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Home Front: Politix
Bush Lashes Out Against Islamists
WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush accused Islamic militants on Thursday of seeking to "enslave whole nations and intimidate the world" and charged they have made Iraq their main front.

"The militants believe that controlling one country will rally the Muslim masses, enabling them to overthrow all moderate governments in the region and establish a radical Islamic empire that spans from Spain to Indonesia," Bush said. The president has been stepping up his defense of his Iraq policy in the face of declining public support for the war and a crucial test in Iraq with the Oct. 15 constitutional referendum.

In a speech before the National Endowment for Democracy, Bush likened the ideology of Islamic militants to communism. And he said they are being "aided by elements of the Arab news media that incites hatred and anti-Semitism."

"Against such an enemy, there's only one effective response: We never back down, never give in and never accept anything less than complete victory," Bush declared.

He spoke as recent polls show declining American support for the war that has thus far claimed more than 1,940 members of the U.S. military. His Iraq policy faces a crucial test in Iraq's Oct. 15 referendum on a new constitution, a vote that Bush has said terrorists will try to derail. "We are facing a radical ideology with immeasurable objectives to enslave whole nations and intimidate the world," Bush said.

Bush said the terrorists are aided by corrupt charities that direct money to terrorist activities and nations, such as Syria and Iran, calling them "allies of convenience" that back terrorists. Countering claims that the U.S. military presence in Iraq is fueling radicalism, Bush noted that American troops were not there on Sept. 11, 2001. He said Russia did not support the military action in Iraq, yet a terrorist attack in Beslan, Russia, left more than 300 schoolchildren dead in 2004.

"The terrorists regard Iraq as the central front in the war against humanity. And we must recognize Iraq as the central front in our war on terror," he said. "Our commitment is clear - we will not relent until the organized international terror networks are exposed and broken and their leaders held to account for their acts of murder," Bush said.

The president said that no one should estimate the difficulties ahead, nor should anyone be pessimistic about U.S. efforts to battle terrorism. "With every random bombing. And with every funeral of a child, it becomes more clear that the extremists are not patriots, or resistance fighters," Bush said. "They are murderers at war with the Iraqi people themselves."

Bush also took on war critics in the United States.

"There's always a temptation in the middle of a long struggle to seek the quiet life, to escape the duties and problems of the world and to hope the enemy grows weary of fanaticism and tired of murder," he said.
But Bush vowed to not to retreat from Iraq or from the broader war on terrorism. "We will keep our nerve and we will win that victory," he said.
Posted by:Steve

#34  "...SPAIN TO INDONESIA" - first off, the Burqua Boyz are out to reclaim any and all lands touched by Islam, however defective or minutae, and then will go on to accompl a Global Islamist/Jihadist State; and Second, Dubya has affirmed that the similarities and agendas between contemporary Radical Islam and Cold War Communism are many, whilst the differences are very few, I.E. THE WOT AGS RADICAL ISLAM IS ALSO A WAR AGS ANTI-US, ANTI-WESTERN, ANTi-DEMOCRATIC GLOBAL COMMUNIST SOCIALISM. Thirdly, Dubya and his Admin. must also be aware that the WOT is, among other things, truly and genuinely a WAR FOR AMERICA'S IDENTITY, SOVEREIGNTY, AND SIMPLE SURVIVAL; and that once surreal future POTUS Hillary gets her eight years of Bill-style, MSM/LeftMedia-verified "success" and "prosperity", THATS WHEN THE SHIT WILL REALLY HIT THE FAN vv AMERICA. 2015-2020 > iff America does NOT accept Socialism and SOcie-domin OWG, the Lefties reserve their unilateral and unconditional right to resort to armed violence, anarchies, and mutually destructive Global Nuke War to make America so. THE OUTCOME OF THE GWOT WILL RESULT IN EITHER DE FACTO GLOBAL DEMOCRACY, INCLUDING WESTERN-STYLE OR "VOLUNTARY" DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM; OR WILL RESULT IN A GLOBAL MARXIST AND TOTALITARIAN STATE!? AMERICA EITHER WINS, OR IT WILL BE DESTROYED, WITH HALF-HALF SCENARIOS ONLY MEANING DELAYS TOWARDS INEVITABLE DEFEAT AND DESTRUCTION.
Finally, Dubya is prob aware that any new 9-11 or casualty-intensive WMDS attack(s) may have him andor the bulk of the GOP-Right as a target.
Posted by: JosephMendiola   2005-10-06 23:48  

#33  I second that.
Posted by: jules 2   2005-10-06 23:37  

#32  The link confirms all of the substance, if not the timing - the "quick on his feet" aspect. I thank Glenn for his decisive rebuke.
Posted by: .com   2005-10-06 23:23  

#31  So true, jules 2. The frustrating PR game is simple: it's easy to hurl a charge - most brain farts serve as examples - it takes marshaled facts to definitively refute it. That's what makes the perfidy of the MSM so profound, IMHO - they turn brain farts into memes by repetition. At least 95% of what we face in the PR war is the Tower of Babble, memes stacked upon memes, requiring us to untangle them and laboriously refute them, one by one. One reason I fade in and out here is that it's so tiresome to keep explaining / pointing out the same things, over and over. They seem to bake blockheads in batches, lol.
Posted by: .com   2005-10-06 23:20  

#30  Me and my big fat mouth. Shoulda checked this out. Caveat and sincere apology on my posts, check this out:

Posted by: jules 2   2005-10-06 23:16  

#29  Have that same preview tendency myself, .com. :)

Too bad the first few points about "being at war against countries who never attacked us" wouldn't fit on a me, it's a devastatingly effective argument against those who oppose this war and it deserves widespread dissemination. I guess if these folks are consistent in their positions, then WWII was not justified, nor the War in Bosnia. Following that logic, they must be for genocide.

I only wish I knew who the source of the original email was...
Posted by: jules 2   2005-10-06 23:10  

#28  Sheesh...
"If one didn't serve"
should have been
"For those who didn't serve"

Editing, then skipping preview is fatal. Sigh.
Posted by: .com   2005-10-06 22:58  

#27  Works for me, jules2. Interesting read - and I hadn't even heard of the exchange between Glenn and Metzenbaum, before.

I don't mind that everyone hasn't served, but I do mind when anyone attempts to negate the service of others. You don't get to choose your role in the service, but you do get the opportunity, ever single day, to do it well and make it count in the overall effort. If one didn't serve, they should be equally culpable for what they did do, doing it well or poorly, working for the the betterment of our country - or against it.
Posted by: .com   2005-10-06 22:55  

#26  I loved the speech and dreaded leaving for work before he had finished. I hope to see the remainder of the speech soon.

I got this email which is pretty long, but which puts our fight in Iraq nicely in perspective:

I don't know who wrote this, but it's worth reading:

Sen. John Glenn thought you'd appreciate this. Regardless of your political views, this certainly gives us all food for thought. Sen. Glenn was so quick on his feet. When you speak from the heart and with passion, you never know what comes out. SENATOR JOHN GLENN SAID:

1. There were 39 combat related killings in Iraq during the month of January …
In the fair city of Detroit there were 35 murders in the month of January. That's just one American City, about as deadly as the entire war torn country of Iraq.
2. When some claim President Bush shouldn't have started this war, note the

… FDR … led us into World War II.  Germany never attacked us:  Japan did. From
1941-1945, 450,000 lives were lost, an average of 112,500 per year.

… Truman … finished that war and started one in Korea.  North Korea never
attacked us. From 1950-1953, 55,000 lives were lost, an average of 18,334 per

… John F. Kennedy … started the Vietnam conflict in 1962. Vietnam never attacked
… Johnson … turned Vietnam into a quagmire. From 1965-1975, 58,000 lives were lost, an average of 5,800 per year.

… Clinton … went to war in Bosnia without UN or French consent.  Bosnia never attacked us. He was offered Osama bin Laden's head on a platter three times by Sudan and did nothing. Osama has attacked us on multiple occasions.

3. In the two years since terrorists attacked us President Bush has liberated two countries, crushed the Taliban, crippled al-Qaida, put nuclear inspectors in Libya, Iran and North Korea without firing a shot, and captured a terrorist who slaughtered 300,000 of his own people. The Democrats are complaining about how long the war is taking, but...It took less time to take Iraq than it took Janet
Reno to take the Branch Davidian compound. That was a 51-day operation. We've
been looking for evidence of chemical weapons in Iraq for less time than it took
Hillary Clinton to find the Rose Law Firm billing records....

Wait, there’s more...Some people still don't understand why military personnel do what they do for a living. This exchange between Senators John Glenn and Senator Howard Metzenbaum is worth reading. Not only is it a pretty impressive impromptu speech, but it's
also a good example of one man's explanation of why men and women in the armed services do what they do for a living. This is a typical, though sad, example of
what some who have never served think of our military.

JOHN GLENN ON THE SENATE FLOOR Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2004 11:13
Senator Howard Metzenbaum to Senator Glenn:  "How can you run for Senate when
you've never held a real job?"

Senator Glenn: "I served 23 years in the United States Marine Corps. I served
through two wars. I flew 149 missions. My plane was hit by antiaircraft fire on 12 different occasions. I was in the space program.  It wasn't my checkbook, Howard; it was my life on the line. It was not a nine-to-five job, where I took time off to take the daily cash receipts to the bank. I ask you to go with me as I went the other day... to a veteran's hospital and look those men - with their mangled bodies - in the eye, and tell THEM they didn't hold a job! You go with me to the Space Program at NASA and go, as I have gone, to the widows and
orphans of Ed White, Gus Grissom and Roger Chaffee and you look those kids in the eye and tell them that their Dads didn't hold a job. You go with me on Memorial Day and you stand in Arlington National Cemetery, where I have more friends buried than I'd like to remember, and you watch those waving flags. You stand there, and you think about this nation, and you tell ME that those people didn't have a job? I'll tell you, Howard Metzenbaum; you should be on your knees every day of your life thanking God that there were some men – SOME MEN who held REAL jobs. And they required a dedication to a purpose – and a love of country and a dedication to duty that was more important than life itself. And their
self-sacrifice is what made this country possible.  I HAVE held a job, Howard!
 What about you?" For those who don't remember - During W.W.II, Howard Metzenbaum was an attorney representing the Communist Party in the USA.

If you can read this, thank a teacher.... If you are reading it in English thank a Veteran.  

Posted by: jules 2   2005-10-06 22:44  

#25  always a good time to start doing the good things noted above for all the reasons noted above. Our MSM and Donk culture is really trying to bring back the "good old days" pre-9/11 as if the Republican win brought the WOT/attacks on...expect more in '06, and especially '08
Posted by: Frank G   2005-10-06 20:38  

#24  I'm glad he's finally saying it now, whatever his private reasons. But I agree that constantly ever so gently mocking the mass media's mistakes and miscalls would be very effective. They aren't ever going to be his friends anyway, so at least it should be publically called to their attention that they can't have it all their own way.
Posted by: trailing wife   2005-10-06 19:50  

#23  Many days late and many dollars short.

Should have been doing this from the beginning, and broadening his aim to poke fun at the media's PC.
Posted by: Ptah   2005-10-06 19:34  

#22  Bush needs to say these things every chance he gets(should have been doining it from the start).I've been a supporter of Bush from 9/11 on,but I'm begining to get the impression he is losing his strength of purpose,and I'm starting to get a feeling of diillusionment.We know where the terrs are getting thier support,we know thier transit points.But we do nothing,when are some jdams and cruise missles going to start hammering training camps,logistics centers and c&c nodes.When are hunter/killer teams going to start taking out terror leadership.These questions and the lack of answers/rersponse is what is causing my disillusionment.I need to hear an ultimatium to Syria and Iran"Stop the support,stop the infiltration,stop it now.No more talk,no more warnings,no more"unhelpfull" statements.The next word from the U.S. will be in the form of high explosives.".
Posted by: raptor   2005-10-06 18:35  

#21  Bush Lashes Out Against Islamists

I knew he was behind the torture memo
Posted by: Captain America   2005-10-06 17:07  

#20  "It's just a speech; it's meaningless without action." But there can't _be_ much serious action unless he can persuade a good-size chunk of the electorate to back him on it. Explaining the war to America is one thing Bush has not done very effectively up until now. I'm with AlanC on this.
Posted by: James   2005-10-06 16:28  

#19  i'd like to think this speech was addressed to:

1. reminding the media that the terrorists are terrorists

2. the Iraqis; especially the leadership who are supposed to be on message a lot more than they are

Posted by: mhw   2005-10-06 16:10  

#18  lets assume this ISNT first and foremost about domestic politics. What message might W be trying to send to Iraq, and why now?

Theres an election taking place there on the Constitution in less than two weeks. Win or lose, its clearly to our advantage to have a high turnout, and thus Sunni Arab buy in to the political process.

Now there are folks trying to kill Sunnis who vote, and keeping close tabs on who votes, and and on Sunni Arab leaders who encourage voting. IF the US is going to withdraw to soon (and for these purposes, a withdral too soon doesnt only mean a sheehan-moonbat immediate withdrawl, it could also mean a Jacksonian, "let them take it care of it themselves,weve got other fish to fry" drawdown) then the logical thing for many of those Sunni Arabs is going to be to keep their heads down and defer to the insurgents/terrorists by not voting. IF the US is going to be around for awhile, then the best way to insure influence IS by voting.

So maybe W is trying to send a message to the Iraqi electorate.

Posted by: liberalhawk   2005-10-06 15:59  

#17  "Against such an enemy, there's only one effective response: We never back down, never give in and never accept anything less than complete victory," Bush declared."

The Prez has Marine in him.
Posted by: Captain America   2005-10-06 15:27  

#16  I suspect many frequenters of this site are going to become frustrated. Recall how long it took to get action on Iraq. And the only way he got overwhelming Congressional approval for it was by sending the legislation up right before the mid term elections so the donks would have to defend their vote to the people. When's the next mid term?
Posted by: Mrs. Davis   2005-10-06 14:54  

#15  Robert Crawford has it right.

Words are cheap - only actions count. Lets see if he delivers more then words. Even as a conservative and a guy who voted for him, I'm beginning to have my doubts.
Posted by: Yosemite Sam   2005-10-06 14:49  

#14  I think this is laying the groundwork for regime change in Syria. We may not be the visible cause, but our fingerprints (and DNA) will be all over it. Sooner the better.
Posted by: RWV   2005-10-06 14:34  

#13  ..W is waging war against the short attention span of the American people.

This should have been done early and often.
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama   2005-10-06 14:32  

#12  I'm wondering if this is just some red meat to get the right off his back for the SCOTUS nomination.

Which is like RC's point, just a speech unless there is true action.
Posted by: Laurence of the Rats   2005-10-06 14:08  

#11  At this point it's going to be hard to take action if the people aren't ready for it.
Posted by: Mrs. Davis   2005-10-06 13:52  

#10  Great speech! As well as bloodthirsty killers, W is waging war against the short attention span of the American people.
Posted by: doc   2005-10-06 13:42  

#9  There is no room in a democracy for tyrants and religious leaders. The tyrants and religious nutcases do not want to give up power and they are using Islam to fight democracy.
Democracy is the enemy of these tyrants, and they will do anything to stop it.
The war will spill over into Iran very soon.
It will get worse. Much worse, with nuclear weapons involved.
The sooner this war is concluded, the better.
Victory is the only option.
Posted by: Crereck Grolugum2041   2005-10-06 13:25  

#8  It's just a speech; it's meaningless without action.
Posted by: Robert Crawford   2005-10-06 13:08  

#7  Bush doesn't have to mention the Saudis -- Congress is handling that front for him. And the princelings thought that spending all that advertising money, and whatsisname visiting the Ranch had bought them protection. Between that and funding terror education, it's no wonder their peepul have had to take a cut in their standard of living.
Posted by: trailing wife   2005-10-06 12:51  

#6  About time! I've always liked GW and have been disappointed by the lack of this kind of stuff. I was willing to cut him slack on the basis of what he knows that I don't (nor any of his critics) and trust in his character and principles.

Now, I hope he follows this up on a weekly basis pointing to what ever atrocity is the latest to pound home the point. Also point out that the "Caliphate doesn't stop at either Spain or Indonesia, but would expand to the rest of the world as well.
Posted by: AlanC   2005-10-06 12:46  

#5  That's about as close as W has come to channeling Churchill (Winston, that is) during this conflict.

Posted by: Dreadnought   2005-10-06 12:35  

#4  Everyone has been screaming for him to call a spade a spade regards Islam. It has begun - and he'll get slammed for this from the Moonbat enclaves, but I'm very very glad he has finally broken the ice and started saying Islam without an immediate followup peaceful religion caveat. We're getting there, just too slowly for those who aren't slaves to the Nightly News. To those folks, this will sound like a thunderclap. To us, barely a peep.
Posted by: .com   2005-10-06 12:20  

#3  Must be an oversight but he conveniently forgot to mention Soddy Arabia as if they aren't in it up to their eyeballs.
Good speech though.
Posted by: Don   2005-10-06 12:10  

#2  Bush said the terrorists are aided by corrupt charities that direct money to terrorist activities and nations, such as Syria and Iran, calling them "allies of convenience" that back terrorists.

GEE!!! Wonder where that $600,000 went that SHITHEAD(sheehan) gave em'!!
Posted by: ARMYGUY   2005-10-06 11:51  

#1  GO GET EM' BOSS!!!!!!!
Posted by: ARMYGUY   2005-10-06 11:47  
