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We don't care about your condemnation! We are getting closer to Allah!
From Jihad Unspun, a statement titled "Al-Qaida Responds To The Misguided Parties Condemnation Of The Verdict Of Allah For The Crime Of Apostacy," issued by the Media Division of Al-Qaida in the Land of the Two Rivers on July 28th 2005
.... The ineffectual UN Thousands of perverted Nations has some general language prohibited bombs dropped on Iraq and Pakistan targeting jihadis and boomers women, children and unarmed people, yet, no condemnation for these unlawful crimes! Thousand of Muslims have been detained, had panties put on their heads tortured and put to Club Gitmo prisons around the world, with tribunals but with out legal bases or trials since you don't deserve them. Their only guilt yes, guilty, guilty, GUILTY was that they were Islamofascist boomers and nutters Muslims, yet, no condemnations for these righteous unjustness and removal of the scum of the earth crimes! .....

And when two diplomats apostates are killed who are Algerian diplomats American accomplices, helping the Americans crusaders and the decent people around the world Zionist Jews and recognizing the very few sensible 'moderate' Muslims (Al-Alquamiyeen) who supports the Zionists and crusaders, we hear a lot of justified condemnations from righteous radical decent people non-believers who speak change the truth and tip the scale towards separating Islamofascists from their lives unjustness. We know this is a carefully conceived plan conspiracy planed in the White House Situation Room darkness, giving the Americans crusaders an excuse to kill fight Islamofascists, terrorists and jihadis Muslims and establish democracy them selves in the Middle East land of the two rivers.

We say to those; Oh Shit! Silence! You cry of evil committed by people like Zarq, your hands are bloody with Islamofascists and jihadis innocent honorable people. Please don't kill me too! Silence! Americans, Aussies and Brits Tyrants, infidels and unjust people. Just look to the balance of western justice you have brought with you, tilted to personal liberty evil. You deserve applause hell by Allah grace.

The carriage on its way and the hunting dogs left behind barking. The truth is clear it sure is. We don’t care about your condemnation but we're terrified by your snipers. We are getting closer to Himmler Allah and are bound by panties and duct tape His borders and comply with Gitmo Al-Hanifa rules. Our faith dictates on us to skulk around kill the disbelievers and try not to get ourselves killed even though we proclaim a wish for 72 virgins the apostates.

The US Marines spear of the truth will destroy the Islamofascists evil. This is the destiny of all fools, rubes and cannon fodder conspirators with Zionist Jews and crusaders; his fate is their fate; let them say that they will protect the diplomats, but the Land of the Two Rivers in not a safe heaven for al-Qaeda and the Ba'athists the enemy of Allah. The glory of JDAM Jihad has lightened the horizon only for a moment, after which it's dark and quiet and cleared the way for the people with good deeds meaning the decent Iraqis once you rubes are gone.

O Allah! Make the Marines Mujahideens shots hit their intended targets which, since they're Marines, they always do ...
Posted by:Mike Sylwester

#29  Bye Mike, sleep peacefully. No doubt you'll inflict another set of "interesting JU" articles later, though perhaps you should think before you post. If nothing else, you've shown a petty and disingenuous face Mike. (I didn't know you were a moderate and I surely didn't know your views on "captives" or the "UN" ... either way it matters little) You can't take it personally if folks just don't feel inclined to agree with you. "That's all there is to this."
Posted by: MunkarKat   2005-07-30 00:02  

#28  This is a fake issue. A few people here are enraged that I voice moderate opinions about treatment of captives and about the UN.

And you certainly have been bloody 'adult' in your responses.
Posted by: Pappy   2005-07-29 23:32  

#27  This is Rantburg discussion:

Then why are you here? If it pisses you off so much, don't come around. Most especially, don't post meaningless crap.

I mean, Christ, Mikey, trailing wife and I offered some constructive criticism up above and your response is to cut-and-paste a "THEY SAID MEAN THINGS ABOUT ME!!!!" file?

A few people here are enraged that I voice moderate opinions about treatment of captives and about the UN.


You refused to accept that UN officials were involved in taking bribes from Saddam Hussein and pocketing billions in cash that should have been used for helping the Iraqi people. You stated repeatedly that the Iraqi people should also have to pay for the investigation of their own robbery.

When the evidence became overwhelming, you slunk away, only to return with a storm of Jihad Unspun posts -- posts that are neither enlightening nor amusing, merely pointless and irritating.

And now you're stomping your feet because someone with authority turned a worthless post into an amusing one, and because other people remember what a git you are and have no problem stating it.

Are you ever going to bother explaining why you posted this article? In what way was it enlightening? Amusing?
Posted by: Robert Crawford   2005-07-29 23:09  

#26  The problem I have with the Jihad Unspun posts on a repeated basis is that Mike seems to ignore the total lack of evidence for them.

Face it -- if there were HALF or even a QUARTER as many US fatalities as they claim, it would be obvious here. It's just not happening the way that site claims.

Once or twice a JU post is an interesting example of what goes out over the airwaves in the Arab world. But day after day ... posted without comments or acknowledgement of its absurdity ...

Come on Mike, I think you're smarter than that.
Posted by: too true   2005-07-29 22:50  

#25  Actually, that is not all MS. You know better. Don't be shy. Drop the pretense and spell it out. It won't hurt that bad. What's the worst that might happen?
Posted by: MunkarKat   2005-07-29 22:38  

#24  Mike - I have voice moderate opinions, here - from time to time - and cringed for fear of the backlash. There ARE some tough customers here - no doubt about it!

And I wasn't quite sure how to take Jihad Unspun - I was worried when I read it and my kid was in Al Anbar province with the Marines. But now I take it like Tokoyo Rose.

But Mike - the U.N.

Mike? Really? I think the last good thing they did was in 1950. Great idea, the United Nations. Execution leaves a bit to be desired, I think....
Posted by: Bobby   2005-07-29 22:33  

#23  Oh no it's not.
Posted by: Jack Ruby   2005-07-29 22:26  

#22  I have never fisked any articles, and I have posted probably hundreds of them.

This is a fake issue. A few people here are enraged that I voice moderate opinions about treatment of captives and about the UN.

That's all there is to this.
Posted by: Mike Sylwester   2005-07-29 22:22  

#21  One of the moderators added the snark, after the article was posted (see comment #13).
Posted by: Dave D.   2005-07-29 22:21  

#20  Yes.
Posted by: Jack Ruby   2005-07-29 22:20  

#19  I - relatively new to the RB horde - may not have learned all the protocols, but I remember several being quite hard on Mike; saying if he was going to post JU for 'fun' he should add snarky comments.

Now he has, and folks still aren't happy with the comments.

Did Mikey pee in somebody's Post Toasties a while back, and I missed it?
Posted by: Bobby   2005-07-29 22:13  

#18  Re #11 (trailing wife): More than a few current Rantburgers ... stubbed up hard against those who know just as much or more and aren't necessarily kind in explaining errors of fact and/or interpretation

This is Rantburg discussion:

Mikey - you are as much a liar as Joe Wilson .... you are aiding and abetting political hacks by deliberately spreading disinfomation .... It marks you as a liar, and as the sort of scum who should be jailed.

I do NOT welcome MS back. I hope he will leave again ...

Ignore the lying UN-defender. Moral equivalence with terror makes him as big a scumbag as the asshats he droolingly defends. Go back to your hole MS, cretin

Mikey's a lying sack o' crap.

I called you an "attention whore" too, MS. But what you really should be called is a "SINK-TRAPPED TROLL".

I just don't think Mikey-the bandwidth-hog needs to post a whole series of these "debate" articles about Moslems abusing Christians

you merely have an amazing capacity for self-delusion -- it would be too unkind to say it is simply 100% USDA apologist dementia. You carry more water for the defunct and corrupt UN, aka The League of Thieves, and for the State Dept's private agenda segment, aka The Saudi Retirement Plan Wannabees (I'll bet your boyz already miss Princey Bandar, lol), than anyone else I've encountered. You're consistent, though I attach no credit to that attribute since you're consistently alone and embattled by the facts and, thus, reduced to spinning and hair-splitting and picking of ze nits - as #4 clearly shows. The Tranzi Moonbat Don Quixote of our time.

Why is MS always running interference for Annan and Wilson?

kofi's butt boy returns, unawakened, unashamed, unable to detect a hostile room.

Yet more MS BS, wait for the apologista.

Maybe if you if you get enough points, you can be invited to visit your Russian counterparts at Moving Together and they will let you ride on their vespas.

Boy we do need a housecleaning of linguistholes at State ... MS...what's the matter, don't know the answer to the questions regarding the facts? You don't know squat about this but you are ready to jump up and down like a monkey over it.

No basement-dweller would have as strong a love of the UN. I mean, c'mon, he said the money for the Oil-For-Kofi's-Retirement-And-Terrorists investigation should come from Iraqi funds!

he's always on right on point to parrot the pre-ordained daily DU and talking points. I think he's trying to get points to win a trip to the summer-camp of Nashi. Hey Mike, have you gotten enough points to win your brown shirt with a Move on logo yet?

Just curious, Mike, whose your team leader? Doesn't it bother you just a little bit that you are the same sort of loser-sap that Putin looks for?

Mike Sylwester - a known liar and apologist for tyrants and thieves - quotes the NYT - guilty of the same - loser and scum.

MS - How's that oil for "food" thing going? Still Kofi's buttboy? Or just pretending that whole sordid affair and your unending lip service to defend those corrupt assholes ...never happened? Why are you here, when you have zero credibility or admirers?

Will someone please make Mikey go away? If I wanted to read his site, I would -- he doesn't need to post this crap here.

Reassignment by Move On to this site. Maybe he failed miserably at his last assignment and so they sent him back as punishment or they discovered he hadn't done the job here he had claimed. Or maybe it was State.

Mikey's a good little Nashi youth. Heil!

I must admit it might get you points from your team leader to apply towards your new Vespa. At the very least it should get you enough points for your new brown shirt with a Moveon logo. ....

how did Sylwester miss this chance to throw sand in the gears and get an attaboy from his masters?

Mikey's from the quantity = quality School of Trollery. Sure, just posting the links with a selected point for emphasis, like a normal non-idiotarian would do, would've been just as effective - especially given his *ahem* august sources, lol - but Mikey's still trying to define some bizarre Buchanian / Deanian / State Dept Wannabee / LLL / BDS / Rummy-Hate position..... He's had a woodie for many things during the time he's haunted RB. ....

Oh crap, you want to be an Attention Whore again. Can't afford a shrink?

you are so Kool Aid addled and obsessive that you accumulated an unusual day's posts into a single post - a magnificent strawman - par excellence. It was, waaay back then, and still is, a singular example of just how egregious a troll and remarkably fucked up you actually are.

Your weakass defense of corrupt kleptocrats entitles me to say - I just don't like you, your positions, and your coterie of heroes

MS is near the edge. I call 1 week until total Ape Shittery per last time. Keep yur links close at hands boys MS is back with the BS posse.

what ever happened to the secret f-11 and f-12 recon planes. Was it the Cubans or Mao? First one off Okinawa gets a cigar.

Well, Mike, are you a guard at Gitmo or not?? And the Dhimms are obsessed with bringing down someone, anyone in the Bush Administration .... You and your friends on the Left think Rummy's a liar and that our military are "baby killers in the manner of Jhenghis Khan."

Hey Mike, yeah you, Mike Sylwester: If thats your real name. I'll use you, an illiberal shill, schttupping for the enemy. How is it you guys kill 40 million human lives, and our military, thanks to you tranzi tape recorders, is supposed to be the "baby killers" here?
Got an answer for that one? I mean one that doesn't involve all 26 volumes?

Mikey Sybil'ter's WOT = 0
Mikey Sybil'ter's army = one [himself]
Mikey Sybil'ter's effectiveness = 0

Look at you mikey, you're full of shit, and you blather on forever..

Mike? Speechless? Well I do declare! No Washboard, nor slimes, nor Old Gray Whore rwetorts? You rwetard! No appending the omissions at these fine, venerable institutions? No addendums showing the selective omissions of agitprop?
Mikey = zzzzzzzzzz

Say what you will about the Japanese Imperial Soldier, but he put the Jihadi scum you and your ilk mollycoddle to shame. I mean to utter shame: the jihadi is a drug addicted agent, posing as a "insurrgent", operating on behalf of your average everyday Albanian Mafia.

I had nothing to do with this! Just ask Sike!
A prime example of a topic unceremoniously dropped from the Mikey agenda.
Oil for food was part of my cover. Paid for my trip to the gassy knoll.
Gassy Knoll -- isn't that where Mike lives?
Start checking for accounts under names like Senon Bevan. And what was the aunt's name?
Martha Sylwester
Lol! Right across the bow!

more lies - thanks MS, apologist to the Ummah

More MS BS--Big Time! Here's Mike: Hey, don't go after my IslamoNazi pals, the Syrians! They're really trying, see?
It must really suck to be Mike.

Sounds like Marxist claptrap in the service of Islamofascism. How's Kofi -- still in charge of the United Thugs?

NMM / AgentPoseur is a case in point.

personal abuse = identifying sympathizers with death for UN $ Oil for food defenders. You apologize for killers you become their acolytes, especially Jihad Unspun publicist

And some folks, circling the bowl of a tormented private event horizon, seek it out, secretly revel in it, and beg for the kill shot. The Rantburg Red-Headed Stepchild Syndrome.

take comfort where you can, OFF/UN apologist

Where's Kofi's kid? Find the account numbrs yet? The food ripped off stays ripped off. The children starved, stay starved. Only Mike S returns untarnished....not.
A REAL MEA CULPA would cause a lot (at least of mine) of accusations of toadying to nefarious purposes and fealty to the the UN/NGO's above American security/patriotism, but I won't be holding my breath or fire, MS

personal abuse = identifying sympathizers with death for UN $ Oil for food defenders. You apologize for killers you become their acolytes, especially Jihad Unspun publicist

You really do hate the U.S. military, don't you?

Either MS doesn't understand what enemy propaganda is, or he eagerly repeats it.

Mike Sylwester - rolling in sick fantasies of dead Americans.

It's anger, anger at being put aside way before due, anger at the goings on in Dallas, the Martian coverup, the lack of a decent retirement plant. DAMMIT PAY ATTENTION TO ME I SHOULD HAVE BEEN A

Only one continuous thread runs throughout Mikey's posts: they all share a strong element of "the US is to blame for [insert favorite dementia here]".

MS, .... We can see your bias a mile away. ... Perhaps you'd be more comfortable posting with your little friends over at DU and not here.

Mike you can't be that fucking dense.

Operation "Waste Bandwidth" was re-launched by the Jihad Unspun Brigades together with their puppet "Mikey" .... It is now recognized as part of the larger "Look at Meee!" campaign

MS: Stay off that black acid - you'll fry yer brain, son.

Mike, .... what is with the Left and their denial that people with real talent exist?

Someone who spent years (literally) defending Kofi and Friends just let it slide away when proof that he was defending criminals, thieves and liars who assisted a tyrant in killing his own people was finally brought out. No apologies, no I see the light", just slithered away....Now, he's back. I have no respect for him, and his persistence in pushing JU 2-3 times a day makes me dislike his motives and methods even less.

You’re an insecure loser, trying to feel big.

Mr. Sylwester, your post reveals a very childish nastiness, or the cavalier attitude of a psychopath, to whom others exist only for his amusement. .... Get over yourself and grow up. Or, please, go to hell.

Your view is the Leftist/Old Media/MSM view, which is based on half-truths and out-right lies. .... Trying to browbeat us into seeing the "beauty" of your Leftist position or worse, to make a personal appeal because you want some sympathy is completely misplaced and should be more cause for censure than for pity.

In this war that we fight, the Democrats and Liberals (almost all of whom hold views that are strongly Leftist like Hillary, Howard Dean, Al Gore, Kerry, etc.) have joined common cause with Islamist terrorists. If some us see you as one of the bad guys, be it.

Gotta wonder when Mikey's going to go into full-froth mode.

It's all about MEEEEEEE!!!

Mike and Arianna -- a match made in heaven.

Yes, we will ban regulars if sufficiently abusive/foul. Ask Aris for details -- oh right, you can't, we banned him :-)
Posted by: Mike Sylwester   2005-07-29 22:07  

#17  Mike, once upon a time I worked for a large corporation. The large corporation had two rules with regard to written communication:

1) Keep it brief.
2) The first sentence tells why the reader should read what follows.

Now the managers at the large corporation were very busy and important people, quite unlike me then as now, and any piece of paper crossing their desks which didn't meet these two criteria was sent back to the writer unread.

I assume you are a busy person. So are many of Rantburg's readers. Don't add snarky commentary if you wish, perhaps like me you aren't clever in that way. But at least state clearly why you think something is important enough to post.
Posted by: trailing wife   2005-07-29 21:58  

#16  Mike - I haven't heard anything about Tiger Pits, Hellicoptor interrogation, innovative uses for supped up cattle prods, Shah style bed frames, bamboo under fingernails, water torture, lime on wounds, staking out in the desert wrapped in wet leather and covered in honey. Nothing that looks like real torture.
Posted by: 3dc   2005-07-29 21:23  

#15  The article I posted was interesting and worthwhile.

How was it interesting? What made it worthwhile?

If it doesn't stand on its own merits, you should have at least tried to explain what makes it interesting.
Posted by: Robert Crawford   2005-07-29 21:07  

#14  In what specific way was this interesting and worthwhile, Mike? Looks to me like the usual empty rhetoric that the jihadis post every time they have their asses handed to them.
Posted by: too true   2005-07-29 21:04  

#13  Re #11 (trailing wife): It might have been Mike Sylwester ... Let's wait and see what he has to say.

The article I posted was interesting and worthwhile. In order to please the Rantburg rabble, though, a "moderator" has vandalized it so that nobody can read it.

This place is like a mosque.
Posted by: Mike Sylwester   2005-07-29 21:00  

#12  I saw it this am TW, is it possible to go back and edit? If that's the case Ima all for knowing.
Posted by: Shipman   2005-07-29 15:10  

#11  It might have been Mike Sylwester, hisveryownself, Shipman. Let's wait and see what he has to say. More than a few current Rantburgers came here knowing it all, stubbed up hard against those who know just as much or more and aren't necessarily kind in explaining errors of fact and/or interpretation, and became valued members of the community. I would love to see Mike make that transition -- I may be naive, but I think he could bring much to the table if only he would give up that destructive attitude.
Posted by: trailing wife   2005-07-29 13:39  

#10  This J.U. piece brings to mind an exchange that supposedly took place with General Schwartzkopf:
In an....interview, General Norman Schwartzkopf was asked if he didn't think there was room for forgiveness toward the people who have harbored and abetted the terrorists who perpetrated the 9/11 attacks on America. .... He said, "I believe that forgiving them is God's function. Our job is simply to arrange the meeting."
BTW, #5 was a nice rant T.G.
Posted by: GK   2005-07-29 13:25  

#9  Nice turd difuse by a Mod.
Posted by: Shipman   2005-07-29 12:08  

#8  heh.
Posted by: too true   2005-07-29 11:11  

#7  O Allah! Make the Mujahideens shots hit their intended targets ...

Looks like he noticed they can't shoot worth a damn, too...
Posted by: mojo   2005-07-29 10:40  

#6  Seem that joining the jihadist is like declaring yourself to be no more than an animal.

There are not too many trials of animals. More typical is the local humane society just putting them down if no adoptees.

Now in DuPage County, if you are a cat it is even worse. Seems that the animal control department has realized it can make good money selling cats for scientific research. They, also, realized that cats are easy to catch. Esp the ones with collars...

The jihadists are proceeding down a very slippery slope. Very slippery.

Posted by: 3dc   2005-07-29 10:38  

#5  Yipper! The good old perverted Nations... there is something that many would agree with. I seem to rarecall that there were demonstrations with peoples in the street voicing their outrage and more than one nation's representatives voicing disagreement on the floor of the UN on actions taken for the Global War on Terrorism (Epic Struggle against Violent Extremism).

I also witnessed the outrage of the muderous and insane actions resulting from the fatwa against anything non-Islamic concocted by boyfriend & girlfriend Usama bin Mohammed Ladin and Zawahiri. The only true victims are the innocent creations of the one true God. Their only guilt are that they were not evil-doers and agents of Satan. Everyone condemns the governments of East and West for troubles and tribulations. True... there must always be governments held accountable.

A Caliphate state will never be held accountable because by its very nature it is a dictatorship of the weak and helpless. It is sheepherders equipped not with a hook pole to protect the lambs but a sword to dole out butchery at every whim and wish. This murderous sheepherder elevates himself to the level of the one true God to become his equal. This is a blasphemous existance and path to follow. Satan awaits the greedy and evil-hearted to guide along on this path with the aim of devilish goals to impose control on God's creations by upsurping his devine plans and position as the one true God.

The ranks of the innocent cross all faiths, races, cultures, genders and geographic association. One must adhere to their faith, and obey the one true God.. but to pervert and twist that faith into a harvesting machine for Satan with it's backside showing to God is blasphemy. God knows who the evil doers are and what the strive for. Like a drying pond in the heat of summer, these evil doers will be exposed to the sun and heat and unable to hide in the murky darkness they shroud themselves in. They will be exposed for all their nastiness laying in the mud flip flopping over and over gasping and choking in all their evil. There is no pleasure in this picture, there is no happiness or joy to see this outcome.

It will be God's will to deliver the final blow to those who seek the deep recesses and bowels of the earth to try and escape from the eyes of God and the light of truth seen through the eyes of the innocent. Guilt has nothing to do with a religion one was born into or converted to. It has to do with the facts and the facts are that God knows evil from good and instills in his creations the choice to determine what is inherently evil and what is heartfelt goodness. For the innocent that are terrorized, tortured, killed, maimed, oppressed, shocked, and tramautized there can be no justification when the evil doers get off easily and run away to play another day.

God has a plan for all things great and small, God's will cannot be questioned or judged. Who are you or I to question God or elevate ourselves to what we perceive as his level? Stop the whinning and crying and submit to God and then perhaps the light will begin to show the darkness in men's hearts the way out. Then the dogs of Satan will be heard whimpering while they run away with their tails between their legs.

Murder is murder and no matter how you slice an oninon it remains an oninon. If the murdered diplomats were guilty of something it was to assist in helping the ummah of Iraq through their employer in the Algerian and Egyptian governments. If there was the blood of the innocents upon their hands, then God knows and sees all. Sharia is no substitute for God. Sharia is man-made and reputed to be inspired by God's law as interpreted through his prophet and handed down through the ages. God knows what is wrong and what is right... Blind rage and murder with a vengeful heart in the control of Satan certainly defy anything other than humanistic weakness in the hands of Satan. It is this blindness and vengeful rage with Satan's endorsement that guide the hands and split hooves of the militant forces wrecking the efforts of the poor Iraqi trying to rebuild the nation. It has nothing to do with religion and has more to do with a thirst for enpowerment of an envisioned Caliphate state of selfish pursuits.

The use of the word crusader has no mental anguish or ill feeling for non-muslims. In fact, it is inspiring many to read about the crusades and find out what they were really about. There are many who have returned to the church and the one true God to renew their faith with a better understanding now that Satan has raised an army to challange the so-called crusaders and cross worshippers. It is no surprise to be labled as something, especially if one is to be blindly judged as an enemy and to ralley the masses to battle with a unifying cry like God is Great! or something like that. call me a crusader or cross worshipper or anything, but never call me as stooping to the level of ignorant selfishness I witness under the banner of Islam. Shame on you and the others for perverting the words of Mohammed, a prophet for the Muslim pursuasion, and the words of the one true God... you might remember him as the creater of all things and all things belong to him.

May a thousand smelly old shoes and boots worn by hog farmers be slapped in your faces and the faces of your offspring and the fathers of your fathers and all the moon-worshipping imams employed by Satan. May bacon slices be slowly dragged across your mouths and eyes and stuffed into your mouths and opened chests with a Hindu and Jew holding your hands while blessing you with soothing words from Buddah. Now tell me... doesn't that sound stupid and child-like? Doesn't that stem from unpure thoughts that speak of vengence, hatred, ignorance, spitefulness, self-love, and compatability with Satan's drive to distract us from God's will and plans? It would be more ignorant to justify and rationalize it by saying that my faith requires it and my faith requires that I drop dead pigs on top of praying children.It is so stupid beyond belief. They are words of Satan's agents slithering about on earth. You justify murder by saying it is your faith and I call you a liar and evil doer. If that is all you can interpret of the Koran then I feel sorry for you. God will have his way with you when Satan finishes up.

I wish peace for the Iraqis who are true to the one true God, peace to their children, and pray that God's plan to shine his light into the darkened minds, hearts and lives of the followers of Satan's agents happens soon.
Posted by: Threth Greregum9255   2005-07-29 09:58  

#4  Did somebody say apostates?! Let me get my ak, digividcam and sword. I'll be there in a half hour. Don't bother sorting them out from the innocents, I got a fatwa on that one. We're good to go. You need a ride Mikey? Watch out for that single bullet thingy if you ride in the back. We got a caravan good buddy. Dawgs can follow in back with the lemming ummah.
Posted by: AbuRatcatchertoThe Stars   2005-07-29 08:50  

#3  Thousand of Muslims have been detained, tortured and put to prisons around the world, with out legal bases or trials.

True, they DON'T have a legal basis for their detention or trials. The only thing they DO have is guilt.
Posted by: PlanetDan   2005-07-29 08:49  

#2  Thousand of Muslims have been detained, tortured and put to prisons around the world, with out legal bases or trials. At least Mikey seems to be getting a clue and highlighting what we need to do.
Posted by: phil_b   2005-07-29 08:09  

#1  Is Allah supposed to be all-powerful?

I understand that it is a sin called "shirk" to assign partners to Allah.

If 1 is true, and the second statement is also true, why is it necessary for him to use a bunch of Arabs to kill "disbelievers?"

I think we have the real apostates posting at Jihad Unspun.
Posted by: eLarson   2005-07-29 08:02  
