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How al-Qaeda 'tried to bring Baghdad to Birmingham'
Not long back from his six-month tour in Iraq, the young Muslim soldier was puzzled when police called at his family home in Birmingham. What they had to say left him speechless with disbelief.
Officers described how a gang from his home town was allegedly plotting to abduct the soldier, aged in his 20s, and then force him on film to “apologise” for what he had done in Iraq. After this propaganda coup, the gang intended to video themselves executing their hostage. His murder would be seen worldwide on the internet as a warning to other British Muslims regarded by the kidnappers as “traitors”.

According to security sources, he was not the only soldier being targeted. At least one other Iraq veteran was given the same warning that he was to be the first hostage in the West to be kidnapped and killed by Islamic extremists.
Posted by:Fred

#28  2) One incident like this will not, sadly, change the attitudes of people who are set in their ways. It is most unfortunate but some countries will need their own 9/11 -- and look at Spain after it's 3/11.

Australia had its Bali, and responded with sympathy for the victims and the Balinese who rely on tourism. Islam continues to push for special treatment; prayer rooms, halal food, hijab, sharia. Politicians continue to flog the canard that Islam is a religion of peace & love hijacked by a tiny minority - mozzies continue to hone their victim skills, retreat when caught out, then advance when the attention is off. Two steps forward, one step back, if necessary, then repeat, with some other demand.

If they dont blow us up, they'll whine us to death.
Posted by: Fishing Rod   2007-02-01 20:24  

#27  More or less civil, anyway. ;-) rhodesiafever has been around here long enough to earn my respect, MacNails. You two just haven't intersected before, apparently. He's living in your part of the world these days, but comes from -- wait for it! -- Rhodesia.
Posted by: trailing wife   2007-02-01 19:27  

#26  Well said Steve (#18) and TW(#17)

While I can understand peoples fury at events ,
having people come on these boards and tell long standing members to 'take their shit elsewhere ' hurts . This website is about exactly what it says at the top 'civil well reasoned discourse'

Who are you again , rhodesiafever ,in all my years on these boards I have never seen you once , apart from today . LH has in the past provided very useful angles and insights on world events et al and has always been a regular contributor .
Posted by: MacNails   2007-02-01 18:05  

#25  That plan can be practiced on the Pakis in Britian, especially the Imams, but the Brits have to realize there is a problem afoot, not a political opportunity.
Posted by: wxjames   2007-02-01 17:56  

#24  It appears to me that the average male Iraqi without a really good job is a potential walking bomb. If he gets his hands on some C-4, and has a bad day or has a hard time waking up early enough to hold a job, he can and will take the splodydope path to paradise. They just don't have the moral clarity from childhood to see the bloodletting for what it is. To them, it's an opportunity, a chance to 'make it' with Allan.
So, because of liberal, warm & fuzzy war making, we are responsible to ferret out those lunatics and stop them before they stop us.
It's a no winner. We have to shed the liberal war making. We have to kill in excess to establish the necessary fear level in the conquered masses.
We have to sin like the rotten bastards we never were to save tomorrow for our grandchildren. And then, we have to force upon the vanquished rules of behavior that border on shock treatments to recover their souls from their marriage to the devil. I can recommend lie detectors for all to determine whether one can walk freely on the streets, or must be chained to a tree to await their turn in the shock room.
Posted by: wxjames   2007-02-01 17:49  

#23  and SW gets my take on this incident exactly. And says it somewhat better, i might add.
Posted by: liberalhawk   2007-02-01 14:16  

#22   "What most of us are forgetting is that Islamic laws consider this man a traitor and hence his targeting. That's my theory."

Hes not an apostate. The only ones who would consider him to be a tafkir, based on his support for the UK, are, well the Salafist-Jihadists who are the enemy.
Posted by: liberalhawk   2007-02-01 14:12  

#21  TW charecterizes me basically correctly. Actually the word liberal isnt precise for my domestic position, which cause in the US it implies someone at least as left on on social-cultural-legal issues as on economic issues, and is associated with upper class politics, than with working class politics. Right wing Social democrat would be better, except Im a free trader. Blairist is really closer, but I dont follow UK domestic issues that closely, and there are probably Blair positions I dont agree with. Right wing Soc Dem leaning to Clintonian New Dem would be best, but its way to complicated. Liberal will have to do as shorthand - and there are folks called Liberalhawks.

Liberal also refers to my view of the WOT. Now some folks call themselves Liberalhawks, meaning they supported the war in afghanistan, but not in Iraq. Thats NOT me. I supported the invasion of Iraq, and while it hasnt gone the way I wanted, I dont particularly share the views of the guys making loud mea culpas for supporting it. I do support (With considerable anxiety, and not much hope) the current surge strategy.

My liberalism on the WOT consists in a belief that we need muslim allies in this war, that not every hardline tactic is justified or prudent, that we need to be rational in our views of our western allies, that Israel should under the right circumstances, negotiate intelligently with Abbas, etc, etc. I realize full well that those views are shared by several folks here, and by most folks in the Bush admin, including many "neocons". So its really only liberal vis a vis some of the more extreme positions here, though I think I emphasize those points somewhat more than most people here.
Posted by: liberalhawk   2007-02-01 14:10  

#20  Yes the soldier was a Muzzy. What most of us are forgetting is that Islamic laws consider this man a traitor and hence his targeting. That's my theory.

Something else to consider. During WWII would we have not deported even the "moderate" Nazis? Hell yes. So what is the problem with deporting every single Mooslem out of every single western nation? This is a no brainer. No other group, cult, religion is such a threat to our safety and way of life. Period.

But for some reason liberals and some brain dead conservatives think while our culture is sending men into outer space, Islamics still living in the stone age are a protected class. Did another Muzzy turn these guys in? Who cares. There are traitors on both sides of the line. Now if he had denounce Islam I'd be impressed, not hold my breath.

What is really said is how little people will think about the Birmingham arrests. The terrorist act didn't happen so everyone seems to think things are OK. I'm afraid it's going to take a nuke on a western nation before people wake up. And we know that's going to happen.
Posted by: Icerigger   2007-02-01 14:08  

#19  OK, TW, point taken, Labour, (spit), 3rd way, etc. It just started sounding like dhimmi-shite, clouded by a double-taqiya for a bit there.

For the record, I agree with some that mass deportations should happen as soon as.
Posted by: rhodesiafever   2007-02-01 13:39  

#18  I'm with LH on the following points:

1) It was a Muslim vet who helped foil the plot. Kudos to him. We need to preserve and protect every honorable, moderate Muslim we find. If Islam respects the strong horse, let's make the moderates stronger.

2) One incident like this will not, sadly, change the attitudes of people who are set in their ways. It is most unfortunate but some countries will need their own 9/11 -- and look at Spain after it's 3/11.

3) LH is correct: people and countries need to grow a spine. One terrorist incident does not leave me weak-kneed and brain turned to mush. (to be fair, I was real uncertain about 9/11 the first couple of hours, then I was mad as all hell). We at Rantburg should understand this better than most of our citizens.

4) LH is also correct in that 'evict all the Pakis' is as much an over-reaction as 'troops out of Iraq NOW'. Find the terrorist scum and whack them. Find the decent moderates and promote them.

We're supposed to be the smart ones; we should act like it.
Posted by: Steve White   2007-02-01 13:37  

#17  Liberal hawk means he'a an American-style liberal (kinda like Brit Labour party third way-er) on social issues and a war hawk on War on Terror issues, rhodesiafever. liberalhawk has been hanging around Rantburg from practically the beginning, I think -- certainly he was well known here when I first found this place.
Posted by: trailing wife   2007-02-01 13:18  

#16  Lhawk is correct in that I overlooked the fact that the veteran in question is a muzzie.
However, I strongly recommend that he and any muzzies who consider themselves 'moderate' convert to another belief system, even if it's Flat Earth Davidians. Islam is holding many prisoners in their own religion. When they no longer kill ex-muzzies, we will see numerous defects among the educated, at least. It's what Islam is teaching, the anti-civilization that must be feared, and must be terminated. Here, Britian, Thailand, Iraq, all over, doesn't matter how, but now is better than tomorrow.
Posted by: wxjames   2007-02-01 12:23  

#15  LiberalHawk, (whatever that means).

Missed your postings as I typed.

I seriously think you are misinterpreting things here with selective quotes. You have obviously not encountered the sheer arrogance of these foks in the UK, have you? And Taqiya for you means, what?

These people(?) have had about one chance too many, but folk like you give them the grease for more spin.

Look up taqiya and take your shit elsewhere.
Posted by: rhodesiafever   2007-02-01 12:09  

#14  I got home last night in time to watch ABC news and they interviewed some of the young muslim home boys after the raid. They said the charges against the plotters were trumped up and that they are all "victims". Victims of what? Their own stupidity? Their own failure to assimilate into a country that is bending over backward to accomodate them? Pissed me off but good. In a sense, though, I believe they may have succeeded somewhat with the aim of the plot which was obviously to frighten young British Muslims out of volunteering for service in the British Army. I think that after this incident any young British Muslim who ever though about it will think twice even though the actual kidnapping and beheading were prevented ...this time. Next time they might not be so lucky and from the looks of the home/hard boyz on ABC last night there will certainly be a next time. Hats off to the cops. They have their work cut out for them.
Posted by: Ebbang Uluque6305   2007-02-01 11:56  

#13  Why exactly does the UK have so many asstard Pakistani scum?

Could it be because they were let in when Idi Amin had a crack-down way over Uganda, and they fled, carrying as much loot as they possibly could, before the days the Empire totally crumbled, and they were given safe haven, whilst, a few years later, descendants of British in the ex-Colonies were given temporary visas.

Don't think there's a word for gratitude in the Pakistani language, probably translates as "Suckers".

BBC Radio 5 had them calling in Taqiya-style big time this a.m.
Question asked was: Do we trust the Security Services to tell us the truth? (Not: WTF are these sh&theads doing here still)??

For anyone interested:

Posted by: rhodesiafever   2007-02-01 11:52  

#12  Guess what - back in June some muslim guy forced his way into the Seattle Jewish Community Center and killed a woman there. A tragedy yes. A terrorist act - I think so, though the usual gang said it was "just" a hate crime. But ive gone into Jewish Community Centers since then, and I dont quake in fear, terrified. My God, wasnt it Churchill who said "we didnt cross a continent because we were made of sugar candy"? Im not sure how "OMG, they had a failed plot to kill one soldier and put the video on the internet, wed better expel all Pakis" is any different at a deep level from "OMG! Soldiers are getting killed by IEDs, lets get them out of Iraq NOW!"

Neither attitude is compatible with winning the Long War.
Posted by: liberalhawk   2007-02-01 11:25  

#11  "He's just one guy, and his death, meant to terrify troops"

I wonder if Brit troops who have fought terrorists in Iraq, been hit with IEDs, etc, are really terrified by this foiled plot.
Posted by: liberalhawk   2007-02-01 11:20  

#10  "Dear Birmingham, when there's not another muzzie left breathing, then your veterans are safe."

Well your muslim veterans wouldnt be safe in that instance, now would they? Did you miss the fact that it was a muslim veteran who was targeted?

So whos gonna get as outraged about WXs comment as they do about my suggesting that this wont change the WOT much.
Posted by: liberalhawk   2007-02-01 11:18  

#9  "but hey! It's not like it's more than a police action, right, Liberalhawk? He's just one guy, and his death, meant to terrify troops and be a PR coup worldwide on the internet is just a murder, right? I lost any respect for you after your drivel yesterday"

I didnt say its "just a murder" (my quote was that any murder is unacceptable) obviously its an act designed to create terror. Its a terrorist act, like so many over the last few years. I simply questioned the assertion that this act might be expected to radically change peoples perceptions of the WOT, and create a demand for stronger actions on our side. My opinion continues to be that it wont. A fortiori because the police foiled it.

Posted by: liberalhawk   2007-02-01 11:16  

#8  The sheep will never be safe...
Posted by: Sheep Worrier UK   2007-02-01 10:53  

#7  Dear Birmingham, when there's not another muzzie left breathing, then your veterans are safe.
It's a simple mathematical equation.
As a bonus, your women and children are safe, your goats and sheep are safe, your buses and subways are safe, your buildings and airplanes are also safe.
Posted by: wxjames   2007-02-01 10:34  

#6  but hey! It's not like it's more than a police action, right, Liberalhawk? He's just one guy, and his death, meant to terrify troops and be a PR coup worldwide on the internet is just a murder, right? I lost any respect for you after your drivel yesterday
Posted by: Frank G   2007-02-01 10:14  

#5  Whoops....meant to add that when I first saw the headline, I thought of Birmingham, Alabama. I almost got excited that we might win this thing, if'n they're stupid enough to try a stunt like that in Alabama, lol!

"A country boy will survive."
Posted by: BA   2007-02-01 10:07  

#4  Mr MahmoodÂ’s brother, Ziah Khan, protested his brotherÂ’s innocence, describing him as a hard-working small businessman whose life revolved around the shop. He has two young sons, aged 3 and 7. Mr Khan said: “He is a very decent man. His whole life is taken up with working in his shop. He gets up at 6am every day and goes to the market and is often working in his shop until 8pm. He does not have much time for anything else. He never leaves the city.”

I guess that's the long-winded, Paki version of "He was such a quiet neighbor. Kept to himself", eh?
Posted by: BA   2007-02-01 10:06  

#3  I'll say it again -it's time to go through the entire Pakistani community with a tooth-comb and repatriate a whole load of people.
Posted by: Howard UK   2007-02-01 06:54  

#2  One major country at a time, Ebbolump Glomotle9608. Iraq is in train, Iran is next at the station.
Posted by: trailing wife   2007-02-01 05:39  

#1  Common theme to every plot in the UK is the Pakisiani connection !!!!

When are UK/US going to sort out Jihad Home Base -Pakistan?????
Posted by: Ebbolump Glomotle9608   2007-02-01 05:13  
