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S. Korea Hostage Beheaded
Posted by:Dragon Fly

#125  Kloo troll yes they are what you say they are also supporters of Vice President Bush(Sharon is the real President.
Posted by: Antiwar   2004-06-22 3:18:07 PM  

#124  Yes its a good book glad to hear you enjoyed it. What do you mean Kooky? A good book can be enjoyed at any age.
Posted by: Antiwar   2004-06-22 2:54:12 PM  

#123  B interested in what I'm reading. Well here you go
1.Freedom's Banner by Teresa Crane
2.A Heart So Wild by Joanna Lindsay
3.The Basket of Flowers by (it doesnt say)
4.The Vicar of Wakefield by Oliver Goldsmith
5.Mary Barton by Elizabeth Gaskell
6. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith.
A lady never tells her exact age suffice to say I am between 30 and 35.
Posted by: Antiwar   2004-06-22 2:47:30 PM  

#122  Bowelmotionnutcase Yes Israel is a state that terrorises and persecutes the Palestinians so yes I am against it. I am not for the LAST BLOODY TIME antisemitic,I have nothing against Jews.
Posted by: Antiwar   2004-06-22 2:39:06 PM  

#121  The USA etc should get out of Iraq.They should never have invaded in the first place. How come some Americans are beheaded (yes very sad condolences to families etc) and people are (rightfully )outraged and THEN when thousands of Iraqi civillians are killed its collateral damage????!!!
Posted by: Antiwar   2004-06-22 2:33:52 PM  

#120  Where I live, I see a similar pattern. Local blacks in the community constantly complain about police harassment against the community and its youth. The police holds back. Yet, every time there is a street celebration, there are shootings from this community. Police respond. The community reacts to police 'discrimination'. Other community events occur, and there is no problem and no police response. When will this community respond to its own internal problems and accept that fact that they have troubled youth -- and we're not even talking a bad part of the world here -- it's machismo in this group that cause the problem.

Now look at the Islamic radicals 'fighting for their CAUSE' -- same shit. Now their community does nothing. When are the Arab nations going to stand up and state that they are against the actions of these radicals who give their faith and people a bad name? Never. Why? Because they're silent partners in this atrocity. They relish it -- the attacks against innocent people. American forces never go in with the INTENT of targeting innocent people - this is not a justification to kill innocent people - it's horrible. These soldiers, in most cases, are God-fearing and loving individuals with FAMILIES who have grown attached to Iraqi people who have never SMELLED freedom in their lives -- expect beheadings and torture. And the mistakes in the prison were simply mistakes against TERRORISTS -- not civilians. But undoubtedly, there were mistakes.

There will come a day that two things will happen. And it won't be America's charge. I await Muslim's terror wrath against peace-loving citizens of non-American juridictions. Soon, they will feel the pain and those nations will turn on them. And the groundswell will be great. Soon, ISLAM (pushed by radicals because the honest Islamic people won't do anything) will be converted to FASCISM -- and the world will treat all Arab nations as FASCIST -- a new NAZI Germany. And guess what -- a full scale invasion will occur with major SUPERPOWERS (from China, USSR, Western Europe and the USA) to invade every damn nation that supported the terror, uproot their powerbase, arrest every radical and turn those jurisdictions into police states until there is calm. This is called BABY SITTING. Sadly, some people cannot handle the fact that the rest of the world has advanced well beyond the 7th century vision of the world and are filled with ENVY and JEALOUSY that they have fallen behind due to corruption, failed political governance and a rule of law (a society with a rich, a poor, and beheading as enforcement won't go far -- people have a right to live their lives -- innocent Arabs in many nations don't have this changes -- yes, America, Russia and others manipulated these power bases during the Cold War -- a different game).

The second option is even more scary. The world is fast approaching a transhumanist era. The United States is well past the ordinary combat mantra of people, guns and butter. It is transforming itself into a 'system of systems' offensive/defensive citadel. Soon, these terrorists WILL BE fighting ROBOTS. And yes, the radical islamists are correct -- law-abiding, free-willed Americans are afraid of death for STUPID CAUSES. They don't die and strap bombs to themselves in the name of God (Who would not support such cowardly acts) and 72 virgins. This is pure fanatical, uneducated bunk. But robots don't fear death. Soon, you will have UCAVs, biometric scanning robots uploaded with 'target information' and one thing that will change things forever -- persistence. Imagine fighting death machines whose sole aim will be to relentlessly pursue its target until the mission is accomplished. Forget the $25 million bounty. Man v. machine.

It is clear that fanaticism led to the greatest tragedy in WW2. It is now rearing its ugly head in Islam. How do the Islamic people feel about being associated with fascism and Nazi Germany? Your turn is next - the world will TURN against you.

And when this happen, the rest of the world will, with open arms, take the peace loving muslims and beautiful children (they are so beautiful, I've cried when i've seen them affected by endless conflict) into their lands to understand why FREEDOM and FREE WILL is so powerful and how the opportunity to live your life the way you choose is the reason why the Western world and civilization has prevailed and excelled in so many areas.

No one expects you to buy McDonalds or Coke. You don't have to. But we expect you to take advantage, be your own person, live your life, raise your family, study your religion, with other peace loving cultures.

Radical Islam is a dying cause. Soon, these terrorists will face their end.

Posted by: Free Will   2004-07-07 6:11:16 PM  

#119  Like I said before rex. I don't like it any better than you about having our guys over there. But saddam had to go down. And now the war is over there. Your ideas about fortress America, check that, border defense is fine but it's not going to do squat to confront the evil thing. Nope thats over there. Our young guys are well led and I hope they can get the job done. It's a bottomless pit only if we play it that way.

Dot, your prolly done with this thread, I know I am. But debate here is what I come to see, like the picture in the rantburg header, but I'm not to good at it. I hope you can appreciate rex and others who bring their 'A' game. I do.
Posted by: Lucky   2004-06-23 11:51:59 AM  

#118  Rex, the war is over there. Your ideas are not off the back but the war is over there, and thank God.
No ideas are not off the back?? say what??? the war is "over there" ...yes, for now...the belief that we use Iraq as a terrorist magnet is short sighted ie. the liberated Iraqis may not be too keen on having their country function as a terrorist playpen indefinitely for one thing and secondly, it's rather unfair to our GI's, most of whom are young kids who have just started shaving, setting them up as expendable decoys for a bottomless pit of jihadists to deflect attention from our our shores.

As for your disappointment, .com. what can I say in my defense? George Bush is no Ronald Reagan. Kerry is no George Bush. The WOT needs to start by defending our shores. Liberating Iraqis from the boot of cruel Uncle Saddam just means more potential Islamic jihadists have been liberated to do us harm in the future, in my cynical opinion. To be honest, if Uncle Saddam had not got too big for his britches by invading Kuwait, he would have been a useful deterrent against Al Queda taking hold in Iraq. Alas, Uncle Saddam needed to pay off his war against Iran...and the rest is history...
Posted by: rex   2004-06-23 2:51:14 AM  

#117  Hey, Lucky - glad to hear you're recruiting and debating... but sorry to hear you're bled dry. Sigh.

Personally, I guess I'm about the same. We're thoroughly infiltrated, now. Trolljans and MoleTrolls. They post lots of pointless thoughtless unfunny unauthoritative uninteresting unoriginal mee too shit, usually just reworded tripe full of Kill the Islamofascists! Over And Over. No clue as to how to accomplish it in the real world - and damned uninterested in trying to.

But boy are they mad! They're mad as hell and they're not gonna take it anymore! Right. Of course they will. They are the true paper tigers. And secretly, in their heart of hearts is a boatload of BushHilter DUng. We have several - and, sadly, they've been welcomed into the herd.

Which means it must be about time to leave.

Hey, The Long Kiss Goodnight is coming on. Cool. "Da duh da duh duh, put my keys in my left pocket, da duh da duh duh, and the gun in my right..."

I'm outta here. Hold the fort!
Posted by: .com   2004-06-23 2:32:28 AM  

#116  Yo Dot, sorry I can't give you more, I'm in a reading mode and have been in an intense reason match with an extended family member. I hope he takes my invitiation to participate here. Your challenging ideas are Rantburgian ideals, way to go.

But anyway, in my tennis match with my other I was offered a "nuke them all" scenario. This after castigating Bush for Abu garbage injustices.

Yes, if need be, getting rid of mecca and merida must happen, fine! But thats another deal. And I'm ready to defend that (but not tonight) so back off!

Rex, the war is over there. Your ideas are not off the back but the war is over there, and thank God.

I'm not impressed at all with islam, nope nada nothing, zero. But I'm not ready to nuke that! They are crippled by islam, a stone, an albotros. How to bend those that are infected is the key to how not to NUKE THEM.

On one hand we are ready to help the civils in Iran and on the other we call for their extinction.

Today on Savage he played a taped interview of an SF cleric that was hostile to wahhabinuts. He knew! But with me, it is that whole fake thing that has my goat. Until we can confront that goat...

Posted by: Lucky   2004-06-23 1:49:11 AM  

#115  Well you started within reality - then promptly wandered off into a fantasy. Sigh. What good is all that speculation? Where does it take us? How does it address where we are now and where to go from here? Methinks it was just to feel better. The soothing clackity-clack of the keyboard.

I'm sorry. I don't don't get it. I speak English. I have a fucking degree in English. I can actually be articulate and maintain relevance and focus - even in the face of a million distractions. But no one, including you, seems to take me at my word. Why is that?

Type whatever you like - it's still a free country. Sorry if I distracted you.

Heavy Sigh.

I'll continue planning for a Skeery win and arranging to move out. It was nice to get a few Italian suasage pizzas while I was here.

Thanx, rex. You didn't have to respond at all. I won't bother you again.
Posted by: .com   2004-06-23 1:10:36 AM  

#114  Funny, #113, we must be on the same karma wave length...just as you directed me to your #8 post on the discussion about our policy towards Iran, I posted on that very thread. I had read your #8 response earlier in the day and then the more I thought it, I thought ...darn it, .com, you are wrong.

I don't just use words. My point is that I am FURIOUS that we Americans are reduced to choosing between George Bush or John Kerry to conduct the WOT, at a time that the very future of this very great nation hangs in the balance. Call me cynical[or drunk] but this country deserves better than either of these two men. Kerry is an untrustworthy cad and George Bush is not very bright, albeit having good intentions, I'll give him that.

Okay, if I had all the resources that George Bush has at his disposal, here is what I would do or rather would not do...I would have invaded Afghanistan like George Bush did. That was good. However, I would NOT have invaded Iraq. Sorry but I do not believe that most Iraqi Muslims are capable of appreciating democracy. I do not believe that Saddam was as great a threat to our national security as the Saudi princes are/were.

After Afghanistan, if I were Bush, I would have directed all our resources to border control and to immigration reform...I would have cleaned up the threats from within before I would have tangled with the ME. I would have not put any hand cuffs on Israel as to how it cose to deal with Arafat and the Palestinians. Walls, assassinations...anything Sharon wanted to do would have my support, not a single bit of criticism would have come from my lips.

I would have made any foreign aid conditional on annual goals approved by me personally, not State dept. rubber stamped goals.

The biggest butt kicking I would have done-behind closed doors- would have been to Presidente Fox- no $ unless he got rid of the feudal oligarchy running Mexico. Second big butt kicking I would have done would have been to Chretien-nasty, nasty NAFTA trade fights with Canada unless he put a moratorium on his loosy-goosy immigration policies. The US provides Canada with 45% of its GDP and Mexico receives most of its operating budget from illegal aliens living in the USA who send back $ to Mexico. Both Canada and Mexico create bigger security headaches for America because of their respective sloppy immigration policies and corrupt government and society than anything Uncle Saddam might throw our way.

Then I'd have a heart to heart conversation with Kofi Annan about the expensive real estate the UN occupies in Manhattan and how terrible it would be if I responded to the public's desire to boot the UN losers out of the USA and also I'd draw his attention to some nasty rumors I heard about his son and bribes from Uncle Saddam and I'd tell Kofi that I would like to hear more pro-USA words coming out of his corrupt mouth or als, he'd better get some moving boxes together and a lawyer for his son...and speaking of the devil, I would have let the UN inspectors harrass Saddam indefinitely.

Sorry, .com but I could care less about the Iraqis Saddam murdered every year. As an American President my mandate is to ensure the safety and welfare of American citizens not fussing about the down trodden in other countries.

Posted by: rex   2004-06-23 1:00:11 AM  

#113  rex - I'd like to try something with you, if you don't mind - and I invite everyone still awake to join in. Why not?

rex - On this RB link I addressed your complaint in comment #8. Unsatisfactory as it may be, I'd love to hear your take.

Read from there on down. Time to do more than throw rocks from your comfy armchair - what would you do? How would you do it? Follow the link embedded in my last post on that thread and read my little analysis / plan.

Be realistic. You're Bush. You've got all the problems and resources he has. Tell me / us what would work in the real world. I've got an open mind about you - cut my little plan to shreds, rearrange it, flesh it out - it sure needs help!

Let's do more than throw rocks and imply others are fakes and wimps - all you offer is words, too, because that's all any of us can offer in this venue. My will is not shaken, but my anger has been long stirred. I would love to take Islamfascism out - and everything attached to it. I'm the one who called it a human pathogen here on RB long long ago - I'll repost for you if you like, it's one I saved. You don't hold a candle to me for virulence, so let's get past that crap and use the venue to see if we can figure out a clever, workable, realistic plan. Why not?

C'mon, folks, tear it apart and replace it with one that works.
Posted by: .com   2004-06-23 12:10:49 AM  

#112  rex---CAIR ought to be able to put these condolances down pat with a hotkey. Think of the labor time saved....oh, the money saved....the more for charities.... well, you know.
Posted by: Alaska Paul   2004-06-22 11:55:34 PM  

#111  "Mohamhead was a pedophile, a rapist, an
adulterer, a barbarian, a racist, and as the writings illustrate, a complete idiot."

The truth rocks.
Posted by: Anymous   2004-06-22 11:17:26 PM  

#110  Here's the full text of President Bush's press release condemning the beheading of Berg. Compare it to the PC condemnation from CAIR as quoted in post #108.

Soothing words and careful disassociation/disconnection with the peace loving religion of Islam. That way, everyone is happy and singing Kumbaya, yes?
THE PRESIDENT: I want to express my condolences to the family and friends of Nicholas Berg. Nicholas Berg was an innocent civilian who was in Iraq to help build a free Iraq. There is no justification for the brutal execution of Nicholas Berg -- no justification whatsoever. The actions of the terrorists who executed this man remind us of the nature of the few people who want to stop the advance of freedom in Iraq. Their intention is to shake our will. Their intention is to shake our confidence. Yet, by their actions, they remind us of how desperately parts of the world need free societies and peaceful societies. And we will complete our mission. We will complete our task. Thank you.

Posted by: rex   2004-06-22 7:24:52 PM  

#109  #79 The Doctor

"Mind telling me what "MSM" means? I'm not familiar with the term."

MSM = Main Stream Media! THE ENEMY!

Oh, I see Frankie is gibbering about trolls again. I just can't figure out why he lumps me in with the likes of Anti, Sammy and that other ponce git NMM.


Nono, Nono
Posted by: Nony   2004-06-22 7:17:05 PM  

#108  Here's what CAIR said about the Berg beheading, #106:
"We condemn this cold-blooded murder and repudiate all those who commit such acts of mindless violence in the name of religion. We call on people of all faiths and cultures to work together for peace and reconciliation, not war and destruction."

Here is where CAIR condemns the murder of Paul Johnson:
"We condemn this act of senseless violence and repudiate all those who believe such murderous behavior benefits the faith of Islam or the Muslim people. We call for the swift apprehension and prosecution of the perpetrators."

Posted by: rex   2004-06-22 7:13:54 PM  

#107  no, "injustice of the illegal zionist occupation"...I've got a fiver on that one
Posted by: Frank G   2004-06-22 7:11:28 PM  

#106  CAIR condemned the beheading? That's gotta be a first.

Wait -- I bet they followed it with "but..." and muttered something about the injustice of removing Saddam from power, right?
Posted by: Robert Crawford   2004-06-22 6:59:21 PM  

#105  "The free world cannot be intimidated by the brutal actions of these barbaric people," the President said.
Sorry, #101, but this does not do it for me. Nor did the President's words as follows do it for me:
There is no justification for the brutal execution of Nicholas Berg -- no justification whatsoever.

I guess the whole idea of using the word "justification" in the same sentence with the act of beheading a civilian is a desonant image.

The polite albeit dispassionate words of the President and McClellan are in fact similar to CAIR's condemnation of the beheadings. Go figure.

Posted by: rex   2004-06-22 6:55:54 PM  

#104   And no wonder the whole world hates America

And the world thinks lefties like Antisemite and the little tiny Canadian are weak, lazy suckers who will place the noose around their own necks.

And they're right.
Posted by: BMN   2004-06-22 6:30:12 PM  

#103  You're a deadly combination

Never ever forget that.

Thank you TS and Cingold, superior troll brigade work.

and et al and al fresco too.
Posted by: Shipman   2004-06-22 6:10:04 PM  

#102  What a complete joke, does it not make you feel real good that these animals are just laughing their asses of at how inept our response is.

Please don't insult the animals. Old saying:

The opposite of the human is not the animal.

The opposite of the human is the demonic.

Posted by: Anonymous5329   2004-06-22 6:05:52 PM  

#101  Early in this thread Rex complained about WH flack Scott McClellan's wishy-washy comments. He must not have gotten the memo from his boss. From an item on "The free world cannot be intimidated by the brutal actions of these barbaric people," the President said.
Posted by: Tibor   2004-06-22 5:15:39 PM  

#100  Anybody besides me think it's funny that Antiwar and the new sidekicks Ali shoo-be-doo and Sammy come out when there is a murder? They never participate in any serious discussions because, as operatives, their agenda is to try and captitalize on the attention the Islamo violence has produced for the WOT bad guys. Also, Antiwar (ie Pro-jihad) feels emboldened, so is not trying to sound so "polite" and "Gentle."

Give it up IslamoFascist pig ANTIWAR-ALI SHOO-GENTLE Pakistani and club of cyber operatives.
Posted by: ex-lib   2004-06-22 5:14:48 PM  

#99  B, your right it is heartbreaking.

And lets not call it 'beheading', call it what it is... Cold Blooded Murder pure and simple.
Posted by: CrazyFool   2004-06-22 5:05:02 PM  

#98  Anti and Sammy and Nony and NMM and all the other trolls can kiss my ass on their way to hell. No raisins for you asswipes
Posted by: Frank G   2004-06-22 5:04:34 PM  

#97  That picture is really heartbreaking.
Posted by: B   2004-06-22 4:59:45 PM  

#96  ima seen that one but im figure one david icke book enuff. he realy lose me when he start talking like antiwar and is say jews arent realy jewish. other stuf in there purdy fun to read tho. ima learn bush and hillary are lizards but bill not but is control by them.
Posted by: muck4doo   2004-06-22 4:57:06 PM  

#95  Sorry, should've been more explicit.

They found Kim's body, in Iraq.
Posted by: growler   2004-06-22 4:53:45 PM  

#94  Hey, Mucky, if you liked that, check out the one Icke has called Children of the Matrix, where he claims we're under the control of extra-dimensional beings who have the power to enter our world leaders at any time. Never bought the book myself - I'd rather get a good novel or history book than pay $20.00 for an expensive joke, but one of these days I just might.
Posted by: The Doctor   2004-06-22 4:49:28 PM  

#93  Oh, and Antiwar?

You are an antisemite. You are too obsessed with the only Jewish country on this planet for it to be otherwise.

Try to understand this: minutes after the Israeli army stopped defending the country, all the Jews (whom you profess to like) would be exterminated. You know, like genocide. I imagine it has escaped your notice, because you really don't care despite your high-minded protestations, that all the countries surrounding Israel are judenrein. This includes the Palestinian territories, that other people you are so very fond of.

So basically what you've been saying, is that you are against the Jewish country of Israel, even though the result of Israel's dis-establishment would be the death of almost one third of the Jews now living. For perspective, the last time such a thing happened, it was at the hands of Adolph Hitler and his Nazis.
Posted by: trailing wife   2004-06-22 4:43:43 PM  

#92  ima tired of this! ima say release psycho girl and start letting her have sex in front of iraqis again!

ima always like see good flaming thread. :)

antiwar ima curious. ima read this book by david icke that was recommend to me but it is turn out alot of crap mired in some truths. are you believe in rothschild conspiracy?
Posted by: muck4doo   2004-06-22 4:39:39 PM  

#91  racis, ignorant, hate filled, xenophobic, right-wing religious nuts
Did KlooTroll miss any LLL buzzwords? I count homophobic, greedy, chauvinistic, ... Can anyone add some more?
Posted by: Xbalanke   2004-06-22 4:38:30 PM  

#90  RE: #44

Antiwar, darling, you'll want to add an etiquette book to that reading list.

A lady's age is hers to share or not share as she chooses, so long as she doesn't lie about it, or make a fuss. At your age, simpering coyness simply does not suit.

Some things that a lady does not ever do: stick out her little finger while drinking tea, lie, gratuitously insult others.

Clearly, you have some work to do before you next return. I look forward to observing your progress toward your stated goal.
Posted by: trailing wife   2004-06-22 4:30:09 PM  

#89  If either, it would have to be Kim in Iraq. No way Saudis are letting US officials go anywhere unchaperoned...
Posted by: .com   2004-06-22 4:27:47 PM  

#88  Growler, which one? Kim, or Johnson?
Posted by: The Doctor   2004-06-22 4:25:53 PM  

#87  Ignoring the trolls to answer a question asked by Michael back in response #10:

Yes, US troops found the body.
Posted by: growler   2004-06-22 4:24:45 PM  

#86  Saw this definition yesterday.

Racist = What one is called when winning an argument with a liberal. See also, xenophobe, sexist, etc.
Posted by: Raj   2004-06-22 4:16:29 PM  

#85  This is the fruit of islamofascism:
The parents and sister of Kim Sun-il react after learning he had been beheaded despite government efforts to release him.
Feel proud Antiwar and Sammy Klooless? This is what the War On Terror is about.
Posted by: cingold   2004-06-22 4:14:04 PM  

#84  Hey Sammy, how come you ran to Canada to be with your wife? Why didn't she come and live with you in the carriage house in Grosse Point? Afraid the Dems were going to reinstate the draft or something?

And like other posted earlier, the WMD issue was and is real. I think you would be most surprised who helped spirit them away (see Security Council members that opposed our entry into Iraq).
Posted by: remote man   2004-06-22 4:05:16 PM  

#83  Funny how people who don't support the extermination of Jews and Americans get labeled by the Islamicists as racis[t],ignorant, hate filled, xenophobic, right-wing religious nuts.
Posted by: jules 187   2004-06-22 3:48:05 PM  

#82  Hey Sammy you worthless piece of ignorant flesh, saying these things about Islam isn't being racist because Islam isn't a fucking race you moron! TS(vice girl - my hero for the day!) has it right on target as far as I can tell. I wish it were different, I really do. I wish that Islam was a peaceloving religion but from what I see from their actions (or inactions on the part of the 'moderate' muslims) there isn't much hope for it unless it undergoes a radical change.

Judge each tree by its fruit I always say.
Posted by: CrazyFool   2004-06-22 3:45:45 PM  

#81  And as for the subject of the article itself, I'm merely left to shake my head. I speculated yesterday that if the jihadis hit enough people from enough different countries, they may drive us together in a true coalition of those willing to drive them out. Wishful thinking, perhaps, but as the death toll mounts (and with a sick feeling in my gut I suspect it will), it's going to hit a lot more than just America - and those countries who lose people are going to have to ask themselves whether they want to bow to this kind of terror, or stand up to it.
Posted by: The Doctor   2004-06-22 3:40:04 PM  

#80  Klootroll...go read some Quran and Hadith and find out some history on Islam and the atrocities commited because of it throughout it's history.
Here's a good place to start.
Or just read the headlines here everyday, maybe then you will have some sympathy for those enslaved and gang raped in Africa, beheaded all over the world, not to mention the women (MUSLIM WOMEN) who end up executed for being raped. It's all sanctioned by Islamic ideology.
(Which by the way, in case you hadn't noticed, is what the terrorists and their sympathizers are fighting for.)
Where is your sympathy for these ravaged masses?
Can you not have any, because to have sympathy for them would mean you would have to say something against Islam? Is that it?
So youd rather just ignore them, huh?
That way you can keep your conscience clear I suppose, and all in the YOUR world will be aok, right?
Posted by: TS(vice girl)   2004-06-22 3:40:00 PM  

#79  Cingold, you said just about everything I was going to say, but with more tact.

Sammy, you're embarrassing yourself every time you come on here. First you started making up ridiculous claims, then you start insulting us and revealing yourself to be everything you think we are.

Antiwar, we're at war. We lose, because of people like you, and you'll realize too late what you failed to help protect. We win, you claim we acted against the innocent. They aren't. I do feel sorry for the Palestinians, but while Israel can be called to task for some things, the majority of the Palestinians' problems are their own and have been created by the hate-filled jihadis whose goal in life is to tear down someone else. They have no goal other than destruction. That may not be the view of all Palestinians, but they're not policing their own, but giving them free reign. What does that say?

Nony - good to see you again. Mind telling me what "MSM" means? I'm not familiar with the term.
Posted by: The Doctor   2004-06-22 3:37:23 PM  

#78  raised in grosse Point Michigan

Trust fund baby; I know plenty from that town that went to my alma mater. Move along, nothing worth discussing here...
Posted by: Raj   2004-06-22 3:36:48 PM  

#77  Well said, cingold, but ya shoulda added a {snarl} at the end - for emphasis.

We need a few clueless leftys - you know - helps us hone our arguements.

I'm only bigoted against people, who if their policy desires were enacted, would get us killed.
e.g. : Antiwar, and KlooTrool
Posted by: BigEd   2004-06-22 3:34:42 PM  

#76  Well it's evident that you people are the worst aspects of america wrapped up into one . You're a deadly combination of racis, ignorant, hate filled, xenophobic, right-wing religious nuts, And no wonder the whole world hates America . May God send you all to hell .

Now Kloo(less)Troll, for someone who has such a sophisticated, advance opinion of the world I'm surprised that you immediately result to such vulgar means of debate. I thought people with such a worldly view of events would be able to do better than that. Siggggggggghhhhhhhhhh
Posted by: Yosemite Sam   2004-06-22 3:32:14 PM  

#75  cingold - Rock 'n Roll, bro!
Posted by: .com   2004-06-22 3:30:44 PM  

#74  Sammy Klooless,

Wow, you invoke God and then try to usurp His power and place by judging us worthy of hell -- and I just met you!

You say the Rantburgians are racist, but I know that this site boasts a large diversity from Native American to WASP, and everything between and beyond. You claim we are ignorant, but you don’t even have a grasp of the islamofascist texts that are their version of Mein Kompf. You say we are hate-filled, simply because we rant against the mindless hatred of the islamofascists against everything Western, Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, Taoist, Zoroastrian, etc. (i.e., anything non-islamofascist). You claim we are xenophobic, but we span the globe in terms of who we are, where we hail from, and where we live. You claim we are right-wing religious nuts, but many of us are atheist or agnostic, and some are even Democrats.

No, Sammy Klooless, you are simply a disgusting, moronic idiot.
Posted by: cingold   2004-06-22 3:28:39 PM  

#73  Anti--why do you use such a misleading name? You're not "anti-war" at all--you're simply for the other side.

And the Sharon remark again evidences your anti-semitism, as well as your paranoia. For the record, my respect for Sharon grows everytime he orders the assasination of the swine that kill innocent civillians in the name of the mythical "Palestinians".
Posted by: Crusader   2004-06-22 3:26:11 PM  

#72  Hey anyone ask Antiwar if she going to get herself measured for a burka?

Her secret desire!
Posted by: BigEd   2004-06-22 3:25:45 PM  

#71  OH BOOOO HOOOO Kloo(less)Troll. You really told me off. I don't know how I can continue knowing you don't like me - BOOOO HOOOOO.
Posted by: Yosemite Sam   2004-06-22 3:24:08 PM  


PS : Y. Sam - Superfont. Nice touch!
Posted by: BigEd   2004-06-22 3:23:53 PM  

#69  hahaha, you guys are silly. Save it for the campus, your guilt-tripping spew no longer works on us.
Posted by: BH   2004-06-22 3:19:25 PM  

#68  [Off-topic or abusive comments deleted]
Posted by: Antiwar TROLL   2004-06-22 3:18:07 PM  

#67  Thanks Yosemite, but actually that was someone else's quote. :) Although I did say something close to that.
Posted by: TS(vice girl)   2004-06-22 3:16:54 PM  

#66  Well it's evident that you people are the worst aspects of america wrapped up into one . You're a deadly combination of racis, ignorant, hate filled, xenophobic, right-wing religious nuts, And no wonder the whole world hates America . May God send you all to hell .
Posted by: KlooTroll   2004-06-22 3:14:43 PM  

#65  "Mo-ham-head was a pedophile, a rapist, an
adulterer, a barbarian, a racist, and as the writings illustrate, a complete
Posted by: Yosemite Sam   2004-06-22 3:11:59 PM  

#64  Thanks Cingold I'd nearly forgotten that moment of honesty.
Posted by: Shipman   2004-06-22 3:11:56 PM  

#63  Klootroll- I make you sick?...well good then, wretch, maybe your delusion will come out in the wash.
Why am I a racist, cause I repeated what is written in the Koran and Hadith?
So, truth is now racism?
I missed that memo.
Oh, and I will never apologize for what is the truth, that's your job brother!
And you are doing a damn fine job of it too.
Posted by: TS(vice girl)   2004-06-22 3:11:05 PM  

#62  The trolls do love a good head chopping don't they. Do ya think it may be hardwired? Or is the DU a little tense today?
Posted by: Shipman   2004-06-22 3:10:48 PM  

#61  Antiwar is a fake

whew...that's a relief. I just thought she was really retarded.
Posted by: B   2004-06-22 3:10:45 PM  

#60  On the other hand, Sammy Frobisher (d/b/a KlooTroll), appears to be simply a disgusting, moronic idiot.
Posted by: cingold   2004-06-22 3:09:36 PM  

#59  RC: Don't you know? Telling the truth makes people sad. We shouldn't do it.
Posted by: BH   2004-06-22 3:08:21 PM  

#58  IMO, Antiwar is a fake -- s/he pretends to be a nice, concerned liberal, but s/he gets real nasty when support for islamofascists (including undermining Western society and values) is confronted too directly. So as not to waste bandwidth, you can read the Same Story, Different Day -- right here in a previous thread.
Posted by: cingold   2004-06-22 3:07:32 PM  

#57  Scummy Frobisher -- just what did Vice Girl say that requires an apology?
Posted by: Robert Crawford   2004-06-22 3:02:24 PM  

#56  Antiwar, "kooky" as in you have no grasp of reality and live in a fantasy world.

And if you are anti-war, why don't you tell OBL, Al Queda, al-asqa, hezbollah and the muslims in Sudan to stop the war/killing.
Posted by: Anonymous4021   2004-06-22 3:02:22 PM  

#55  A good book can be enjoyed at any age.

Right you are on that point. As for you being a kooky nut - well you know you are, dear. Nothing to be ashamed of.
Posted by: B   2004-06-22 3:01:57 PM  

#54  KlooTroll -
Do you realize just how stupid you sound. Do your read anything other than lefty gooo? Can you please put your crayons away? The way you think is going to get us all killed.
Posted by: Long Hair Republican   2004-06-22 3:00:43 PM  

#53  You make me sick TS(Vice girl) and you're an embarrassement. You're ignorant and you are a racist, xenophobic person. My name is Sammy Frobisher I am a protestant born and raised in grosse Point Michigan , I have since moved to montreal to be w/ my wife. You are embarrasing your fairly decent even though misguided mates on this website w/your words and You need to apologize to everyone for taking it this far!!
Posted by: KlooTroll   2004-06-22 3:00:11 PM  

#52  TS(vice girl) has it right. Mo-ham-head was a pedophile, a rapist, an adulterer, a barbarian, a racist, and as the writings illustrate, a complete idiot.

In short, he was just *your* speed, Ali.
Posted by: Crusader   2004-06-22 2:59:49 PM  

#51  Relic or not, there were/are undeclared Chemical Munitions that were discovered in Iraq.

How about you quit moving the goalposts and face the facts?
Posted by: Anonymous4021   2004-06-22 2:59:41 PM  

#50  Kloo: Yer an idiot. It was an unmarked shell of a type Sammy NEVER declared. Noone has any idea how many of these things are out there. But of course, I'm wasting my's a glass of Kool-Aid for your troubles.
Posted by: Rex Mundi   2004-06-22 2:58:12 PM  

#49  [Off-topic or abusive comments deleted]
Posted by: Antiwar TROLL   2004-06-22 2:54:12 PM  

#48  Ali- Your 'prophet' Muhammed had lotsa folks beheaded back in his day, there was no America to blame then, who did he blame then for his twisted evil acts..oh oops, the Jews! That's right.
Man, you Muslims always got to blame some 'other' to justify your acts of barbarism..ya know it's getting old, like 1400 years old!
We know the truth about Islam, you see?
So your propaganda to hide the truth of Islam will have little to no effect here.
Muhammed was a barbarian, a pedophile, a fascist, who used what little he knew of Jewish and Christian teachings to make his own 'religion' to justify his behaviour...and dolts like you bought it back then, the way you buy it now. Some were just bloodthirsty and liked the loot from the caravans and towns Muhammed told them to raid 'for Islam', of course alot liked all the Allah sanctioned rape of the female POWS and having sex slaves.
Which one are you?
Posted by: TS(vice girl)   2004-06-22 2:52:24 PM  

#47  Are you enjoying A Tree Grows in Brooklyn? It was assigned to me in sixth grade. I really enjoyed it then....

kinda a kooky nut, aren't ya?
Posted by: B   2004-06-22 2:51:11 PM  

#46  Dude give it a rest. You're hinging the whole war on that shell. Which the Bush admin. itself stated was just a relic that had gone undetected by everyone. It predated the weapons that the U.N were hired to look for also. THAT was the threat to world peace. Quit grasping at straws face the facts!!
Posted by: KlooTroll   2004-06-22 2:48:39 PM  

#45  Anti and Ali:

Let me make it as plainly as I can for you. I *SUPPORT* Israel doing anything and everything it needs to do to rid itself of the mythical "Palestinians"--including the assasination of the Paleo-thug leaders, the killing of its militants, and the building of the wall to protect it from the cowardly thugs who kill families and children in public places.

I also support *ANY* action that eliminates Islamic militants and those that support them. The day is coming that Muslims will be forced to either publically and loudly *denounce* those who kill in its name, or face deadly consequences for their silence (and complicity).
Posted by: Crusader   2004-06-22 2:47:36 PM  

#44  [Off-topic or abusive comments deleted]
Posted by: Antiwar TROLL   2004-06-22 2:47:30 PM  

#43  Antisemite--

Sorry, your reading list is full of Islamonazi books and websites. A lefty illiterate like you would never come right out and say she hates Jews--instead, you merely praise suicide bombers and jihadis, endlessly. Of course you don't know Orwell--but Orwell knows you, honey, as we all do. You're a punchline.
Posted by: BMN   2004-06-22 2:46:48 PM  

#42  Anti(insert noun here) you didn't give rats @$$ about Iraqis when Saddam was butchering them on a daily basis so spare us your bigotry masquerading as compassion....that act it tired.

And apparenlty Ali fancies itself a troll. It's a lame attempt Ali.
Posted by: Rex Mundi   2004-06-22 2:46:18 PM  

#41  These people made a bad mistake. There are few people in the world as relentless, ferocious, and downright mean as a pissed-off Korean. If Korea takes it personally things will get ugly for al Quaeda any place where Koreans can reach them.
Posted by: RWV   2004-06-22 2:43:00 PM  

#40  Who was it who said about war: "You got to kill people, and when you've killed enough of them they stop fighting?"

We need to put a huge, huge dent in that 1.2 billion headcount.
Posted by: BH   2004-06-22 2:42:41 PM  

#39  Ali - remember that 155MM shell last month, the one with sarin? What do you call that?
Posted by: Raj   2004-06-22 2:42:29 PM  

#38  NO WMDs were found NADA.

Except for that sarin shell and the mustard gas shell. Oh, and all the research programs they weren't supposed to have.

Posted by: Robert Crawford   2004-06-22 2:42:26 PM  

#37  Ali-
This is a war. Started by Al-Q. There's a long way to go - years and years (see Israel and Palestine). If this is the response of the terrorists when we fight back, I shudder to think how much worse it would be if we didn't: thousands more Americans dead at home (but you'd like that right?). Sell your lie/Joo/oil-mantra bullshit somewhere else. We've got a war to win.
Posted by: Spot   2004-06-22 2:41:37 PM  

#36 old are you? Do you think we don't know it's you, shoobeedoo? Shouldn't you be locating your Scooby Doo book so you can get caught up on your reading?
Posted by: B   2004-06-22 2:40:30 PM  

#35  [Off-topic or abusive comments deleted]
Posted by: Antiwar TROLL   2004-06-22 2:39:06 PM  

#34  You're not outraged Antisemite--except, of course, at Israel.
Posted by: BMN   2004-06-22 2:35:02 PM  

#33  [Off-topic or abusive comments deleted]
Posted by: Antiwar TROLL   2004-06-22 2:33:52 PM  

#32  Hey anonymous . You like putting panties on other men GO RIGHT AHEAD. I bet u have some on your head right now, MORON. NO WMDs were found NADA. Quit giving excuses. You and george junior can put panties on each others heads 'till the cow comes home after the election is over.
Posted by: Ali Abdel Hafiz ben americani al ignorami aziz el alb mahmoud mustafa ben shoo bee doo   2004-06-22 2:32:59 PM  

#31  To recap the bidding, in the last 48 hours the bad guys collectively have (1)ambushed four US Marines (2) taken eight members of the Royal Navy hostage (3) beheaded a South Korean and (4) killed about 50 Russians. This really calls for a united (small u) nations (small n) response. What's that term Aris is always using? "Solidarity"?
Posted by: Matt   2004-06-22 2:27:12 PM  

#30  Someone here broached what I feel is the true nature of the situation. That the Jihadis are actually the usefull idiots, and the MSM are the real enemy.

I wonder when we are going to wake up and realize this. It is the talking heads that need to lose theirs. That and the activist judges, etc. etc.

Posted by: Nony   2004-06-22 2:27:12 PM  

#29  I'll not mince words Ali.
You're stupid.

The 9/11 commission has stated that Iraq and AQ have/had a relationship. There's no connecting link to 9/11 however.

And Sarin, Mustard gas and mortar rounds with blistering agents have been discovered in Iraq.

Islamonuts have beheaded a few civilians and filmed it for the world to see.
But, hey, we're the bad guys for putting panties on a prisoners head, right?
Posted by: Anonymous4021   2004-06-22 2:22:57 PM  

#28  I'm not sure I grasp that.
Posted by: B   2004-06-22 2:11:09 PM  

#27  B, we are way beyond anything as obvious as the moonbats attempting to help Kerry. The radical agenda requires that the prevailing order be defeated, and that includes the Democratic Party whether everyone here likes it or not. The terrorists are a means to that end, nothing more. Certain mediatarian elitists adhere to this agenda because it conforms to principles of success that are fundamental to the nature of their business. The extreme, the radical, the nihilistic, the emotional; all signify distinction and therefore attention in the intensely time-constrained and competitive world of the media.
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy   2004-06-22 2:08:45 PM  

#26  I completely disagree LHR. 4 months ago, if I had said to a group of my lefty friends that Islamists were "sick barbarians", they would have disowned me as their friend. Today, they would heartly agree.
Posted by: B   2004-06-22 2:08:22 PM  

#25  At this point I think AQ is just laughing at us. They take a head and see no reaction from us. The AQ are playing this perfect. They hear what the news says and they play it up. They get a since of the world reaction from the media and play it. World Outrage against the MOooOslims gets the headlines and the reactions.

But I must keep it all in perspective because Abu Grebe prison was far worse. Three human beings getting there head lopped off for the world to see with unrealistic demands to keep them alive, this does not compare to the prison atrocities and torture.

Yeah my world is truly balanced in it's thinking and perspective and it's so called stance on tolerance.

What a complete joke, does it not make you feel real good that these animals are just laughing their asses of at how inept our response is. Pathetic!
God rest his soul
Posted by: Long Hair Republican   2004-06-22 2:06:25 PM  

#24  Good point re Allawi LH. I hope that he has the stones to get the job done. I think that the Iraqis understand the need for overt demonstrations of strength better than we do.
Posted by: remote man   2004-06-22 2:05:37 PM  

#23  BH...that's right. You know all that venom from the left that iss directed at our religious right? I't won't be long before they feel it's ok to direct all that personal dissatisfaction at the homophobic, repressive, religious Islamists.

They are already looking in your direction - just waiting for a nod to spew.
Posted by: B   2004-06-22 2:03:24 PM  

#22  Whatever. Facts remain you lied to the world America. You deceived the world to get what you wanted. Your own 911 commission concluded that there was NO LINK between Iraq & 911. There are NO WMDS . You lied. As a result people are dying, Ameican people are dying & you've made the world a more dangerous place and given evey Jihadi an excuse to take up arms. Congrats, keep up the good work!!
Posted by: Ali Abdel Hafiz ben americani al ignorami aziz el alb mahmoud mustafa ben shoo bee doo   2004-06-22 2:02:24 PM  

#21  Ali Abdel Hafiz ben americani al ignorami aziz el alb mahmoud mustafa ben shoo bee doo:

The world hasn't seen "Cowboys and Muslims" yet, but the day is fast approaching.

When it comes down, asshats like yourself won't enjoy the show.
Posted by: Crusader   2004-06-22 2:01:43 PM  

#20  my condolences to the mans family, and to the people of Korea.

and, yes, the time is ripe for a tougher policy on Fallujah.

I point hopefully to Iraqi PM Allawi's support for the US air attack on a Jihadi safe house in Fallujah.

Posted by: Liberalhawk   2004-06-22 1:59:40 PM  

#19  Ali, we're just getting warmed up. You ain't seen nothin' yet.
Posted by: BH   2004-06-22 1:59:12 PM  

#18  I just don't see how these beheadings can help Kerry in anyway, shape or form. The hate Bush America isn't even big enough to float Air America. It may represent the views of the press, but not the American people.

I live in a liberal enclave, and I find my lefty friends taking up defense these days, rather than going on the offense.
Posted by: B   2004-06-22 1:58:30 PM  

#17  If there is a place where these two men can feel our sadness and horror for their suffering, our wish to remove the pain and fair, and our outrage at their monstrous killings, I hope they find it--so many of us are just sickened by what has happened.

Since we live on Earth, however, it's time to turn to outstanding earthly matters-eliminating the last vestiges of Homo Neandrathalis--the terrorist.

Does anyone not wonder why we would find access to the Korean man's body but not the (Anglo) American man's body? I have an idea--because one of them has been so horribly mutilated out of ethnic hatred that it would be impossible to recover/show it. Think of the bridge...
Posted by: jules 187   2004-06-22 1:56:43 PM  

#16  According to Ali, Saddam=Iraqi people. Are the mass graves the result of suicide?

Thanks you again, Ali, for helping us prove that lefties are mentally retarded authoritarians.
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy   2004-06-22 1:55:56 PM  

#15  Ali Shoo Bee Doo: Maybe you were getting some of the oil for food money huh? Maybe you were selling videos of the shredder killings? Saddam killed way more than 10,000 Iraqis a year you sick POS and you know it. Go crawl back in your IndyMedia hole and rot.
Posted by: remote man   2004-06-22 1:54:25 PM  

#14  Rex, Scott McClellan is in way over his head. If Rove, et al, had any sense they would get Scott, or preferably his replacement, to say these things. I just think the admin is going into hiding until the handover. It is a strategy of weakness that only invites more attacks.
Posted by: remote man   2004-06-22 1:50:52 PM  

#13  You start a war on the basis of a lie w/ a people who NEVER did anything to you in order to serve your master Israel and steal their oil. BODYCOUNT:10,000 Iraqi civilians+,963 coalition lives,about a hundred contractors and 3 beheaded civilians. Keep up the good work America.
Posted by: Ali Abdel Hafiz ben americani al ignorami aziz el alb mahmoud mustafa ben shoo bee doo   2004-06-22 1:50:50 PM  

#12  Jack is Back
Nobody has alleged that all media exhibit the same bias or push the same line. I was more specific than that.
As for the motivation behind the appeasement line, Thomas M. Frank did a chapter and verse exposition of this a few years ago, entitled The Conquest of Cool (and yes, career advancement is a very big part of it since not all lefty media sell ads.)
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy   2004-06-22 1:46:41 PM  

#11  remote man - I'm afraid you are right. But when they do, they'll find a less kindler-gentler America than the one they attacked the first time. Press aside and truly looney left aside, most Americans have undergone attitude adjustments. The pre 9-11 arguments about peace and love are looking as dated and worn as grandma's sofa.

In fact, the whole 60's generation mentality is starting to look as old as grandma's sofa too.

One look at history would tell them that when we reach our limit, they will be crushed.
Posted by: B   2004-06-22 1:43:14 PM  

#10  God rest his soul. Has his body been found? Has Johnson's body been found?

Something else. If a butcher knife was used for Kim or Johnson (a la Berg), I don't want to see "beheading", but "sliced off with a butcher knife" instead. If no media here is going to show the photos, at least use proper descriptions.
Posted by: Michael   2004-06-22 1:41:34 PM  

#9  The White House reacted with outrage to the report. "Obviously that would be horrible news to hear," said Press Secretary Scott McClellan. There is "simply no justification for those kinds of atrocities."
I am embaressed when the White House uses this detached, sanitized pat reply to an obvious Dark Ages act of barbarism. I recall President Bush using the exact same wording as a response to the Berg beheading and/or when the 4 US contractors were burned, mutilated and hung from a bridge.

IMO, Scott McClellan should have said: "This are are barbaric acts. The cowards who committed this atrocity against an innocent, unarmed civilian bring shame to the religion of Islam and to peace loving Muslims around the world. These cowards should be identified to PM Allawi by good Muslims who do not want their religion tarnished by the murderous actions of these godless thugs.
Posted by: rex   2004-06-22 1:39:54 PM  

#8  Take out Jazzy news - they're in cahoots with the terrorists. Enough is enough ...
Posted by: Anonymous5323   2004-06-22 1:39:08 PM  

#7  B, while I'd like to agree with you I don't think that the killing of individuals in a country half way around the world is going to make the lefties or the press change their positions one iota. It will have to be a major attack on US soil. When I say major, I mean on that kills more than 100,000 people. We just won't be angry enough until that happens. Of course at that point, watch out. It will be a different world.
Posted by: remote man   2004-06-22 1:36:28 PM  

#6  maybe, but it's kindof like the French wines. Once you dispell a myth, it's tough to get it up and running again.

They've been operating under the Western myth that... no one culture is better or worse than another, only different. Religion of Peace and all that BS. We can all just get along if we sit down and talk it out.

Each head that comes off is a reality call for all westerners that there really is good and evil and that evil must be fought. Even the lefty-left is left holding the bag for their once foolish dreams that you could have a war and if no one showed up we could all sing Kumbaya.

Not anymore. One more blow to our innocence and they might just discover how lethal we can be, once we decide it's ok.
Posted by: B   2004-06-22 1:31:52 PM  

#5  All this makes me want to do is flatten Fallujah and Ramadi. I mean flatten both towns. I don't think that anything else is going to get the message across. Maybe the admin is waiting for the handover, so that we are asked specifically to do this. I doubt it though. All I do know is that this (the WOT) is going to get worse. A whole lot worse in the months and years ahead.
Posted by: remote man   2004-06-22 1:31:22 PM  

#4  But it is working since our news media and their ilk like Al-jaweirdo are all in cahoots to get rid of Bush, support terrorism (sells papers, ads and TV time) and eliminate the joos! The editors at NYT and WaPo and other leftie dailys around the world are creaming in their jeans every time this happens. Believe me, go to any local or national newspaper office today and you will see smiles galore.
Posted by: Jack is Back!   2004-06-22 1:24:08 PM  

#3  The butchers must be watching the BBC.
The media appeasement lobby is obviously inciting this with their line on the hostage murders: "get out and it will stop" "cycle of violence, stop killing jihadis and they will stop killing our people." It's a simple equation: More butchered victims, more pressure from the Fifth Column to call off the war.
Media lefties are worse vermin than the terrs themselves, because media-heads were raised in open societies and should know better.
They are beasts, criminals conciously inciting murder and genocide to advance their depraved careers.
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy   2004-06-22 1:19:41 PM  

#2  they are such sick barbarians.
Posted by: B   2004-06-22 1:18:47 PM  

#1  I hope these bastards soon find themselves between a ROK and a hard place.
Posted by: BH   2004-06-22 1:14:43 PM  
