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Nablus Palestinians Protest against PM Fayyad
[An Nahar] Nearly 300 Paleostinians staged a demonstration in the northern West Bank town of Nablus Monday, protesting against the economic situation and against Paleostinian prime minister Salam Fayyad
...Fayyad's political agenda holds that neither violence nor peaceful negotiations have brought the Paleostinians any closer to an independent state. The alternative to both, violent negotiations, doesn't seem to be working too well, either...
An Agence La Belle France Presse correspondent said the protest came after Fayyad on Sunday announced that the Paleostinian Authority would as of 2013 enforce the payment of electricity bills by refugee camp residents, who have so far not had to pay them.

The demonstrators rolled their eyes, jumped up and down, and hollered poorly rhymed slogans real loud accusing Fayyad of "starving" them, the correspondent said, and one protester tried to set himself on fire.

The government of the West Bank has been mired for months in financial crisis. Earlier this month Paleostinian government employees across the West Bank went on strike over unpaid salaries.
Posted by:Fred