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Terror Networks
Muslims back off Six Flags Muslims-only day!
Posted: September 15th, 2004
1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Aaron Klein

© 2004
An Islamic group is backing off its boast of a Muslims-only day at a popular theme park, just hours after WND brought to light plans for the "Great Muslim Adventure Day."

The article prompted numerous responses from WND readers who informed Six Flags they would stop attending its amusement parks.

The Muslim Youth Division of the Islamic Circle of North America and the Muslim American Society, two of the largest Muslim organizations in America, had said they arranged exclusive use of Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson, N.J., for the entire day Friday. The ICNA website declared, "First Time Ever — All Day — Entire Park Exclusively for Muslims!"

Debbie Nauser, vice president of public relations for the Six Flags theme park, confirmed yesterday to WorldNetDaily the park would be open only for "Muslims and their friends."

Six Flags has hosted other event days, including an annual Passover theme in which the park is predominantly filled with Orthodox Jews, but the venue remains open to outsiders and seasonal ticket holders, and organizers of previous events never have claimed exclusive use of the park.

But following the WND story, the ICNA website removed all references to exclusive use of the park, and Nauser said the park would not be used exclusively by the Muslim groups.

The original ICNA invitation said the event is designed to "provide entertainment for the entire family! Imam Zaid Shakir will lead the Friday afternoon prayers at 2 p.m., the comedy routine 'Allah Made Me Funny' will show twice, Comedian Azhar Usman will perform, and 'Alhamdulillah,' the entire park is reserved for Muslims only!"

The organization expected more than 10,000 Muslims.

WND informed Nauser it recently attended an ICNA-sponsored event featuring a main speaker who voiced empathy and support for suicide bombers, denied Muslims were involved in 9-11, characterized the war on terror as a conspiratorial Zionist plot designed to destroy Islam and Muslims and blamed attacks on affirmative action on "the rise of the Jewish cracker." Also, she was told Judicial Watch charges ICNA has ties to Hamas.

But Nauser told WND that before Six Flags booked the group, they received an okay from the local FBI.

Militant Islam Monitor also says ICNA recently held a conference at Liberty Bell Park in Philidelpha in which a speaker urged youths to join a Jihad traning camp to "educate the youth and provide them with the proper understanding of the concept of Jihad."

The cost of the camp was $200, which included transportation, food and accommodations. Attendees were asked to sign a waiver form and reportedly were told "many knowledgeable people will come and teach us. Many important lessons await."

WorldNetDaily received a flurry of e-mails from readers who said they called Six Flags to cancel their season passes or to say they'd stop going to the amusement park.

Reader Don Terry wrote, "I did in fact contact Debbie Nauser. I informed her that although I'd visited the Vallejo park many times over the years, I wouldn't be returning, ever. She basically said she didn't care."

Reader Austin Travis wrote, "It is wrong to even do business with a 'terrorist' supporting group ... . All business entities in America should never do business with any organization that supports terrorism. This means every business needs to get busy knowing which ones are this way. I think these theme park people at 'Six Flags of America' are actually bringing reproach upon the 6 flags that they represent!"

A company in Virginia Beach, Va., Motorbyte LLC, told WND it contacted Six Flags to return 30 corporate season passes.

Posted by:Mark Espinola

#19  Shipman: How about something as simple Feel Safe! It's No Muslims Day!

I find this gathering kind of strange, because these functions (among non-Muslim organizations) are generally pitched as a way to encourage togetherness. These guys are pitching it as a place where there are no non-Muslims, as if non-Muslims were somehow unclean. I don't have a problem with the function, but think the guys promoting it are real head cases.
Posted by: Zhang Fei   2004-09-15 6:46:08 PM  

#18  How about something as simple
Feel Safe! It's No Muslims Day!
Posted by: Shipman   2004-09-15 6:37:51 PM  

#17  Since Six Flags agreed to this insanity why not go all the way and have 'Blow Up America Day' or one better and longer 'National or International Jihad Fun Week'. Get the lunatics coming in world-wide.

The management at Six Flags should be called on the carpet on this one. Selling out your country for the sake of a admission ticket? Some people have no morals what-so-ever.
Posted by: Mark Espinola   2004-09-15 3:30:15 PM  

#16  Lock them in a Jesuit seminary for a week with a strict no sleeping on your back regimen.
Posted by: lex   2004-09-15 3:18:59 PM  

#15  So what should we do about the Irish and all their support for the IRA?
Posted by: Mrs. Davis   2004-09-15 3:14:00 PM  

#14  Well, not to be a party pooper--but . . .

I think our ethnocentricity is showing. We want to be good ol' Americans and say "sure, have a fun day with your group-bring the family--the kids--invite your neighbors”! And frankly, I wish we could park it there--and I would, too, except that the Islamic Circle of North America and the Muslim American Society boldly proclaimed:

"First Time Ever – All Day – Entire Park Exclusively for Muslims!" This is a real coup de tat for them. That's how they see it. They want to make inroads into the infrastructure of America and American life and redefine it. The fact that they are BOASTING about it is the dead giveaway. (Anybody remember the stories of muslim groups buying up property and opening schools and mosques and building neighborhoods just for themselves? It’s all a part of their concept of “jihad” and focuses on infiltration, proselytizing, fund-raising, gaining power and influence in local politics, and scouting for jihadi trainees.)

Additionally, the same group that’s sponsoring the Six Flags event has ties to Hamas, and also sponsored an event that:

1) featured a main speaker who voiced empathy and support for suicide bombers

2) denied that Muslims were involved in 9-11

3) characterized the war on terror as a conspiratorial Zionist plot designed to destroy Islam and Muslims

4) blamed attacks on affirmative action on "the rise of the Jewish cracker"

5) held a conference that “urged youths to join a Jihad training camp to educate the youth and provide them with the proper understanding of the concept of Jihad."

Hmmmm. Five "pillar-like" reasons to be very suspicious, and it certainly sounds like a bit more than the annual “Campus Crusade Family Day at Six Flags,” to me. But I sure wish they could settle down and just be “regular folks,” don’t you?

Posted by: ex-lib   2004-09-15 3:05:19 PM  

#13  I can't see the wrong here that would upset so many people and cause the backlash. There are millions of Muslims in the USA and the greatest number are law abiding, hard working and strongly patriotic Americans. Go to Detroit and see for yourself. But they do have a problem within their religion that they alone can solve. Much like the Catholics with paederest priests and militant Irish apologists as well as the same for the likes of Rev. Ian Paisley. Muslims are not the problem - radical Islam is.
Posted by: Jack is Back   2004-09-15 2:12:33 PM  

#12  ...are you content to make snarky comments that suggest that one group is the same as the other?

I could be content to let sarcasm sail serenely over your head, but: I want to know whether Six Flags religiously profiled the Muslim group when they checked with the FBI. I think they did. I approve of this step. But it's the kind of thing many people would not approve of, and I'm a little surprised Six Flags admitted it.
Posted by: Angie Schultz   2004-09-15 1:06:02 PM  

#11  Think they do that for Passover?

I must have missed the news articles about the dreaded Hebrew Jihad. Care to enlighten me, or are you content to make snarky comments that suggest that one group is the same as the other?
Posted by: BH   2004-09-15 12:53:17 PM  

#10  And yes, I am doing religious (not racial) profiling....

Apparently, so was Six Flags:

But Nauser told WND that before Six Flags booked the group, they received an okay from the local FBI.

Think they do that for Passover?

I wonder when KKK Day is.
Posted by: Angie Schultz   2004-09-15 12:46:16 PM  

#9  Booking the park exclusively is no big deal.

The connections to terrorism? thats a big deal.

My only other concern would be any attempts to force park employees to dress 'islamically correct" especially if it was hot. It just wouldn't be fair.
Posted by: peggy   2004-09-15 12:36:22 PM  

#8  I dont have a problem with them booking it for a day either - even exclusively. As long as the park remains safe afterwards. I would feel the same if the DNC or CBS reserved the park.

Oh and add the 'Schoolchildren Target Shoot' and rename the 'Fun House' the 'House of Rape' (I'm sure the Sudanese Governmen would be proud to sponsor it)....
Posted by: CrazyFool   2004-09-15 11:35:12 AM  

#7  OOPS! There's another one;

The Suicide-belt Slide for Life. No EXIT ramp required.
Posted by: RN   2004-09-15 10:33:12 AM  

#6  I'm far more concerned when Muslim proselytization extends into our textbooks. But booking venues for functions isn't anything to get worked up about.
Posted by: Zhang Fei   2004-09-15 10:31:55 AM  

#5  I think they're well within their rights to book the park for an entire day. During the internet boom years, a well-known investment firm did an employees-only booking at the local Great Adventure. It wasn't restricted to people of one religion, but it was an exclusive booking. Think of this as a religious outing, just like one of those Campus Crusades that evangelicals conduct from time to time. I don't really see any harm in this kind of outdoor fun. Better this than parading outside with simulated suicide bomb belts.
Posted by: Zhang Fei   2004-09-15 10:29:19 AM  

#4  To accommodate their Mooslim guests, some of the attractions were going to be renamed, or adjusted.

For example: the Whirli-Gig is now the “Whirling Dervish”, in the Fun House, the air compressor is cranked up to the max in order to lift a burka waist high, the Flashback shows the Twin Towers pre and post 9-11, Bumper Cars come with mini explosives, and the Roaring Rapids is now the Sand Dunes Slide, while the “House of Horrors” is the House of 72 Virgins.

Hurry…hurry…hurry! Step right up and get your tickets!
Posted by: RN   2004-09-15 10:26:38 AM  

#3  I hope Six Flags also reserved the following 6 days for the park to be throughly searched for arms and explosives by law enforcement.

And yes, I am doing religious (not racial) profiling....
Posted by: CrazyFool   2004-09-15 10:19:12 AM  

#2  I thought having fun was considered un-Islamic.
Posted by: SteveS   2004-09-15 9:58:47 AM  

#1  "Militant Islam Monitor also says ICNA recently held a conference at Liberty Bell Park in Philidelpha..."

He's using the name to pull our chain. "Liberty Bell Park" became "Keystone Park" in 1974 and then "Philadelphia Park" sometime around the mid-80's. It's a horse track that will rent conference space to anyone that wants a room.
Posted by: Tom   2004-09-15 9:30:04 AM  
