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Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Ukrainian Perspective: Invasion of Ukraine: May 4th, 2023
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited
[Korrespondent] 21:36 The fire in the Solomensky district of Kiev, which arose after the fall of the wreckage of an enemy UAV, was eliminated, according to preliminary information, there were no victims, the KGVA reported. The structures of a four-story non-residential building on an area of ​​150 sq. m. Also, as a result of the fall of the wreckage of the drone, a fire broke out in an area of ​​5 square meters. m in the Pechersky district - the buildings are unharmed, there are no victims.

According to Radio Liberty, fragments of a downed UAV over Kiev fell not far from the railway station, on the building of a shopping and office center on Lipkovsky Street. In the meantime, a video is circulating in public, which shows that a drone is being shot down in the very center of the city .

21:23 Analysts and experts are studying a video in which drones explode over the Kremlin. While Western officials are cautiously commenting on a possible strike, researchers are trying to formulate possible versions and details of the attack on the Kremlin. For more details, see Staging or Threat?

20:59 An enemy drone was shot down in the sky over Kiev during an air raid, said the head of the KGVA Sergey Popko. The mayor of the capital, Vitali Klitschko, announced explosions and a fire in the Solomensky district as a result of falling UAV debris. The fire broke out in a four-story non-residential building, no one has yet turned to doctors for help.

20:57 Negotiations on a grain deal between Ukraine, Russia, Turkey and the UN will be held tomorrow in Istanbul at a technical level, the Turkish Defense Ministry said.

20:54 The "Governor" of the occupied Zaporizhzhia region Yevgeny Balitsky signed a "decree" that introduces a ban on the sale of strong alcohol from May 5 to August 3. At the same time, light alcohol will remain available.

20:43 Zelensky was shown military equipment in the Netherlands, which will be sent directly from there to Ukraine, Andriy Sibiga, Deputy Head of the President's Office, said. He clarified that these are Patriot air defense systems, armored vehicles, and artillery.

20:31 An air alert has been declared in Kiev and the region, the city military administration reports on the work of air defense.

20:01 The Legion of Freedom of Russia, which is fighting on the side of Ukraine against the Russian Federation, claims that as a result of a drone attack on the Sescha airfield in the Bryansk region, one AN-124-100 Ruslan was completely destroyed, another of the same aircraft received shrapnel holes in the fuselage. In total, according to various sources, there were no more than 12 such aircraft in working order in the Russian Aerospace Forces, now their production or repair on their own in the Russian Federation is impossible. The Legion also reports that the Russian resistance organized the attack.

19:48 Zelensky first visited Finland on an unannounced visit, and then went to the Netherlands. The President met with the Prime Ministers of Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland and Belgium, delivered a big speech at the International Criminal Court in The Hague. The key topics of the visit are the Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine, military support and fair punishment for the aggressor. For more details, see Zelensky's Eurotour.

19:30 Russia will most likely not be able to mount a significant offensive operation in Ukraine this year due to a lack of ammunition and manpower - regardless of whether the Ukrainian counteroffensive is successful, says US Director of National Intelligence Avril Haynes. She also said that the United States still does not have the information necessary to assess a possible drone attack on the Kremlin.

19:27 In Sevastopol, Russian air defense allegedly destroyed a UAV in the area of ​​the Belbek airfield, Mikhail Razvozhaev, the "governor" of the city, said. According to him, "no objects were damaged."

19:23 According to rough estimates, Russia is holding more than 20,000 Ukrainian civilians hostage, said Dmitry Lubinets, Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada. He clarified that these data were collected on the basis of personal appeals from relatives whose relatives and friends were detained by the Russian military. The Ombudsman added that people from the occupied territories cannot apply to him, so after the de-occupation the figure will be much higher.

18:46 US intelligence director Avril Haynes considers it very unlikely that Russia will use nuclear weapons. At the same time, she called on Moscow to show restraint, even despite heavy losses in the war in Ukraine.

18:11 Zelensky announced that he had met with the King of the Netherlands, Willem-Alexander.

17:54 The Ministry of Defense has developed proposals for amendments to the legislation on reducing the age limit for citizens to stay on the military register of conscripts from 27 to 25 years. The department explained that the need for their annual arrival at the territorial recruitment and social support centers, including for medical examinations, leads to additional financial costs, a burden on medical workers and an increase in queues for passing the MLC. While conscription for urgent military service during martial law is not carried out.

In addition, a long stay on the military register of conscripts during martial law leads to the fact that a significant number of citizens fit for military service who do not have the status of conscripts cannot be called up for military service during mobilization.

17:30 Vitaly Barabash, head of the city military administration of Avdiivka, believes that it is "unrealistic" to evacuate all citizens from the city. According to him, 1,778 people still live in Avdiivka, and there is no legal mechanism for forcibly removing them.

17:21 Ukraine signed a joint declaration with Belgium and the Netherlands, which pledged to support Kiev on the path of Euro-Atlantic integration and provide military assistance.

16:58 Russia is now not ready for serious negotiations to end the war it unleashed against Ukraine, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said: "There is no evidence that Russia is ready for serious diplomacy. On the contrary, we have witnessed horrific attacks on civilian objects in Ukraine only for the last week". In his opinion, in order for Moscow to begin negotiations, "profound changes must occur in the minds of Putin and in the minds of Russia."

16:53 On Wednesday, May 3, the Russian army massively shelled Kherson, attracting heavy artillery, Grads, tanks, drones and aircraft. As of the morning of May 4, 23 victims and 46 wounded are known, including two children. Read more in the material Shelling of Kherson: horrific footage. 18+

16:50 The OSCE expert mission has found that the forced transfer and deportation of Ukrainian children to the temporarily occupied territories or to the Russian Federation can be a war crime, as well as a crime against humanity. The corresponding report was prepared within the framework of the "Moscow mechanism" of the OSCE - an independent international mission, which should investigate information about human rights violations, war crimes and crimes against humanity.

The report states the fact of large-scale movement of Ukrainian children from Ukraine to the temporarily occupied territories and to Russia. The focus of the document is on orphans and unaccompanied children, as they are the most vulnerable groups among displaced children.

Experts emphasize that after being sent to the territory of the Russian Federation, Ukrainian children "are exposed to the influence of pro-Russian information campaigns, which often amount to total re-education." At the same time, Russia "does not take any steps to actively promote the return of Ukrainian children." And even vice versa, "creates various obstacles for families who seek to return their children."

16:39 German police launched an investigation after information about Zelensky's plans to visit Berlin appeared in the public domain. Law enforcers say they did not officially provide any information that could jeopardize the visit of the president of another country.

16:17 In the near future, Ukraine will evacuate all civilians from Avdiivka, Donetsk region, said Serhiy Telyatitsky, spokesman for the Tauride Defense Forces. He clarified that there are still civilians in the city, although there are "very few" of them. Telyatitsky also noted that all civilians were evacuated from Maryinka at the beginning of the year.

Only over the past day in the Tauride direction, the Russians lost about two companies killed and wounded. According to Telyatitsky, the occupiers resort to the so-called "meat assaults", going into battle without the fire support of heavy equipment.

15:36 Kuleba said that providing Ukraine with the F-16 will help restore global food security. With a squadron of well-equipped F-16s, Ukraine will be able to keep Russian warships and aircraft as far away from the Black Sea Grain Corridor as possible, ensuring its route for an uninterrupted flow of grain ships, the Foreign Minister stressed.

15:33 Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte said that the possible transfer of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine is now being discussed with the allies, and there is no taboo in this matter. According to him, the Netherlands plans to replace its F-16s with more advanced F-35s.

15:29 Belgium is preparing a new package of military assistance to Ukraine, Prime Minister Alexander de Croo said during a joint speech with Zelensky. His government is also exploring how frozen Russian assets could be used to help Ukraine.

15:18 Zelensky, in his address to members of the House of Representatives and the Senate of the States General of the Netherlands, said that at the July NATO summit, Ukraine should receive a decision on the algorithm for joining the Alliance: "It is clear that we cannot join NATO while the war is going on. But eliminate uncertainty is possible and necessary now - this is a political decision. Russia must see that the security of Ukraine will inevitably be guaranteed in order to begin to realize itself, Russia, only within its own borders."

The president also urged not to delay the supply of weapons to Ukraine: "The longer the taboo on weapons persists, the more our soldiers give their lives to stretch out the defense when the weapons are not powerful enough or long-range."

14:52 Speaker of the US National Security Council John Kirby called Moscow's accusations of Washington's involvement in the "attack" on the Kremlin "meaningless".

14:36 ​​A number of EU member states have united in a "group of friends" to promote qualified majority voting on the EU's common foreign and security policy, the German Foreign Ministry said. The group includes Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Slovenia and Spain.

The goal of the group is to increase the efficiency and speed of making foreign policy decisions. "Against the backdrop of Russia's aggressive war against Ukraine and the growing international challenges facing the EU, the members of the group are convinced that the EU's foreign policy needs to adapt processes and procedures in order to strengthen the EU as a foreign policy player," the statement reads.

14:19 During a speech in The Hague, Zelensky called for the creation of a full-fledged international tribunal for the crime of aggression committed by Russia and criticized one of the proposed formats - the so-called hybrid tribunal. The President stressed that the crime of aggression is the primary crime of the Russian Federation, and it is possible to ensure accountability for it only through the creation of a tribunal.

"The beginning of a war of aggression is a crime that differs from other crimes in that it includes all the evils of other crimes. We must transform the experience of the Nuremberg Trials ... Therefore, we advocate the creation of such a tribunal. We want to continue the tradition of punishing the crime of aggression - as a guarantee of its non-recurrence," Zelensky said.

According to him, only one institution is capable of responding to the crime of aggression - this is the tribunal: "A tribunal, and not something hybrid, which will formally close the issue. Not a compromise that would allow politicians to say that the issue has supposedly been resolved. We need a real, full-fledged tribunal. And real, full-fledged justice."

13:51 In April, 3,200 Russians expressed their desire to surrender, Vitaly Matviyenko, the speaker of the state project I want to live , said. According to him, this is 10% more applications than in March. In total, during the existence of the project, more than 16 thousand requests were received, and the site was visited by more than 36 million people, of which 32 million were from the territory of the Russian Federation.

13:30 Orban said that in order to establish peace in Ukraine, it is necessary to return Trump to power in the United States.

13:28 Under the National Guard, six brigades of the Offensive Guard have already been created, the seventh is in the process, said Nikolay Urshalovich, deputy director of the planning department for the use of the Main Directorate of the NSU. According to him, now the rearmament and coordination of new brigades at the training grounds is underway - this will take several weeks.

13:07 Zelensky, during a speech at the International Criminal Court in The Hague, said that in April alone, 207 civilians were killed in Ukraine, including 17 children, and more than 400 people were injured. Over the past month, the Russian military has committed more than 6,000 war crimes, he added.

"We all want to see another Volodymyr here, in The Hague. The one who deserves to be condemned. This will happen when we win. And we will win," Zelensky stressed.

12:58 Peskov said that Moscow is considering "the most diverse" options for responding to the "Ukrainian attack" on the Kremlin, but we can only talk about "thought-out steps that are in line with the interests of the country." He also stated that "the attempts of Kyiv and Washington to disown the attack on the Kremlin are ridiculous", the decisions on such "acts of terrorism" are allegedly made by the United States, and Ukraine executes.

Peskov also said that as a result of the “attack”, two copper sheets on the dome of the Senate Palace were damaged, they will be replaced by tomorrow.

12:43 The Chinese Foreign Ministry, in response to the "drone attack" on the Kremlin, called on Russia and Ukraine to avoid actions that would lead to further escalation, spokesman Mao Ning said. She stressed that Beijing's position on the "Ukrainian crisis" is consistent and clear, and "all parties should avoid actions that could aggravate the situation."

Asked if the "incident in Moscow" would affect the visit of the Chinese envoy to Ukraine, Ning said that the Chinese authorities would release information about it "in due time."

12:24 The Russian Foreign Ministry said that "Kyiv's criminal actions once again confirm his lack of desire for peace and conflict resolution."

12:11 The wounded as a result of strikes in the Kherson region after stabilization of the condition will be evacuated to other areas, Deputy Chairman of the Regional Council Yury Sobolevsky told Radio Liberty. According to him, the local authorities are trying to prevent the accumulation of the wounded in the medical facilities of the region, since the Russians are shelling hospitals as well. Sobolevsky also said that the authorities of the Kherson region are developing ways to evacuate the population in case of mass shelling.

11:32 The British Ministry of Defense believes that the drone attack on the Kremlin does not give Ukraine a military advantage, writes The Guardian, citing a senior defense official. In his opinion, "everything is possible," but it is unprofitable for Ukraine, and besides, everyone knows that Putin does not stay in the Kremlin. "In fact, Russia has all the motives - rallying the public, an excuse for more chaotic and reckless shelling, an attempt to win sympathy for Russia, and not for Ukraine," the official said.

11:25 The Russians attacked a generation facility in the Donetsk region at night, because of which the power engineers were forced to partially suspend its work, the Ministry of Energy reported. In addition, due to powerful shelling, overhead power lines were damaged in the region - more than 100 thousand consumers, including coal mines, were de-energized. As of the morning, household consumers are connected, two mines in the city of Toretsk remain without electricity. Also, due to hostilities, part of the subscribers in Sumy, Kharkiv, Zaporozhye, Kherson regions remain disconnected.

Over the past 24 hours, brigades of power engineers in the Kherson and Sumy regions have come under fire, three employees of Khersonoblenergo have been killed. In the Kharkiv region, a group of power engineers working on the restoration of networks was blown up by an enemy mine, there are casualties among sappers. In total, since the beginning of the full-scale war, 119 employees of energy enterprises have died, more than 300 have been injured.

11:19 On the night of May 4, Russian aircraft hit the settlements of the Sumy and Chernihiv regions twice, OK Pivnich reported. In the area of ​​​​the settlement of Ivanovka, one person died, three were injured.

11:08 Journalists Slovo i delo showed which settlements in the rear of the Russian Federation and in the occupied territory of Ukraine were attacked by drones:

10:59 With the use of attack drones, Russia, in addition to hitting targets, is depleting Ukrainian air defense, forcing it to expose its positions, Yuriy Ignat, speaker of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, said. He explained that the work on the UAV with an anti-aircraft missile shows where this combat work was carried out from. At the same time, Ignat added that Ukrainian forces are now destroying 80% of drones.

As for the use of ballistic missiles during today's night attack, according to the speaker of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, this information is being specified. "There was a threat, but there are no facts of arrivals. However, it is not excluded that there could be," he added.

10:42 CIA director William Burns held a closed briefing on the explosions over the Kremlin. According to the chairman of the US Senate Intelligence Committee, Senator Mark Warner, so far there are no signs that Ukraine is behind the drone strike on Moscow. In his opinion, it is not unusual that there is little information about the incident, given that the attack occurred recently.

10:26 Norway has allocated 378 million euros of aid to Ukraine: 235 million of them will be directed to humanitarian needs, another 143 million to support the public sector and restore damaged infrastructure, the country's government said. Norway has pledged to provide Ukraine with 1.2 billion euros annually over the next five years, from 2023 to 2027 - a total of 6.3 billion euros.

10:19 British intelligence believes that Russia will have to change the fuel supply system due to regular attacks on storage bases in areas bordering Ukraine. In particular, the Russians will have to apply additional security measures at storage bases, as noted in Tuapse, or refocus on the infrastructure of regions that are less threatened by attacks.

09:56 In the Voronezh region of the Russian Federation, air defense shot down a drone, there are no casualties or destruction, Governor Alexander Gusev said.

09:42 In a burning tank at the Ilsky refinery in the Krasnodar Territory of the Russian Federation, where a fire broke out after a drone attack, there were 4.5 thousand cubic meters of diesel fuel, Russian media reported, citing emergency services. A law enforcement source said that the plant was attacked by four drones, one of the drones did not explode. The fire has already been extinguished.

09:37 In the Kherson region over the past day, as a result of Russian shelling, 23 people were killed, 46 were injured , two of them were children, said the head of the OVA Alexander Prokudin. May 4, 5 and 6 have been declared days of mourning in the region.

09:14 According to updated information, as a result of the downing of enemy air targets in the Shevchenko, Pechersk and Podolsk districts of the capital, about ten pieces of debris fell on different streets. Partially damaged parked cars and road surface. People were not injured, said the head of the KGVA Sergey Popko.

09:01 Speaker OK Pivden Natalya Gumenyuk reported on "effective hits" on the enemy over the past day: "This is the destruction of artillery installations of the Hyacinth type, with which the enemy shelled the Kherson region yesterday. We continue to destroy armored vehicles - this is seven units over the past day. Also We continue to work on their electronic warfare stations."

08:57 In the Donetsk region over the past day, as a result of Russian shelling, two people were killed (in Velyka Novoselka and Zarechny), nine more people were injured, the OVA reported.

08:19 The American Institute for the Study of War (ISW) believes that Russia staged an attack on the Kremlin in order to present the war to the Russian domestic audience as existential on the eve of Victory Day, as well as create conditions for wider mobilization. Analysts have noted several indicators that indicate that the attack on the Kremlin was organized by the Russian Federation.

In particular, the ISW recalled that the Russian authorities have recently taken measures to strengthen internal air defense, including in Moscow itself, so it is extremely unlikely that two drones could break through the numerous layers of air defense and explode or be shot down right above the "heart" of the Kremlin in such a way. so that you can get effective shots.

In addition, experts drew attention to the consistent and coordinated reaction of Moscow: the Kremlin immediately accused Ukraine of carrying out a terrorist attack, and the Russian information space quickly rallied around this accusation. The ISW believes that if the drone attack had been real, the official reaction of the Russian Federation would have been much more disorganized at first.

08:09 At night, the Russians attacked Nikopol in the Dnipropetrovsk region with artillery and drones, one person was injured, said the head of the OVA Serhiy Lysak. 11 private houses were damaged in the city, there is destruction at one of the industrial enterprises. There was a fire, which the rescuers have already extinguished.

08:04 In Kiev this week, the Israeli system of early warning about the threat of missile strikes began to work, Ukrainian Ambassador to Israel Yevgeny Korniychuk said. After successful tests in the capital, this system can be scaled to all major cities of Ukraine, he added.

The Israeli system identifies missiles of all types and objects where they can hit, and sends danger messages to the mobile phones of citizens in a specific area. The system also calculates how much time you have to find shelter.

08:00 The General Staff announced the approximate losses of the Russian Federation as of the morning of May 4.

  • personnel - about 192,590 (+650) people liquidated,

  • tanks - 3707 (+5),

  • armored combat vehicles - 7216 (+17),

  • artillery systems - 2962 (+16),

  • MLRS - 547 (+3),

  • air defense systems - 304 (+4),

  • aircraft - 308 (+0),

  • helicopters - 294 (+0),

  • UAV operational-tactical level - 2523 (+18),

  • cruise missiles - 947 (+0),

  • ships/boats - 18 (+0),

  • automotive equipment and tankers - 5886 (+21),

  • special equipment - 370 (+7).

07:56 The Russian army is still focusing its main efforts on conducting offensive operations in the Limansky, Bakhmutsky, Avdeevsky and Maryinsky directions - 40 enemy attacks have been repelled. The most fierce battles are being fought for Bakhmut and Marinka, the General Staff reported in the morning report .

07:42 The drone fell on the territory of the Novoshakhtinsky oil plant in the Rostov region. The damage is insignificant, there were no victims, the fire was immediately extinguished due to the explosion, said the head of the region Vasily Golubev.

Also, Russian media write that an attack by Ukrainian drones allegedly on residential areas of settlements in the Kherson region was repulsed.

07:18 At night, the Russians attacked Ukraine with “shaheeds” from the north (Bryansk region) and from the south (east coast of the Sea of ​​Azov). In total, the enemy used up to 24 Shahed-136/131 attack drones, of which 18 were destroyed, the Air Force command said.

06:56 The Russians again launched a complex air strike on Kiev at night using Shahed drones and missiles (probably ballistic). According to preliminary information, in the airspace of Kyiv, all enemy missiles and UAVs were destroyed by air defense forces, said the head of the KGVA Sergey Popko. In the Shevchenkovsky district of the capital, fragments of an UAV were found in a residential area, there were no casualties among the population and no significant damage to the surrounding area.

06:17 The Russians fired 15 Shahed-131/136 attack drones at Odessa at night. Of these, 12 were destroyed by air defense forces and mobile fire groups, three more UAVs hit the dormitories of one of the educational institutions in Odessa, OK Pivden reported. The fire was quickly put out and no one was hurt. On the tails of the drones, the Russians wrote "Za MoskVu" and "Za Kremlin".

04:46 Tanks with oil products caught fire at the Ilsky oil refinery in the Krasnodar Territory of the Russian Federation due to a drone attack, previously there were no casualties, according to Russian media.

02:40 An air alert was announced throughout Ukraine, the sounds of explosions were heard, in particular, in Kiev and Odessa. Local authorities reported on the work of air defense.

Posted by:badanov
