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The Barbarians are no longer at the Gates of Paris. They are already inside.

(From JihadWatch. I wish I was the author. He seems to be in France or at least Europe)

The Barbarians are no longer at the Gates of Paris. They are already inside. Last night 30 cars were burnt out by Muslims going around on scooters lobbing Molotov cocktails inside cars near the Place de La Republique and the 17th arrondissement.

Tonight 30 police have been injured by gunfire and, if you were to follow the mainstream media in France, this is what you would hear. Anti Racism groups accusing Sarcosy of inciting hatred by calling the Islamic hordes 'scum' and accusing the police of over reacting. (Because they fight back). You would hear about community leaders 'reaching out', and sporting associations helping 'youth' find their feet. That's not news, it's propaganda: 'Tout va bien Mme la Marquise'

30 cars burnt out in Paris, is nothing compared to the 1200 or so burnt on Saturday night by islamofascists. One could say that the over-reacting police have done an excellent job so far of keeping these zombies away from the Left Bank.

The reality is however, that the phrase, thin blue line has never been so apt as now, in France, the centre of European Jihad. This is not a racial issue, or an issue of poverty or unemployment. For years Islamic Arab and African immigrants and their descendants have used anti racism as an excuse for us not to examine too closely what they have been up to in their neighbourhoods. The problem is not the blackness of their skin, but the blackness of their hearts. Islam is a binary religion whose morality is not based around the idea of 'treating your neighbour as you wish to be treated'. Right and wrong is decided on whether you are Muslim or not. An infidel is always wrong. Hence the overwhelming feeling of victimisation, whenever you question anything about their religion.

This also explains the deafening silence which accompanies a billion Muslims not marching with 'Not in my name' placards when their co-religionaries, chop, dice, humiliate, rape, destroy, explode anything or anyone which gets in the way of the advance of Islam.

All Muslims believe Mohamed is the final prophet of Allah. They all believe that the Koran is divinely dictated. They all believe that the Koran is perfect for all time. They all believe Mohamed is the perfect man who must be emulated.

This perfect man had sex with a nine year old girl. FACT

This perfect man ordered the death of poets who criticised him. FACT

This perfect man ordered the death by decapitation of 800 innocent Jews at Banu Quaraiza. FACT

This perfect man hated art. FACT

This perfect man took as slaves, the wives of executed prisoners. FACT

This perfect man robbed caravans, destroyed towns and kept 20 % of the booty. FACT

This perfect man said women had half the value of men. FACT

This perfect man called for the death of infidels wherever they could be found. FACT

This perfect man lied, to hide his ambitions. FACT

This perfect man arranged to have a revelation that suited him when he wanted his son in law's wife. FACT

This perfect man said that he knew of no greater act for Allah than Jihad. (Not the internal struggle bullshit) FACT

This perfect man ordered the killing of apostates. FACT

For years now, the media has covered Islamism in Europe as a minority sport carried out by a tiny handful of fanatics. Not one jihadist has even been handed over to the police by these mythical moderate Muslims. There is no such thing as a moderate Muslim, just a Muslim who doesn't take his religion to its logical conclusion, by behaving like its founder.

For those who don't believe that the intifada in France (and in Denmark) has anything to do with Islam, I would like to suggest that you read the Internet Blogs of those who take part. These links go down as soon as they go up, but from you will find links to these islamofascist zombies. These islamobarbarians are armed to the teeth with AK47s, grenades and knives. They have been ready for far longer than we have.

To those who still believe that Islam is a religion of peace and that Turkey, Africa, Pakistan, India, Central Asia, the Balkans and Indonesia were Islamised by peaceful methods, I would suggest you ask yourselves what happened to their religious minorities. (And why are they minorities in the first place, if Islam came from elesewhere?)

To those who believe that Moorish Spain was the height of civilization because the Alhambra looks like a gothic cloister and they have heard of Avicenna and Averoes and because Jewish scribes translated texts by Aristotle into Arabic, I suggest you vist the Islamic art section of the Louvre in Paris. And when you have finished gazing at the repetitive calligraphy and a few earthenware pots, take a look at the pre Islamic art in the Louvre. You will find Christian art from North Africa. You will find Babylonian, Greek, Byzantine, Roman, Jewish, Persian, Greco-Egyptian all of which make the glories of Islamic art look a child's school project.

To believe that this religion, which forces its subjects to take Arab names, destroy all that went before, adopt 7th century nomadic tribal legal and moral codes, treat women and infidels like slaves, deny all art and science not created by themselves and yet, despite all this, think themselves as superior beings, belongs to 21st century, is so completely and utterly stupid that one has to question the common sense of humankind.

France has two choices today. Today means today, not next year or next generation. Next week the Islamic hordes have agreed via the Internet to meet on the Champs de Mars on Friday the 11th of November or, on the Champs Elysees on Saturday the 12th. This has been announced on their Blogs. How true this is, one can only guess, but as they announced that last night was going to be the big one, and 1200 destroyed vehicles all over France was the biggest so far, I would reckon that it is not beyond reason to take them seriously.

France can choose, to reach an agreement and allow them to live in peace in their neighbourhoods. They will get brand new mosques, they will continue to receive state money for not working, and they can quietly continue the demographic conquest. It will be a parallel world where the laws of the republic no longer apply. This is the Balkan solution preferred by Giles Kepel, Tariq Ramadan and to a certain degree, Nicolas Sarkosy. The state will accommodate their ethnicity. In socialist speak, they will be permitted "celebrate their diversity", even if it includes polygamy, wife beating or gang raping of infidel girls. Robberies of infidels will not be examined too closely. (This is actually pretty much the situation today anyway)

Choice two, is to apply the law of the land. However much it hurts.

If choice two is applied, Europe has a chance to save itself.

If choice one is applied, I invite anyone to point out when appeasement of those who hate you, has ever brought long term peace.

If you are tired of the crap which passes for analysis on the mainstream media here are some links for you. If you want to know the truth about Islam you have several choices.

The best of course would be to ask a child. He or she will point out the obvious:

Failing that you can of course read Jihadwatch for a few days and ask questions in the comments section.

The latest news in France can be found here:

And possibly here, although this site is very mocking in tone:

And this Scandinavian Blog is also very well written:

More Europe wide news can be found here:

The fate of christians in muslim lands can be seen here:

Just don't ask a muslim about his religion. He will bang on about 5 pillars but will hide the nasty truth from you because his religion demands of him. (Unless he is a fully fledged jihadist, in which case he will be quite honest in his desire to kill infidels)

Don't ask a socialist. (To their joy, Islamism accelerates their program of the destruction of capitalism). They also believe all religions are equally bad. Socialists are the useful idiots of Bin Laden, and will be next in line for the wall, once the islamofascists have finished with the jews and infidels or transformed them into well behaved dhimmis.

You can read more about Islam from the following authors. Their books can be found on

Robert Spencer, Bat Ye'or, Ibn Warraq, Ram Swarup, Serge Trifkovic, Andrew Bostom, Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Oriana Fallaci

These books all condemn Islam as a religion which extinguishes light, creativity, joy, lives and indeed, entire civilizations. Some are written brave ex muslims who live under a death fatwa. The facts are backed up by quotes, historical examples and anecdotes. People only wish to kill writers who tell the truth

Writers on Islam who have no death sentence hanging on them are Karen Armstrong, Gilles Kepel and Bernard Lewis. Edward Said, whilst alive also never risked a Theo Van Gogh type killing.

I will let you make your own conclusions as to who is telling the truth about about Islam. Those who risk death, or those who enjoy their Saudi funded university chair?

Posted by: Sebastien at November 6, 2005 09:11 PM

Posted by:sea cruise

#6  Sebastien writes like an Englishman, rather than a non-native English speaker.
Posted by: trailing wife   2005-11-07 18:50  

#5  Since the beginng of WOT I have hammered again and again that we have to support those are opressed by the islamo-arabism, be it berbers, nationalistic afghans, young women born in France from Muslim families or Arabs pissed with Islam and dictatorships.

Ima hear you JFM.
Posted by: Shipman   2005-11-07 17:31  

#4  If you live in Europe, it is time to buy a shooter.
Posted by: Albert Armchair   2005-11-07 15:39  

#3  LibertyVox is really good

La minute du sablier is interesting: the writer is a Kabyle (a berber) who vomits panarabism and islamism not only his comments are often very good (pity he seems not to have that many readers) but the site has many links toward Kabyl web sites.

Since the beginng of WOT I have hammered again and again that we have to support those are opressed by the islamo-arabism, be it berbers, nationalistic afghans, young women born in France from Muslim families or Arabs pissed with Islam and dictatorships.
Posted by: JFM   2005-11-07 15:08  

#2  Kewl, a no shameless plug! I love that blog, it's funny, you've the arch vicious "W" (now U2, an american expat from Merde in France fame)... note this is a bilingual blog... and (french), too! Damn, now I call that good publicity!

In french, try, or, for "islamophobic" websites, or perhaps,,,, or for anti-idiotarian sites.

Also, go to this great blog by a swiss military officer

In english (more or less bilingual, but now mostly english), you might want to try, they're degenerates (I used to love this, you had one guy hysterically funny writing in a very inventive french), but they're french bashers (and a few indigenous froggies) who also follow the news.
Posted by: anonymous5089   2005-11-07 10:18  

#1  The Barbarians are no longer at the Gates of Paris. They are already inside.

It's a feature, not a bug.
Posted by: Whash Unick6318   2005-11-07 09:17  
