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For the West, Auschwitz was no longer liberated by the Red Army
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
Were anyone to ask me my most memorable lines from a movie, I would say, “You have been liberated by the Soviet Army."
-- Schindler's List

by Natalia Osipova

[RIA] Russia was not invited to official events on the occasion of the next, 78th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp in Auschwitz by the Red Army. They didn't call again.

Ever since the NATO countries , led by the United States - let's call directly the customers of gross historical falsifications - have been busy rewriting the history of the Second World War, news about how monuments to Soviet soldiers are being demolished has insulted the memory of Soviet liberators and denied our country gratitude and respect for the liberation of Europe from Nazism, rain down on us every day like pigeon droppings.

But this time, the Western industry of historical lies and propaganda has something new in store.

The dances on the bones of victims and heroes have entered a new stage, the amount of lies and misinformation has given a new quality.

Die Welt host Franka Lehfeldt said that the "Red Army Faction" liberated the survivors of the German concentration camp Auschwitz. "Red Army Faction" is the name of a German terrorist organization that committed robberies, murders and hijackings. Europe from herself, but not Russian heroes. Russians! Oh, never! In fairness, the presenter apologized . But she could well have done nothing.

What versions we have not heard enough over the years. One of the most popular in the Western media is pro-Ukrainian: they say, the troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front, consisting of Ukrainians and Jews, themselves liberated Auschwitz. Very handy version. There are no Russians in it - and it's good.

We caught on too late. Lies about Nazism filled the Western media and, as a result, the mass consciousness for years. But the start of the campaign for the final abolition of the Soviet military feat was given, it seems, three years ago. Then they played a trump card: a prisoner of Auschwitz - 90-year-old Eva Schloss ( Anne Frank 's half-sister ) - said in an interview with the Daily Mail that photographs and newsreels from the camp liberated by the Soviet army were fake.

The same shots in which people in striped robes, men, women, children look with hope from behind barbed wire. And they rejoice that liberation has come. Textbook photographs, terribly scary, sepulchral - and at the same time full of hope, which nevertheless smiled at the unfortunate: freedom has come! Some smiled - goodbye. Because after the endured torments of the camp, not everyone, even the liberated ones in those photos, could survive.

Eva Schloss did. After all, Soviet doctors immediately took up it. And the Soviet soldiers tried to feed, clothe and warm her.

Watch this video. In these frames, Eva Schloss is lying. Or delirious. Which is better is hard to choose. It's awkward to watch. Looks creepy. But you have to look .
Link is to a Daily Mail news article. Referenced video is near the top of the page.
Now you are fully imbued with the meaning of the statement "He is lying as an eyewitness." And this terrible lie is all the more terrible because the prisoner of Auschwitz saved by it betrays herself and hundreds of thousands of those who died in concentration camps.

Eva Schloss has written books and lectured all over the world and is one of the most famous witnesses and victims of the Holocaust. It was no coincidence that her figure was chosen to launch a campaign of monstrous lies about Auschwitz.

How does the lie (nonsense) about Soviet soldiers develop?

Back in 2012, Eva Schloss came to Moscow for the conference "The Holocaust: Remembrance and Prevention". Here she met with her liberators - three soldiers of the Red Army. (And where are the names of our heroes? I didn’t find it.) Here is what the international Jewish magazine Alef writes about this event: There were tears in the eyes of everyone who came to the meeting with Eva Schloss.<...> When all the participants of the meeting dispersed, the hall was empty, there were still a few people left - Eva Schloss and her liberators, the soldiers of the Soviet army who came to this meeting after many decades. They talked and could not talk enough ... "

Here is how Schloss recalled the liberation of Auschwitz by Soviet soldiers in 2012 in Moscow (I quote the Aleph magazine):

“I came out of the barracks in the morning and saw someone big, bearded. He was covered in frost. At first I thought it was a bear,” she smiles.

The Almighty gave Eva and her mother a unique chance to endure and survive: they were saved by Soviet soldiers. Surviving in the hell of the concentration camp, as the most expensive relic, Eva carefully keeps a worn tunic and a soldier's skirt. So she was "dressed up" by the liberators, since she had no other things. Eva recalls the Russian soldiers with warmth:

"They fed us, took care of us, clothed us, watched over us. They helped us survive! Despite the fact that we became free, the fighting continued. Together with Soviet soldiers, we were sent to the Soviet Union. In May 1945, we returned to Holland."

In 2019, Schloss's book "After Auschwitz" is published. And here everything is different:

"Suddenly, the door to the barracks flew open, and the woman shouted: 'There is a bear at the gate!' It seemed unlikely, but there was nothing incredible in Birkenau. A large man in a bearskin looked at us in amazement with the same frightened expression on his face. Perhaps I should have been more careful, but unbridled joy seized me at that moment. I ran up to him, threw myself into his arms, and he hugged me. It was January 27, 1945 - the Soviet troops came to liberate us."

That is, the Russians are still considered the winners, but already in a bear's clothing. And one must be more careful with them, despite the joy of liberation. Well, what kind of cameras does the bear have? But for now, Schloss is silent about this. After all, her book is published in Russia with a cover photo from the same series of photographs that she would later call fake.

We might have been surprised even then! What bearskin, do you remember? Here is a photo, here is an army uniform. But we graciously remained silent. The victims. Saved by us. The book was published in Russia in this very edition.
Some Russian uskanhkas, the "Big Fur Hat" are made from bearskin. I think the author may be aware of this, and is taking Schloss to task for a minor error.
There and still there. "Much has been written about the role of Russian soldiers and the fact that they raped German women. I would like to find in my heart at least a drop of sympathy for these women, but I cannot do this, given what my family suffered at the hands of the Nazi regime that these women maintained. You must understand that I cannot be objective in this matter: my own suffering and loss are too deep and painful. Reason tells me that human rights are equal for all and that the atrocities committed against anyone, are unacceptable.

My experience with Soviet soldiers was that they were my liberators and friends. Those first soldiers were from the 60th Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front under the command of General Pavel Kurochkin. Over the next few days, first small and then increasingly numerous groups of soldiers settled in the camp. They prepared hearty meals for us, talked to us and let us warm ourselves by the fire."

Do you understand? She has no doubts that "they say" about Soviet soldiers. She makes excuses because her experience with Soviet soldiers was positive. And so it condemns the atrocities. The fact that atrocities were committed by Soviet soldiers is not disputed.

Even then, in her book, we find these disgusting manipulations, but we look at it calmly: there is no nation more tolerant than us, especially if we are insulted and lie about us.

We very vain did not react then with all the rigidity. How do we not react to lies now. They say, well, they say, but we know the truth. Who are we? Not everyone knows it even in Russia. And we are always uncomfortable, we are eternal humanists. Still, after all, a forbidden technique was used. When it’s not a neo-Nazi propagandist who lies, but the victim of the Nazis herself, it seems to be tough and you can’t call her to account for slander.

And as a result of this gentleness and tolerance, things come to 2020 and the assertion that the photos from Auschwitz are fake.

Now we are dealing with the consequences of this sophisticated large-scale lie, which was constructed, including with the participation of the victims of the Holocaust.

This is done by the Western propaganda machine, sparing no one - not even the honor of the victims. And he does it deliberately, cynically, consistently, not out of ignorance or oversight. This is not the oddity of an old woman being used, this is the strategy of our enemies. The West is tired of pretending that it is humane, liberal and dreamed of liberation - on the contrary, it wants to be Nazi. To do this, you need to destroy us - who are alone now and are interested in preserving the truth. Just think: the truth about Nazism is not needed by anyone except Russia! Again.

Historical truth for us now is our chance to win, our support and core.

Therefore, we ourselves must know for sure and tell our children that the truth about the torment and liberation of Auschwitz is forever inscribed in world history and is found in the materials of the Nuremberg Trials.

Let's take one terrible day of the trial - January 28, 1946. A witness, a French journalist, former prisoner Marie Claude Vaillant-Couturier, tells the court about Auschwitz:

"Prosecutor: Have you seen pregnant women in the infirmary?

Witness: Yes. If the Jewish women who got to the camp were in the first months of pregnancy, they had an abortion. When they were in one of the last months, after they gave birth to a child, he was drowned in a bucket of water. I know this because I worked in the "infirmary" and knew that it was run by a German midwife who was in prison on charges of a criminal offense - abortion. Some time later, a new doctor arrived, and within two months, newborn Jewish children were no longer being killed. But one day an order came from Berlin saying that they should be destroyed again. Then the mothers with their children were summoned to the "infirmary", put on trucks and taken to the gas chamber.

When the Germans left the camp, they left 2,000 sick people and a number of volunteers, including me, in order to care for the sick. We were left without water and without light. Fortunately the Russians arrived the next day. Thus we were able to go to the camp where the men were placed, and there we saw an indescribable sight. For five days the prisoners had no water. There were 800 seriously ill people in the camp, three doctors and seven nurses who did not have time to carry the dead out of the rooms in which the sick lay. Thanks to the assistance of the Red Army, we were able to transport these patients to clean blocks, provide them with the necessary assistance and feed them. Unfortunately, I can only name the number of French people. When we arrived at the camp, there were 400 Frenchmen in it, but only 150 returned to France. As for the rest, it was too late, despite the help they received."

Here is what Couturier had to say. This is what the hall of the international tribunal heard.

After that, they interrogated Rudolf Hess , the defendant, who was the head of the Auschwitz camp. Here is a snippet of the transcript:

"KAUFMANN: Is it correct that in 1941 you were invited to Berlin to Himmler? Tell us briefly the content of your conversation.

HESS: Good. In the summer of 1941, I was personally invited by Reichsführer SS Himmler to Berlin. I cannot repeat verbatim what he told me, but the meaning of his words was this: the Führer ordered the final solution of the Jewish question. We, that is, the SS, must put this order into practice. If now, at this time, we do not do this, then later the Jewish people will destroy the German people.

KAUFMANN: What do you know about the so-called medical experiments with live prisoners?

HESS: Medical experiments were carried out in various camps. In Auschwitz, sterilization experiments were carried out by Professor Klaubert and Dr. Schumann and experiments on twins by the SS doctor Dr. Mengele.

Photographs of the liberated Auschwitz taken by the Russians are attached to the body of evidence of the Nuremberg trials. And even posted on the website of Stanford University. Photo album on 63 pages. Yes, here are the very photos that Schloss called a fake. Look, you will find everything there: photos of prisoners, and photos of children starved to death, and castrated men, and bales of hair of the dead, and mountains of their suitcases, and ashes of crematoria, and mountains of bones. Document number and title - H-1476, USSR Exhibit No. 30. (All documents of the tribunal had similar ciphers.)

There is also a "Report of the Extraordinary State Commission on monstrous crimesGerman government in Auschwitz". Document number - H-1474 (ag) USSR Exhibits Nos. 6B-9, 11, 12, pages 146-174. Here you will find a detailed description of the death conveyor: how Auschwitz crematoria worked, how many ovens were people were burned, how the remains were disposed of, how unburned bones were sold for the manufacture of fertilizers to merchants, how the dying worked for the benefit of Krupp factories and other enterprises, how Soviet prisoners of war were shot first. a sheet of a film made by director Roman Karmen and his fellow Soviet cameramen at the Central Documentary Film Studio, which includes footage of the liberated Auschwitz and the Nazi crimes that were revealed. Document H-1482 USSR Exhibits Nos. 80, 81, 85.

This is all irrefutable evidence. Has anyone forgotten about them among those who lie about Russian soldiers? Everyone knows.

And thanks also to Stanford for posting the scans. They could not work even if the abolition of historical truth has already begun. We ourselves, Russia, do not want or cannot put the evidence we have collected of the guilt of the Nazis, presented in Nuremberg , on public display. So that not an inquisitive researcher, but any citizen can freely find them, read them and tell the children what the Nazis did and who the real hero of mankind is.

We Russians still cannot believe that the banner of victory is being torn out of our hands and given to the Ukrainian Nazis. We all think that the last frontier is still somewhere far away, that we won the battle for the truth and this is not subject to revision. Alas, everything, combat alert! It's time to realize that we are at the forefront.

It is time for us to understand that everything again depends only on ourselves. You can no longer hide behind the merits of your grandfathers. You will not prove anything to them, the heirs of the Nazis, you will not remind them and you will not present an account. It is useless to appeal to their conscience, sob, be offended, scream. They know there. They know that they lie and hurt, they know that they blaspheme the graves of fallen heroes and denigrate the memory of the liberators. They do it because they can and want to.

And no historical documents tell them anymore. They learn from the experience of Hitler and Napoleon as failures, they have studied the material well. Now, in order to win, one must not only lie about events, one must invent them and call those that were fictitious. Documents - so what?

This is how an unbelted bandit behaves: well, what will you do to me, but what?

As the journalist and anti-fascist Vadim Avva wrote, in order for the memory of the Second World War and the Great Patriotic War to remain alive, you will have to win the third.

In the meantime, our soldiers are fighting for the victory of historical truth on the fronts, we need to win in the rear: to make sure that everyone in Russia knows and remembers at what cost the life of Eva Schloss was saved. And honor the memory of heroes. And teach your children. After all, we liberated Auschwitz not because it was beneficial for us, but because such is the historical mission of our people - to stand up for justice. Remember how in the Bible: one of the ten healed returned to thank Christ.

Posted by:badanov

#3  As 9-11 recedes into dim memory for most of the West WW2 and Auschwitz is Pre-History ..."Like, it was the Pharaohs that did it, like right, man."
Posted by: magpie   2023-02-01 21:06  

#2  The women are weary and blue,
Whole millions asserting, "Me too!"
"Were it not for rare rape,
Sure we'd be in great shape!"
"Ja, if only Herr Beria knew!"
Posted by: Chunky Ebbomolet3742   2023-02-01 17:10  

#1  After all, we liberated Auschwitz not because it was beneficial for us, but because such is the historical mission of our people - to stand up for justice

Uh huh
Posted by: Frank G   2023-02-01 09:59  
