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Terror Networks
The Sex Trade: Prostituting Islam
See link for references and further links.
By: ConservativeGoddess

I was watching footage of the radical Muslim protestors on TV today--and I couldn't help but think how stupid they look. These people are rioting, killing people, throwing rocks and burning building over a cartoon and ignoring the affronts to Islam by radicals. One of those affronts is the Islamic participation in the sex trade. Muslim nations are participating in the sex trade, and turning their backs on the suffering of their own people. Along with the sex trade, other types of crime are spreading in their societies. Generations of women and children are traumatized. All the while the mullahs are praising Allah, the police are raping and covering up crime, and Shari'a law is being violated to fulfil the selfish lust of people who represent evil and perversion. So I am taking a stand against you rioters--put down your stones and demand a change in your own country! Islam is being prostituted!

The sexual exploitation of women under the decree of Islam is a well-guarded secret. The dictators and rich heads of state would have you believe in a mythical Arabic nations, something out of "Aladdin"...singing slaves, happy kings surrounded by buxom women, prosperity filling the desert like an oasis. Under Islamic fundamentalist laws women are kept under strict control by the ruling men as possessions. By no consequence, women (from around the world) have been exploited in the sex trade by Muslims who will have you believe they are pious, religious people. People of all backgrounds, all nationalities participate in the sex trade. My purpose in focusing on Muslims is to point out how fundamentalists have prostituted the faith of true Muslims, and to show the hypocrasy of the idiots rioting over the cartoons while their religion is being corrupted from within.
Nearly all the Arab gulf countries--particularly Kuwait, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia--have been found to be making poor progress in stopping or preventing human trafficking. Women are sold for domestic and sexual servitude. Men are sold into forced labor. Children are sold as sex slaves, beggars and to work as camel jockeys (in particular, children as young as 4 years old are sold from India and sent to Arab and Gulf states to work as camel jockeys. Many of these children are physically and sexually abused). Laws to protect victims and prosecute offenders are weak or non-existant in many Arab and Gulf countries.

Some examples where Muslims lust in the sex trade, and again--all the people you see protesting are looking the other way (and probably sneaking through the window of the brothels at night!) are described below in the following countries: India, Iran and the UAE. Notice, if a person who is not Muslim makes a critical comment on Islam that person will be attacked, is not "sensitive", is somehow making Islam look bad. Those Muslims who are harming others and prostituting the faith of the believers are immune from responsibility by the radical followers of their own faith. The only people who will bring them to justice are the people who truly believe in freedom--and those people are oppressed, enslaved, and imprisoned by the very radicals claiming to be 'victims'.

India- India is a top destination for human trafficking because of its relatively open border policies.

Media focus has been drawn to disgusting behavior of Arab men who visit the town of Hyderabad to pay money (anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars) to marry young virgins, sexually abuse them, then promptly divorce the now traumatized girl and move onto another young victim. In many instances, the marriages only last one night.

Marriages between Arabs and young girls are usually arranged through brokers, who sell off girls from poor families, girls who are orphans or unwanted or girls who are forced to fend for themselves. Some of the girls are kidnapped or tricked into the sex trade. In other cases the girls are kept in cages or brothels, moved from one location to another to keep thier existence hidden from local authorities.

The Arabs are almost always attracted to minors, the girls all come from Muslim families, local authorities (including Islamic officials) not only comply with the sex trade but do not consider the selling of the girls to be a crime.
India does have laws against prostitution and human trafficking--so it is a cultural or religious perception by the Islamic officials that selling of young girls to be sexually abused is not a crime. It is believed that Arabs are attracted to the sex trade in India because of weak laws, cheap girls, and a low (or under reported?) rate of HIV/AIDs. With the increasing popularity of the sex trade in India, it is expected that the rate of disease and death will greatly rise.

Other young girls (the most attractive age is between 11-13 years old) from India are sold to the Middle East and other Arab countries to as slaves. The ages on the passports are falsified to make the girls appear to be much older (I assume if these Muslim girls are covered that it would be easy to disguise them). Violence is a way of life for these young girls--they loose their virginity by rape, are beaten into submission, and forced to have abortions when they become pregnant. India has agreed to ally with the US on a project called "Stregthening the Law Enforcement Response in India against Trafficking in Persons through Training and Capacity Building" to combat human trafficking.

Iran- The sex trade is one of the most profitable markets in Iran; in which the Iranian government has brought the practice of buying and selling women and children for sexual exploitation into the mainstream. In the name of Allah, many Mullahs participate in the sex trade, and even enlist police officers to find women (women are arrested for "offenses" and then forced into sexual acts with officials) for them to sexually abuse.

Sexual abuse of women is so prevalent in Iran because the lives of women are not valued, except for what the women can offer to the men. From the time she is an infant, the woman is taught to obey, to be submissive, that she is inferior.

Islamic fundamentalism is a political movement with a political ideology that considers women inherently inferior in intellectual and moral capacity. Fundamentalists hate women's minds and bodies. Selling women and girls for prostitution is just the dehumanizing complement to forcing women and girls to cover their bodies and hair with the veil.
(Islamic Fundamentalism and the Sex Slave Trade in Iran, Donna M. Hughes)
Women who try to escape families who practise fundamentalism face severe punishment if caught (beatings, forced marriages, honor killings)...and if she escapes the confines of home, life on the streets does not offer much promise. Muslim girls who run away from home (rebelling fundamentalism, escaping abuse, or escaping arranged marriages, etc) often become victims of the sex trade.

In Iran, under Shari'a, Islamic law, the punishment for prostitution is severe--prostitutes have been known to be stoned or beaten to death. The men who sexually exploit women and children rarely face charges.

United Arab Emigrates- The sex trade is flourishing in the United Arab Emigrates (UAE). Women from all over the world are sent to work in the UAE as prostitutes; reports suggest that Iranian women between the ages of 14-20 are the most desired (is this sick or what!?!). The government of Iran is denying that trafficking of women for the sex trade in a fellow Muslim nation exists. By "coincedence" the government of Iran is arresting journalists who report stories about Iranians sold into the sex trade. Despite the denial, in 2005, the Iranian government arrested 25 smugglers who were bringing girls into the UAE. The UAE does not recognize a girl who has been sold into the sex trade as a victim--as a female, she is the perpetrator because of her gender. Women from Uzbekistan are also popular among the sex trade in the UAE, one report states that there are more women from Uzbekistan in the UAE than from any other country in Central Asia (Protection Project).

Women and children sold into the sex trade into the UAE are either kidnapped, sold by poor families, enticed by fraudulent marriages or fraudulent work proposals. Other forms of crime are also thriving along with the sex trade--drug trafficking, money laundering and organized crime. Dubai is a particularly attractive place to do business because it is tax-free and the government is lax on Shari'a. Wealthy sheikhs are known to buy young boys as camel jockeys, and police often ignore reports of trafficking because they are corrupt.

And although prostitution is illegal in the emirate, this appalling trade in human flesh is a high-profile activity in a region which hosts Islam's two holiest places - Makkah and Madinah. Even the self-appointed custodians of the shrines approve of the racket, travelling to Dubai to indulge themselves...
Hundreds of children, some as young as five, are forced to ride on camels in desert races on which huge sums are gambled. Their terrified screams make the camels run faster. And like prostitution, the employment of young jockeys is illegal in the UAE (since 1993) but the authorities also turn a blind eye. Again, like the prostitutes, many of the child jockeys are Muslim children who are being ruthlessly exploited and are in dire need of rescue.
(Prostitution in Dubai, M.A. Shaikh)
Laws on camel jockeying in the UAE have been tightened in March 2005, and a 24-hour hotline has been established to report any suspicious activity. Most, are skeptical that the UAE will ever enforce justice," It's futile to complain because the traffickers here operate with almost total impunity. (

More than Hope, a Constitution: Iraq- Iraq is the first Arab country with a constitution that prohibits "trade in women or children" and the "sex trade". Article 35 of the Iraqi constitution states," Third: Compulsory service (unpaid labor), serfdom, slave trade (slavery), trafficking of women and children, and the sex trade is prohibited." Children are also protected in Article 29, "Third: Economic exploitation of children shall be completely prohibited. The State shall take the necessary measures to protect them" (Washington Post).
The people of Iraq have endured so much suffering, and now they stand as pillars to uphold democracy.

Final Thoughts
The sex trade is the continuation of slavery that has begun in the name of radical Islam.
The so-called leaders of radical Islam perpetrate suffering and misery, not only in their own countries but to exploit other people as well; world domination is their ultimate goal. The fundamentalists live by laws that dominate the human spirit, through slavery and suffering they gain power and control. When their own people suffer, fundamentalist dictators manipulate the anger and misery of their people so that they will attack as willing warriors of jihad. Fundamentalism is truly the prostitution of Islam--the selling of the Muslim heritage, faith, and culture to evil. The great weakness of fundamentalism is that every human is born free. Freedom is a spark that cannot be contained, and even when beaten it is never put out. Of all the things fundamentalism seeks to destroy, freedom is far removed from its reach.

For all of those who cannot speak, who are afraid, who are living in hell--there are a thousand more people standing up to fight for justice, to be a voice for the suffering, to take a stand for freedom.
Posted by:anonymous5089

#6  The Belgians have been providing Dutch pedophiles with victims for at least a decade and a half. (The problem became public when we lived there). It was members of the Interior Ministry who organized it -- up to the Minister's office -- with police picking some of the victims up off the streets, in addition to protecting the underground railroad. No big deal, until they moved beyond the children of asylum seekers and gypsies, and started picking up native Belgian kids.
Posted by: trailing wife   2006-02-21 23:39  

#5  Hay look BK did not get sinktrapped on this one! Heading to Zambo will say hi for you.
Posted by: 49 pan   2006-02-21 22:41  

#4  uhhhh, yeah...
Posted by: bk   2006-02-21 22:35  

#3  The really sad thing about all this is you could replace Islam and Arab with a multitude of nations and it would be true. For example China has a horrible sex trade and human trafficking for slavery issues as well as the Koreans. Europe is served by Russian slaves and Thailand is a mecca for european pedofiles. The list goes on for ever. The muzzies just do it a bit different, and as equally disgusting. It would be nice if the UN would actually get up off their asses and deal with this issue.
Posted by: 49 pan   2006-02-21 21:03  

#2  In Shiah areas and specially in Iran (Khomienist Iran) there is "temprary marriage". It goes like that: you go to a prostitute, pay her, then go to mullh and for a fee he "marries" you to her and after you have ended, you "repudiate" her.

Of course normal prostitution ie without a"marrying" and paying the Mullah is illegal.
Posted by: JFM   2006-02-21 16:39  

#1  It is believed that Arabs are attracted to the sex trade in India because of weak laws, cheap girls, and a low (or under reported?) rate of HIV/AIDs

Maybe amung the virgins these guys are going after AIDS/HIV rate are low but I've read time and time again that Russia and India have huge HIV/AIDS problems.
Posted by: rjschwarz   2006-02-21 15:52  
