
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy   2004-04-29 11:03:46 PM  

#70  this idiot now apologized:

let this not be the end of it. may it continue to plague him for years to come. he thinks Pat Tillman was an idiot!? Clearly, he's just beginning to learn the meaning of that word.
Posted by: PlanetDan   2004-04-29 10:55:15 PM  

#69  To their credit the college responds:,2933,118580,00.html
UMass president Jack Wilson issued a statement saying the comments in The Daily Collegian on Wednesday were "a disgusting, arrogant and intellectually immature attack on a human being who died in service to his country."
Posted by: Anonymous4679   2004-04-29 9:50:29 PM  

#68  Yes, Frank G, I'm about to prepare my self a meal of fresh oats, a carrot, and an apple. {Neigh}
Posted by: BigEd   2004-04-29 8:23:54 PM  

#67  "Hello..I'm Senor Mister Ed"
Posted by: Frank G   2004-04-29 8:16:44 PM  

#66  ah...thanks BE! One of life's little mysteries cleared up.
Posted by: B   2004-04-29 8:16:37 PM  

#65  I forgot to add s*** coomes from your ....
Posted by: BigEd   2004-04-29 8:10:45 PM  

#64  B:

Haven't you heard the expression "s*** for brains"?
S***, is located under area from where you wear a hat.
Posted by: BigEd   2004-04-29 8:09:34 PM  

#63  rantburgers always call people "asshats" and I'm not sure exactly what an asshat is...but I think this guy's dork-doo qualifies him as a ture "asshat".
Posted by: B   2004-04-29 8:02:27 PM  

#62  He should take his degree, go back to PR and organize cock-fights while he sell's his sister in San Juan.
Posted by: Sgt.DT   2004-04-29 7:24:55 PM  

#61  Even Hewitt is mentioning this guy in passing. Rene must be feeling real proud of himself.

He's probably got a candelight dinner planned for himself and the borg-balloon.
Posted by: BigEd   2004-04-29 7:14:00 PM  

#60  Speaking of Star Trek references in the propaganda war, an ongoing "black" propaganda is known to its principals as "Operation Indy-Borg." This is aimed at Indymedia and similar sites and the objective is to sow paranoia and confusion among the faithful, not to halt service or anything of that nature.

For example, Indy-Borg invents whacked-out conspiracy claims and places them on the Indymedia open newswire.
This is true "black" propaganda, attributed to a fictitious but plausible lefty group and superficially reflecting lefty values and sensibilities.
One example was a story characterizing Young-Earth-Creationist Kent Hovind as a fellow progressive, talking up YE Creationism in lefty language, and urging the LLL to take a sympathetic look at Hovind's ideas.

Another alleged that recent traffic accidents in West Texas were, in fact, caused by B-1s from Dyess AFB carrying out field tests of a new beam weapon. For this, real news reports were interspersed with fictitious witness accounts.
It was possible in this case to dress up the bogus witness accounts as news stories and link them from the same domain as the real news stories.

Another type of black story tries to tar loyal LLLs with the "Cointelpro" or "freeper troll" brush. This worked extremely well a while back with a notorious LLL troll who had been attacking Little Green Footballs.
After his expulsion from LGF, he started his spew at the friendly Indymedia site and was promptly, and very successfully, represented as an amateur COINTELPRO troll dispatched to Indymedia by LGF's Charles Johnson himself.

The overall effort has been a success. Indymedia of course is loaded with paranoid vigilantes who see "COINTELPRO" trolls everywhere. So far, not one of these, to my knowledge, has recognized an Indy-borg story for what it is.

Several other lefty sites have been similarly subverted. Surprisingly enough, the efforts of ideologically-driven moderators don't seem to make much difference on these.

They will basically tolerate any lunatic claim as long as it seems to be in political solidarity and isn't an obvious spoof.
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy   2004-04-29 7:09:22 PM  

#59  CS, Any bets that blow-up under his bed in his mother's basement is of 7-of-9?

This guy is in for a big suprise when he leave the cloistered UMASS life and has to earn a living. Welcome to the REAL world punk...

B5 is too sophisticated for this guy. Can you see what someone like Susan Ivonova would do this this punk? He would probably pee himself.
Posted by: CrazyFool   2004-04-29 7:03:47 PM  

#58  You guys are scaring me. Can you least geek out about Babylon 5?
Posted by: someone   2004-04-29 6:42:37 PM  

#57  Capt Janeway was anything but PC. But in real life Kate was very much a liberal! Must have hurt to do those episodes.
Posted by: Cyber Sarge (VRWC CA Chapter)   2004-04-29 6:37:32 PM  

#56  Thanx Sarge.

Actually he probably gets turned on by that cyborgian module that serves as her left brow.

You know twerps like that probably want girls with lots of bodyart (piercings and tattoos).

Posted by: BigEd   2004-04-29 6:28:56 PM  

#55  As a dedicated Trekkie, I can honestly say that Star Trek The Next Generation (TNG) was the least violent and MOST PC of all the Star Treks.

Even including that abomination with a woman captain?
Posted by: Robert Crawford   2004-04-29 6:23:49 PM  

#54  BigEd, Only by a couple of minutes and you had some good points too. I would add that he probably has a blow up 7-of-9 doll to 'command' under his bed. Stop me this is too easy!
Posted by: Cyber Sarge (VRWC CA Chapter)   2004-04-29 6:19:30 PM  

#53  Yeah, I always suspected that the Ferangi were some bigot's idea of Jews or Americans.

(Oddly enough, "Ferangi" is traditional slang for "foreigner" in many Muslim countries.)
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy   2004-04-29 6:16:37 PM  

#52  Sarge - I was so verbose you beat me to the punch!
Posted by: BigEd   2004-04-29 6:07:18 PM  

#51  Robert C. -
The old Kirk Star Trek may be too millitant.
Uhuru believed in God, and was Christian. There seemed to be a genuine concept of good and evil, etc. There is an episode with a parallel planet where the "Coms" (Communist Chinese) have defeated the "Yangs" (US). Kirk sees a US-like flag and the native begins reciting words to the pledge. Kirk finishes it, using "UNDER GOD" and the native was surprised he knew "Holy Words".

Then when Star Trek was revived it went south:

The later Picard Star Trek (Next Gen) reflected Roddenberry's conversion to a touchy-feely politically correct environment where fighting back even was equivocal. I'd have to go look at a episode guide in a bookstore, but the few times I saw it I thought Roddenberry had lost his soul.
The only TNG character worth a damn was Worf. I'd figure out a way to deprogram Data and start over. Get Picard near a microwave with his artificial heart. Don't get me started.

Rene would be cozy, and, in fact I think in Sarge's description of his hideway in the basement of his folks house, there is a complete set of videos of all episodes of Star Trek-TNG. But no episodes of the original
Posted by: BigEd   2004-04-29 6:05:33 PM  

#50  RC, As a dedicated Trekkie, I can honestly say that Star Trek The Next Generation (TNG) was the least violent and MOST PC of all the Star Treks. It is also popular with most LLL with PolySci Degrees. I will bet you any amount that Rene wrote at least one term paper comparing TNG to the political social orders of world. In the one and ONLY PolySci class I took the grad student compared the life forms to TNG Species. Rene looks every bit that part of that grad student that taught my course. “Live long and prosper!”
Posted by: Cyber Sarge (VRWC CA Chapter)   2004-04-29 5:58:48 PM  

#49  I'd love to hear this guy try to defend himself against Hugh Hewitt or Hannity. I bet he would come off as a big fool. Anyone know how to get this article to either/both of those guys?
Posted by: Yosemite Sam   2004-04-29 5:57:38 PM  

#48  I bet he lives near campus with his parents in a Star Trek TNG themed basement that has NEVER had a female guest.

Doubt it; Star Trek is too "militant" for this kind of asshat. I think he's more of a Care Bears, Rainbow Brite, unicorns type.
Posted by: Robert Crawford   2004-04-29 5:46:05 PM  

#47  what an idiot..

Ask the Israelis if 50 years of blunt force have eradicated the Palestinian resistance

and this idiot has a college degree....before 67 Jordan controlled the west bank and Egypt the gaza...get you facts straight mr. rosy checks..
Posted by: Dan   2004-04-29 5:43:46 PM  

#46  There used to be a certain amount of intellectual maturity associated with the PHD - even for leftists - that is no longer the case.

I don't think that the punk understands the intellectual maturity of Tillman's decision that he needed to hazard sacrificing his own life. There is a certain amount of depth to a person who is willing to risk it all for an idea. They should award the kid a doctorate in immaturity and put him on staff in the Ted Kennedy Chair of stupidity.

In other news,Lib website yanks Pat Tillman 'hate:'
Page linked to Teresa Heinz Kerry says comments became 'disruptive.'
I speculate that Mucky's infernal barrage of Haiku broke them. I salute his unique brand of psych warfare.
Posted by: Super Hose   2004-04-29 5:16:28 PM  

#45  hmm..I feel much better now.
Posted by: B   2004-04-29 5:10:13 PM  

#44  OK...I'll say it. I hope nobody beats him up, because he'd get great mileage out of that. What I do hope is that the next time he goes to the bar - and some really cute girl spits on him and Evan McConey (or whatever his name is) gets it on film for the world to enjoy.
Posted by: B   2004-04-29 5:09:12 PM  

#43  what he really feels is jealous and inadequate and now he has shown the world how small he really is. He really doesn't need a clue-bat - he has already announced to the world that hates himself far more than we ever could.
Posted by: B   2004-04-29 5:06:24 PM  

#42  Sarge - OUCH
Posted by: BigEd   2004-04-29 5:05:42 PM  

#41  Big Ed, you know I do feel better! Anyone want to bet that young Rene was not asked to pledge a fraternity? I sense a lot of Anger (and disappointment) in his article. I don’t think Rene has Self-Actualized and that is why he is still attending college and not starting a career. It also might be because there are NOT too many PAYING jobs for PolySci major outside a LLL colleges. I bet Rene feel pretty superior to the rest of Umass because he has already graduated but he is still a sniveling, never getting laid, social retard. I bet he lives near campus with his parents in a Star Trek TNG themed basement that has NEVER had a female guest.
Posted by: Cyber Sarge (VRWC CA Chapter)   2004-04-29 5:03:08 PM  

#40  Why don't you just say what you're feeling, Rene?

The military is an evil organization and you're upset that one of it's members is getting praised for his work and sacrifice. I mean, you're probably much smarter and more enlightened than this jock that it's insulting that a large portion of the small-minded public think highly of him.

So, not only did he turn down more money than you might make in a lifetime, he took a pay deduction and decided to get his hands dirty in protecting this country. In the process, he lost his life.

He CAN'T be a Hero, because he represents and embodies what you despise.

Isn't that how you really feel, asshat?
Posted by: Anonymous4021   2004-04-29 4:52:20 PM  

#39  See Sarge- Doesn't that feel better? Now let's see if we can get an imbedded Fox News reporter with video camera when the football team visits him. A domestic front in the war on terror.
Posted by: BigEd   2004-04-29 4:48:58 PM  

#38  Andlook at this phrase he uses;
He was acting out his macho, patriotic crap and I guess someone with a bigger gun did him in.

A bigger gun..ah-huh ;-)
Posted by: TS (vice girl)   2004-04-29 4:43:06 PM  

#37  As I said over at Tim Blair's site -- I hope this idiot gets what's coming to him, and that it involves baseball bats, lemon juice, and Certs mints.

And I think I'll add mice and a basket of figs to that, too.
Posted by: Robert Crawford   2004-04-29 4:40:58 PM  

#36  Well BigEd..look at him.
And he's obviously threatened by a virile man such as Pat why would that be? hmmm?
Posted by: TS (vice girl)   2004-04-29 4:31:32 PM  

#35   Doh...he's so damn ugly no wonder he's angry. It's no wonder he's so jealous of Pat...he looks like the King of Dorks.
Posted by: B   2004-04-29 4:29:54 PM  

#34  Big Ed, you are right! I ammend my comments to:
"I hope this young misguided lad doesn't get quite a few phone calls or a visit from the football team. He looks every bit the intellection giant that that the Democratic party is counting on for leadership. If some Ex-Ranger is attending UMass I hope the get into a 'spirited' but non-violent debate with this young LLL, Communists, Whining, Sniveling but lovable example of a human being." Peace Rene Peace.
Posted by: Cyber Sarge (VRWC CA Chapter)   2004-04-29 4:28:31 PM  

#33  The little punk will have to live with the consequences of exposing to the world what a small, little, man he is in comparison to Pat, the hero, Tillman. He'll be justifying those words for the rest of his life, and one day, if he's lucky, he'll realize what a stupid pea-brained ass he is.

I'd wish someone would beat him up - but I think the slow life-time torture of his own stupidity will be a far more painful lesson.
Posted by: B   2004-04-29 4:27:49 PM  

#32  Ms. TS Vicegirl - His problems are a bit deeper than his endowment to humanity!
Posted by: BigEd   2004-04-29 4:23:35 PM  

#31  This guy really needs to check out this site to resolve his anger.
Shall I send him the link?
Posted by: TS (vice girl)   2004-04-29 4:18:50 PM  

#30  Boy... I wouldn't give a squirt of piss to be in your shoes right now."

Posted by: Cthulhu Akbar   2004-04-29 4:14:32 PM  

#29  Yep Rene, it's a free country. You are free to make as big an ass of yourself as you can. Of course, there may be consequences. You did consider that didn't you?
Posted by: Rex Mundi   2004-04-29 4:11:09 PM  

#28  Sarge - as Steve said, "Rantburg" shouldn't be tied to harassment, but individually you might send him an EMail. The photo lists the website. Take a deep breath before you do (better for your bloodpressure). If he'd stuck to the typical pacifist-appeaser talking points, you'd just blow it of as him being a ninconpoop. But, Jihad Rene made cruel personal insults about Tillman. This is what is so unacceptable.
Posted by: BigEd   2004-04-29 4:10:54 PM  

#27  ima look for something positive.... mmmmmm got good teethes
Posted by: HalfEmpty   2004-04-29 4:06:05 PM  

#26  No. 21,

If Rene went to the NWF, the boy'd come back with no teeth and a size 48 anal orifice. The Zukka Kheyl and the Ghilzais just LOVE cute little boys like that.
Posted by: mac   2004-04-29 4:05:42 PM  

#25  "Ole' rene is a grad student to boot, what a joke, I have a ton of 19 year old Marines who are more articulate and intelectual than this piece of sh*t."

It is amazing what PhD candidates don't know sometimes.
A few years ago, I was at a symposium on the Vietnam War at Texas Tech.
One of the visiting scholars was a PhD candidate in history at the University of New Mexico, a supposed specialist on the war.

It emerged during a conversation that this "expert" did not have the foggiest notion what the Republic of (South) Vietnam had been or who the ARVN were. So help me, this is true. His excuse was that his specialty was the antiwar movement. Presumably a knowledge of the most elementary facts wasn't necessary to a reasonable understanding of this phenomenon, just as an understanding of slavery has nothing to do with a study of Civil War copperheads or British colonial policy with the history of Revolution-era Tories.

Incidentally, a local hotel bellman, a veteran, had clued me to this guy's ignorance and I went out of my way to make a spectacle of him.

None other than Nguyen van Thieu, last President of the SVN, happened to be there. I introduced the asshat expert to him and remarked, "Mr. President, this gentleman is a leading expert on the politics of the War. By the way, he had never heard of you before today."
Thieu was pretty amused and the UNM guy slunk away never to be seen again.
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy   2004-04-29 3:58:38 PM  

#24  I bet 'Rene' (isn't that French?) will get quite a few phone calls and maybe a visit from the football team. He looks every bit the sniveling little rich brat that begs for an ass whooping! Or maybe some Ex-Rangers attending UMass might have a word with young Rene. Someone, I am crossing the line and calling for personal harrassment. I have had enough of the LLL useful idiots. They have chosen sides let the chips fall where they may. Oh and BTW F#%& YOU RENE! (Articulate enough?)
Posted by: Cyber Sarge (VRWC CA Chapter)   2004-04-29 3:58:34 PM  

#23  How long do you think this asshat retains his perfect teeth after this? Anyone want to start a pool?
Posted by: CrazyFool   2004-04-29 3:58:22 PM  

#22  Re #19 and the comment formerly known as #16: I deleted the comment because it listed the phone number. I don't want Rantburg to be associated with anything that might be considered harrassment.

Nuttin' personal to anyone, but let's not go there. Thx!

Steve (AoS)
Posted by: Steve White   2004-04-29 3:56:03 PM  

#21  Their [the Taliban] resistance is more legitimate than our invasion, regardless of the fact that our social values are probably more enlightened than theirs.

This is the essence of Rene's stupidity. I know, I know, there are so many from which to choose, but this one is the corker. He thinks that our social values are "probably" more enlightened than that of the Taliban? Tell you what Rene, why don't you go to the Northwest Frontier and conduct a study. Let us know what you find. You're a grad student after all, and this would be scholarship.

We'll wait. Go ahead. Idjit.
Posted by: Steve White   2004-04-29 3:52:27 PM  

#20  Ah, yes, the ol' we must address the "underlying conditions" of these goons! What a crock of s*it! As if any of the 9/11 goons were "poor, repressed Arabs" ya know! They were too busy living the "infidel life" here in the States...flying planes, wearing nice clothes, going to strip clubs, etc. What an idiot...go back to Puerto Rico if you don't enjoy your freedom here.
Posted by: BA   2004-04-29 3:50:58 PM  

#19  #16 -- I was pointing out his stupidity, not crossing the line into encouraging personal harassment. Deletion of your comment in 1... 2...
Posted by: someone   2004-04-29 3:32:03 PM  

#18  Found on Tim Blair's comments page - examples of some of Rene's other fine work (please note - the first link is currently FARK'd due to high traffic).
Posted by: Raj   2004-04-29 3:31:44 PM  

#17  You see a PhD in Poly-Sci. Who says he won't show iup as a Kerry staffer?
Posted by: BigEd   2004-04-29 3:28:27 PM  

#16  You see a PhD in Poly-Sci. Who says he won't show iup as a Kerry staffer?
Posted by: BigEd   2004-04-29 3:28:24 PM  

#15  Ole' rene is a grad student to boot, what a joke, I have a ton of 19 year old Marines who are more articulate and intelectual than this piece of sh*t. Go back to Puerto Rico Rene, obviously 4 years at UMass was a waste.
Posted by: Jarhead   2004-04-29 3:26:33 PM  

#14  (If anybody thinks this didn't happen - the Brooklyn Bridge is for sale)

Jack Wilson, UMass President, got a call from Gov Mitt Romney (Republican):

You know I am getting a flood of calls here, and I don't like to get those kinds of calls about what is going on at a tax-payer funded institution. I don't want to hear any politically correct equivocation. I hope I am understood. (i.e. You can be replaced easily)
Posted by: BigEd   2004-04-29 3:24:54 PM  

#13  Its even made it onto ESPN
Posted by: Yosemite Sam   2004-04-29 3:23:32 PM  

#12  He's a polisci PhD at UMass. And his phone number is in plain sight... Though I wouldn't suggest using it.
Posted by: someone   2004-04-29 3:23:21 PM  

#11  His momma must be proud of that education she's paying for.What an idiot.
Posted by: djohn66   2004-04-29 3:21:38 PM  

#10  The U-Mass president is not happy:
AMHERST, Mass. -- A University of Massachusetts graduate student who wrote a campus newspaper column saying former NFL player Pat Tillman was not a hero for being killed while fighting in Afghanistan was sharply criticized Thursday by the school's president.UMass president Jack Wilson issued a statement saying Rene Gonzalez' comments in The Daily Collegian "are a disgusting, arrogant and intellectually immature attack on a human being who died in service to his country."
In his column, which ran Wednesday on the opinion page and was posted on the newspaper's Web site, Gonzalez called the former Arizona Cardinals safety a "G.I. Joe guy who got what was coming to him." "That was not heroism," Gonzalez wrote. "It was prophetic idiocy." His column also criticizes America's military response to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Tillman, the San Jose, Calif., native who gave up his NFL career to join the Army Rangers in 2002, was killed in combat April 22 in Afghanistan. While recognizing Gonzalez' right to free speech, Wilson said the student owes Tillman a "debt of gratitude," and said he should apologize to Tillman's friends and family.
Gonzalez did not respond to telephone and e-mail messages left Thursday by The Associated Press.

Methinks Rene is in deep, deep shit. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
Posted by: Steve   2004-04-29 3:18:54 PM  

#9  Apologize personally, SgtMom? - You are a blissful optimist!
Posted by: BigEd   2004-04-29 3:17:59 PM  

#8  Oh, Rene, Rene, Rene...(shaking head sadly)...For what you are about to recieve,(in the form of a veritable tsunami of a s***storm) may the Lord make you truely thankful.

So, let's calculate the odds on him apologising within three days. That, or whining about his dissent being squashed.
Posted by: Sgt. Mom   2004-04-29 3:12:25 PM  

#7  When I was in college I learned that there is NOTHING more arrogant, smug, and annoying than a crowd of college students spouting their deeply thought-out and impressive-sounding BS - especially at the "better" schools. It got to where I dreaded the thought of going to movies, concerts, and such as these twits would invariably ruin the experience.

This article illustrates the same sort of exhibitionist intellectual masturbation I so despised in my college days.

He also uses enough scare quotes to work for Rooters.
Posted by: Xbalanke   2004-04-29 3:08:40 PM  

#6  Sam - Great find.

Being that this human piece of garbage is in Massachusetts, hold onto this article, and if his name ever shows up on any Kerry for President websites as a paid doofus, or the like, make a link, and send to FOX news, and the major talk show boys; Rush, Hannity, etc etc.

Somebody will want to run with it!
Posted by: BigEd   2004-04-29 3:08:31 PM  

#5  Holy jumping Jesus on a pogo-stick!
Don't they teach logic or rhetoric anymore at UMass?

This is probably the purest example of the ongoing marriage between pop-culture conformity and self-righteous authoritarianism I have yet seen, wrapped up in a raving, disjointed rant that is almost hilarious in its unconcious arrogance and presumption.

Among many, many other shortcomings, note how the little shit equates nationality with legitimacy, a hallmark of third world and especially fascist dictators and their acolytes since the time of Mussolini.

This is also a pretty good indicator of yet another Orwellian contradiction in the pop-lefty viewpoint: totalitarians are legitimate solely because of their nationality ("it's their country") but any loyalty to the United States is an atavistic backward impulse that should be eradicated by a nuanced international perspective.
This contradiction is resolved if we realize that these people are racists and class bigots, nationalism uber alles is good for backward brown populations, but not for the global elite.

Don't dare question their patriotism, though.
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy   2004-04-29 3:06:10 PM  

#4  Looks like he already need one, Rafael.
Posted by: Charles   2004-04-29 2:53:19 PM  

#3  Only through careful and logical changing of the underlying conditions that allow for the ideology to foster will Al-Qaeda be defeated.

You mean, like, we all convert to Islam??? This guy better not get within 100metres of me or he'll need new denture work.
Posted by: Rafael   2004-04-29 2:50:54 PM  

#2  This kid is, to put it bluntly, a Galaxy-class idiot:

He wasn’t defending me,

...but when it suits his purpose,

The sad part is that we won’t realize it before we send more people like Pat Tillman over to their deaths.

They'd shoot your ass just as fast as anyone else's, hombre.

So which is it, JFK III? Trying to have it both ways?
Posted by: Raj   2004-04-29 2:46:41 PM  

#1  heres this turd's pic from

Posted by: Yosemite Sam   2004-04-29 2:41:29 PM  
