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2003-01-12 Fifth Column
Sean regrets...
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Posted by Fred Pruitt 2003-01-12 09:55 am|| || Front Page|| [2 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 From the famous and viable Mr. James Lileks ( to be inserted into the audio track everytime a yapping hollywood moron opens their mouth):

You know what I’d like to hear, just once? “As a New Yorker, I remember too well the death and destruction that arrived on our doorstep that day in September. As an American, I worry about regimes who possess both the means to kill innocent citizens and the devilish will to do it. As an artist, I value the freedom I have in a pluralistic, secular democracy, and I realize that these traits are not only rare and worthy of defense, but deserve to be extended to people in other nations. As a student of history, I am impressed by how our military - which has the ability to annihilate cities and nations - has spent billions to develop weapons that destroy a single building. Surely this says as much about us as our crass and extroverted culture; what other nation with our abilities would take such care? Presented with enemies who build weapons factories next to kindergartens, we invent missiles that take the former and spare the latter. This may not mean we are right, but it surely means we are are bound by a notion of decency our opposites lack. As a human being, I mourn the loss of innocent life that will surely attend any war - but I must admit, if we could have prevented 9/11 with a military action that cost a dozen innocent lives, I would have supported it with the reluctance that must attend any act of organized violence. And finally, as a filmmaker who lives in a special kind of isolation, surrounded mostly with affluent like-minded people from the arts community, I must admit that when it comes to foreign affairs and military matters I don’t know what the hell I’m talking about.
Posted by Frank Martin  2003-01-12 12:19:35|| []  2003-01-12 12:19:35|| Front Page Top

#2 This thespians new understanding of Saddamism, makes him an even bigger joke.
Posted by Anonymous 2003-01-12 19:53:03||   2003-01-12 19:53:03|| Front Page Top

04:12 .com
04:05 Anonymous6005 TROLL
08:31 Eric Lindholm
07:47 Ptah
07:42 Ptah
07:26 Ptah
01:41 Anonymous
01:39 Anonymous
01:38 Anonymous
00:22 Anonymous
00:11 myron
23:35 tu3031
23:13 Anonymous
23:07 El Id
23:05 El Id
23:03 Alaska Paul
22:58 Alaska Paul
22:26 jedi serf
22:24 Fred
22:14 Chuck
22:13 John Anderson
22:13 JDB
22:08 John Anderson
21:58 Anonymous

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