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2008-10-11 Israel-Palestine-Jordan
Jewish-Arab clashes hit Israeli town
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Posted by Fred 2008-10-11 00:00|| || Front Page|| [4 views ]  Top

#1 They are bringing us down to their level.
Posted by Penguin 2008-10-11 00:52||   2008-10-11 00:52|| Front Page Top

#2 Yet, any violence by the joooooooooos will be seen by the "international community" (read : the western Enlightened Elites and their mass-media indoctrination tools) as much more damning than the basest acts from the paleos. And, the joooooooish Enlightened Elites themselves will stomp down hard on it. No prisoner exchanges for any coming jailed israeli domestic Freedom Fighter.
Posted by anonymous5089 2008-10-11 02:51||   2008-10-11 02:51|| Front Page Top

#3 Sounds like the situation in another country I know, anon5089.
Posted by lotp 2008-10-11 05:32||   2008-10-11 05:32|| Front Page Top

#4 Sounds like a global pattern all around the western world.
Posted by anonymous5089 2008-10-11 06:03||   2008-10-11 06:03|| Front Page Top

#5 So, the Israelis can muster a quick and harsh response to a Jewish riot, but is strangely absent (or solicitous) in the face of a palestinian one?

The points of establishing governments, police forces, armies, and courts of Law, is to prevent the root causes of these riots. If one side is allowed to steal, destroy, maim and murder in violation of law, without response, while the victims, when they respond in kind, meet with the kind of response that the first group deserved, then those "forces of righteousness" cease to be legitimate. THAT is the essence of the Declaration of Independence.

I have been coming to a realization that the Declaration of Independence is, at core, a Jihadist document in the core sense of the term.

Hear me out for a moment. Jihad is God directed and God authorized armed conflict. "Thou Shalt not Murder" is suspended. Permission is granted to act militarily and violently to restore the situation to a God-approved state.

Of course, the problem is "which God?" However, the Declaration defines the God who authorizes Jihad, and sets the parameters: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

Thus, do I approve of this riot that was intended to kill an arab? No.

Do I approve of a future riot that would assault those government officials who refuse to carry out their duties impartially and efficiently, with an aim to force them to do their damn jobs to secure their citizen's safety and happiness?

You betcha!

Right action. Wrong target.
Posted by Ptah">Ptah  2008-10-11 06:42||]">[]  2008-10-11 06:42|| Front Page Top

#6 arg. I forgot my key point in the preceeding comment.

Given that our rights come from God and unalienable, any violation or usurpation of them is not to be tolerated. We establish governments to ensure that responses to those violations and usurpations are justly administered, and do not, as a side effect, violate the rights of the uninvolved. Deliberate Failure to act is to effectively act through proxies: that is the essence of the Declaration's claim that British inaction against (and thus encouragement of) Indian incursions was effectively action against the colonies.

The American people of that day were very religious, and thus had bought into the "divine right of kings" swill that was being propagated to maintain the system. The intent of such swill was to convince them that God did not give them permission to rebel against the King, who was appointed by Divine mandate. By the appeal to the Creator, Jefferson and the signers were arguing that God gave them permission to rebel against a corrupt and vicious government, but only with the aim of establishing a new one that would honor God-granted unalienable rights.

One third was not convinced, and remained loyal to the King.

One third decided not to decide so sat the war out.

One third bought into the argument, and acted accordingly.

That was enough.
Posted by Ptah">Ptah  2008-10-11 06:52||]">[]  2008-10-11 06:52|| Front Page Top

#7 Everything Ptah said, except that jihad has certain and particularly defined parameters of Islam, and the conceptualization of "God" from their perspective, which is akin to Baal. The first Americans were operating from a sold Judeo-Christian foundation and worldview. So the fundamentals actually are different, but I find it interesting that Ptah upholds those very Judeo-Christian principles in resistance to Baal and jihad.
Posted by ex-lib 2008-10-11 11:20||   2008-10-11 11:20|| Front Page Top

#8 "Reconciliation and cooperation" eh?

That's worked so well with Arabs in the past, hasn't it?

Force is all they understand. If Arabs start trouble, shoot them down in the street. Expel the survivors and all relatives to Gaza after government seizure of all assets. They'll get the message.

More important, Israeli government, is that YOU get the message. That message is that THE ARABS HATE YOU AND WANT ALL OF YOU DEAD OR ENSLAVED. Your Jewish population is going to have to work together to just stay alive. Turning on them to protect Arabs is absolutely insane. It won't take much of that to dishearten your friends, embolden your enemies, and seriously diminish your already damaged chance of long-term survival.
Posted by Jolutch Mussolini7800 2008-10-11 11:22||   2008-10-11 11:22|| Front Page Top

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