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Home Front: Culture Wars
Former Muslim becomes anti Islamic American Patriot
This is from one of the continuing series of Apostate stories at EFL.
My Journey to the only true world, it is hard for me to write about the hatred that I carry for religion in general, Islam and Mohamed in specific.

I am a 22 years old man...I went to school in Saudi and that is when I was introduced by force to a religion that should never exist...we would go to school early around six and stand in formation and do the most bizarre exercises ever known to mankind, instructed to us by one Egyptian loser with a fake degree in physical exercise. Then listen to what they call Nasheed Alsabah. For about half an hours standing there like soldiers all wearing that ugly unrealistic dress (thub), and tolerate the bitterness in every one of those teachers who would look at you and try to find the smallest mistake so they can hunt you like a tiger hunting it’s pray.... had to study anywhere from 17 to 24 subjects a year. Cramping eight classes a day. Five or six of them were religion classes: Tawhid [the oneness of God], Quran, Tajweed [how to recite the Quran], Fuquh [legal theory in Islam], Hadith and Tafser [explaining the Quran]....They controlled every aspect of our lives. Form our hair cut to our pubic hair length, they where monsters who believed in nothing but Allah. I remember once in my religion class they would encourage the attacks on westerners and on Israel . I will never forget the hatred they carried for other religions and Kaffers (none believers). They truly believe if you leave Islam or become Kafer you should be beheaded....I am disgusted by every second I spent as a Muslim. I am ashamed of my self for believing in Islam even for one second. I have lost a lot to this Islam. I have lost most of my life to something that someone made up.

Luckily now I live in my beloved country the United States of America , and yes this is my country till the day I die. I will fight its enemies wherever they are. I will sacrifice my life for the Red White and Blue. For those who lost their lives before me to make sure I get my freedom and to seek the truth in this great land.

I moved to the US when I was in high school. It was then that I started to call myself an Atheist. I am a proud Atheist now...My brother is becoming an atheist my mother is on her final struggle with Islam, I post everywhere I can to show the world the ugly face of Islam. I have changed of many friends of mine from Islam to Atheism...
Posted by:mhw

#17  LOL Gawd, ima think i read someof ur short stories.
Posted by: Red Dog   2005-11-21 23:04  

#16  You People don't understand. It's not the praying, who cares? It's the damn petty bitching, I write all of that down.
Posted by: Gawd   2005-11-21 17:23  

#15  I'm not real fond of atheism as a philosophy. It's a positive statement that God doesn't exist, as definite as the Nicean Creed. Agnosticism simply leaves the question open.

I find agnosticism comfortable because I admit to myself that I'm simply not smart enough to divine the workings of God, whom I feel probably exists. There is logically a primal cause for existence. There is not logically a requirement to bonk your forehead on the ground five times a day, probably less so than there is a logical requirement to genuflect (a gesture of respect) or to wear side curls (a gesture of group membership).

The "divine set of bizarre commandments" can be and have been as well the result of men trying, however imperfectly, to approximate the mind of God. I don't think they've succeeded, just as you don't, Aris, but I don't think the effort's been wasted, either. Some of the rules of behavior they've come up with have been essentials of building society, starting with the ten commandments, which are lacking in Islam. Those societies which have lacked similar rules have been casually brutal places to live for the most part.

I can't accept a concept of a God whose ego is so fragile that he needs adored five times a day. I have no idea what the afterlife will be like, though with each passing year I get a little closer to finding out. I doubt that it includes plunking a harp for eternity while massaging the divine ego with ceaseless praise, and I certainly hope that accounts of hellfire are exaggerated.

I don't know. But I don't begrudge (most of) those who think they know their beliefs.
Posted by: Fred   2005-11-21 16:32  

#14  Aris may be correct in what the Islam uber-alles types think. I'm pretty sure they aren't scared of Bhuddism but I'm not sure about the other two monotheistic faiths.

However, what is reasonably certain is that the new belief systems of former Moslems is all over the place. See this site:
Posted by: mhw   2005-11-21 16:22  

#13  A denial of God's existance is not a positive

You can't fight faith with faith. It's atheism, agnosticism, and secularism that Islamofascists are terrified of, not Christianity, Judaism or Buddhism.

If you had wanted people to change easily between deities, then we should have stuck with polytheism which admitted the existence of many deities -- then people could decide for themselves which was the "best" one.

But the walls of monotheistic religions are high indeed, and you can't hope for a fellow that finally escapes from one set of them to be eager to submerge himself to yet another. His unwillingness to be imprisoned by a brand new set of superstitions is a positive indeed.

and a blanket declaration that all religions are the same shows ignorance, both in this man and in you.

Some religions are more malignant forms of Cancer than others, I'll agree with you on that. But they're all based on divine sets of bizarre commandments that can eventually only be defended on the basis of "That's what GOD ordered!"

Communism may have promised a paradise on earth and butchered people based on that, but when people saw it wasn't coming any time soon, they overthrew their governments. *Secular* beliefs like Marxism-Leninism are vulnerable by the evidence of one's eyes.

Religions on the other hand promise paradises after death: as such they are untestable and non-disprovable. So how can you convince suicide bombers that they won't be finding heaven with *this* set of commandments, but rather with *that* set of commandments? Better to display their folly at seeking any heaven after death at all, rather than living their lives as best as they can now.
Posted by: Aris Katsaris   2005-11-21 15:56  

#12  Some fools can't understand those who don't buy into 'their" religion or admit an existance in G_D when they lose their prior religious belief system. That is tragic for those foolish persons. It's very good for those who have been misled.

I am glad this fellow citizen has seen the tragic reality of his islamic upbringing. I am happy he has made this decision. I hope he finds a moral and philosophical system that replaces the empty and distructive one he had and gave up. I wish him well.
Posted by: Mahou Sensei Negi-bozu   2005-11-21 15:52  

#11  DCreeper, I know by personal experience that it is tough to shake the teachings of the religion one has learned in one's youth. One's current behavior is still influenced by it, especially if it is not replaced by something positive. A denial of God's existance is not a positive, and a blanket declaration that all religions are the same shows ignorance, both in this man and in you. Islam is still influencing, because he thinks that the only viable and real version of God is Allah: even *I* deny the existance of Allah, in the sense that I deny that God is like Allah.

This kid is 22, young, not experienced in the ways of the world, been under restraints, and wants to be free of them. Great cultural leap? Hardly, given that he moved to the United States during his high school years: hundreds of thousands of college freshmen do that every year, and that's not a secret. What IS a secret is the tens of thousands who, after getting beaten up by life, come back to God decades later, albeit to a different denomination, and regret every moment wasted.

And brave? Abandonding Islam while in the United States? *yawn* The average Copt on the Egyptian street shows more bravery.

What I *DO* applaud is his realization that his fate and the fate of the United States are tied together, and that he's willing to fight to defend the United States. It shows a bit of causal reasoning that is seriously lacking in many native born americans: I hope he becomes a citizen, and if he joins our armed forces to defend our country, I'll support him enthusiastically, regardless of his religion or lack of it. (Heck, come to think of it, I HAVE sent care packages to an Atheist Marine stationed in Iraq and prayed for his safety. Or do you begrudge the fact that I care enough about him to want him to have the best that I have?)
Posted by: Ptah   2005-11-21 15:08  

#10  I might be paranoid but are we sure he is a real atheist and American patriot?
Posted by: John Q. Citizen   2005-11-21 14:17  

#9  Master

Actually, I am guessing at what the apostate meant by Fuquh.

A most typical usual way to transliterate it is Fiqh but you make a good point.
Posted by: mhw   2005-11-21 13:09  

#8  Ptah.


His post does not at all indicate that he is still under the influence of Islam. He even quotes one of the important tenants of atheism (deciding for yourself what is right and what is wrong)

this guy made a huge leap cultural leap, one that we should be proud of... but the first thing that comes to YOUR mind is to find false reasons to put the guy down just because he didn't pick your religion. pathetic. sad. disturbing.
Posted by: Dcreeper   2005-11-21 11:48  

#7  Does it surprise anyone that in the story the name for the "legal theory in Islam" is "F#ck Yah!".
Posted by: Master of Obvious   2005-11-21 11:31  

#6  Amazing.
One day maybe he will see that being an atheist is STILL being involved with islam because islam is the religion of NOTHING (the life is this man is NOTHING, kill him - the life of this woman is nothing, stone her - bomb the subways, destroy the Buddhas of Bamyan- nothing is nothing, there is only the lust for power of their crazy elite). But he's already gone a long way.
Posted by: Poitiers-Lepanto   2005-11-21 10:47  

#5  Sadly, Islam will still be influencing him, even while being a declared atheist: he still buys into Islam's claim of being the bestest, latest, and greatest of religions. Thus, if Islam is rejected, he's still a "good muslim" in that he believes that other religions are not worth looking at (i.e. if the Bestest is not worth believing, then the less-than-bestest are certainly not either.)

Still, I agree with #2 (UG): Atheism is indeed preferable to Islam, mainly because atheists do not believe they have divine permission to kill others, which makes them a bit more deterable.
Posted by: Ptah   2005-11-21 10:46  

#4  MHW, thank you for this insite into what many in the west don't understand. I believe the odd thing here, having had several Saudi friends in college in the U.S. is that if it were not for this extreme Islam, there would be very good relations between SA and USA. I hope that with the death of the SA king, the new king (understanding that he has been king in practice for some time) will have the ability to reject this terrible misuse of religion. I personally don't go to church. I am a Christian, but there are too many things about church that rub me the wrong way. I do believe that religion can be the catalyst for wonderful things when not misapplied. For instance, much of the relief for Katrina victims came from churchs. I think there will come a time in the distant future when we can count on Islam to help people, not bend them to the will of the extremists.
Posted by: Ray Robison   2005-11-21 10:41  

#3  Welcome. Be careful of Islamists who may try to kill you: even family members.
Posted by: Anon1   2005-11-21 10:12  

#2  Atheism is preferable to islam.
Posted by: Ulinesing Gloting4049   2005-11-21 09:58  

#1  Welcome home.
Posted by: mmurray821   2005-11-21 09:50  
