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-Lurid Crime Tales-
Joe Rogan: They Snapped Jeffrey Epstein's Neck
Joe Rogan is looking suicidal already, don't you think?

"they do it to have shit over them"

Now we're getting somewhere. Next, understand that in a perverted mind, there are things more valuable than money. Then you'll begin to understand the levers of power, and how politicians you thought were on your side could make terrible deals. After that, you'll come to terms with the reality that sex slavery is currency for those so elite that cash cannot buy favors.

Posted by:Herb McCoy

#6  I typed that in such a hurry, the spelling's are all shite. ☺ Sorty sorry.
Posted by: Dron66046   2019-11-13 23:34  

#5  Very likely on the tabs, Lex. Not so much on the running. You see, no credible agency would decide to keep a quantity like Epstein in their employ, even as an third-party asset. The MI-6 have their own little operation going for the royals, and it hasn't leaked or raised even an eyebrow since Diana.

I syand by mu assumption that Epstein was a service provider to the powerful, while he selectively blackmailed some and wielded leverage on others; he had friends too whom he wouldn't rat out. Andrew and Bill were such friends. Some people you know you cannot blackmail. Some you should not.
Posted by: Dron66046   2019-11-13 23:33  

#4  The clandestine services of almost every country dedicate an ungainly amount of resource and effort to keep their leaders' and high officers' romps and follies under wraps.

So, Dron, what's the over-under on the likelihood that MI6 was keeping tabs on-- if not running-- Epstein in order to "keep the Duke of York's romps and follies under wraps"?

Even I, in unworthy colonial plebe, knew this guy had a hankering for some strange from a young age -- see the romps with one Koo Stark, sometime star of the blue screen.

Surely Her Majesty's government's spy chiefs knew about Andrew & Epstein. What's the word from your sources? Did this knowledge translate into actual control?
Posted by: Lex   2019-11-13 21:52  

#3  and Hollywood and the music biz it seems.
Posted by: Bright Pebbles   2019-11-13 21:06  

#2  I agree there, HM. About money ceasing to be really important at a level of power. Men really think with their dicks, and the true fruits of all power are ultimately realized in the sexual arena. For most of the kind of people who race toward the top rung, that's their primary foible.

If one has the right connections and means to make it happen, there's a killing to be made in this niche market of narcissistic hedonists posing as public servants. Serving judges, military ,officers, representatives, entertainers, bishops (oh my). Also, one can put almost anyone in some kind of fuckeroo, once they have them rutting away in hi-def.

The clandestine services of almost every country dedicate an ungainly amount of resource and effort to keep their leaders' and high officers' romps and follies under wraps.
Posted by: Dron66046   2019-11-13 15:39  

#1  I wonder if this is why nothing truly changes.

But that's crazy talk!

Everything is fine.
Posted by: charger   2019-11-13 00:23