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contains1 Ahmaud Arbery
pfrom 2017-06-05
pto 2021-09-03
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select id,rdate,rbanner from (select * from tbltwar where rdate >= '2017-06-05' and rdate <= '2021-09-03') as y where lower(rquote) like '%ahmaud arbery%' order by id desc limit 100
1 61160509/03/2021Good Morning
2 61160409/03/2021Georgia USA: Former DA indicted in jogger Ahmaud Arbery's murder
3 58439110/11/2020Fed Up, These Black Americans Say It's Time To Get Out Of The U.S.
4 58191509/09/2020Women Plan All-Black Community in Georgia After ‘400 Years of Racial Oppression.'
5 58175209/07/2020What Is the NFAC, and Who Is Grandmaster Jay?
6 58113208/31/2020Portland roundup: Mayor @tedwheeler blames violence and homicide on Pres Trump, so does Gov Kate Brown
7 57703207/15/2020More than 1,000 CDC employees sign letter decrying 'toxic culture' of racism in agency
8 57572407/01/2020McDonald’s Changes Social Media Profile Name to ‘Amplifying Black Voices’
9 57488906/21/2020NYPD cops joke ‘Welcome to New York’ when woman reports gunshots
10 57488106/21/2020New York City parks to be renamed after Black Americans
11 57469106/19/2020Ahmaud Arbery’s mother speaks out on ‘very emotional’ meeting with Trump
12 57461506/18/2020Two schools honoring Washington and Jefferson to be renamed in 'support of Black Lives Matter'
13 57406706/11/2020Personal info of US police officers leaked online
14 57391606/09/2020George Floyd's Family Petitions United Nations to Help Disarm Police in the United States
15 57325006/03/2020Retailers respond to weekend protests...focus their statements on support for the protestors' cause
16 57240905/24/2020Good afternoon
17 57240005/24/2020Man who filmed Ahmaud Arbery's death used vehicle to 'confine' and 'detain' him
18 57221705/22/2020Man Who Filmed Ahmaud Arbery's Death Charged with Murder
19 57205705/20/2020Late Edition
20 57204205/20/2020The late Ahmaud Arbery preferred flat screens, shopped at Walmart
21 57126805/12/2020Black Georgia man, 20, is arrested for setting up fake Facebook page in support of Ahmaud Arbery's two killers and threatening protesters who paid their respects at the spot where the 25-year-old jogger was 'lynched'
22 57125705/11/2020As expected, Atlanta mayor stirs steaming Ahmaud Arbery pot
23 57089005/07/2020White man who chased and shot dead unarmed black jogger Ahmaud Arbery with his son is an ex-cop