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contains1 Brothers and Sisters in Arms,Brothers in Arms
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pto 2023-10-10
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select id,rdate,rbanner from (select * from tbltwar where rdate >= '2022-07-12' and rdate <= '2023-10-10') as y where lower(rquote) like '%brothers and sisters in arms%' or lower(rquote) like '%brothers in arms%' order by id desc limit 100
1 67994309/30/2023To be removed from the Russian list of terrorists, the Taliban must fulfill three conditions
2 67936009/24/2023Israeli anti-Bibi activists meet NY tech fat cats: ‘We’re facing a protracted campaign’
3 67924209/22/2023Israeli forces shell military ‘structures’ in Golan Heights, drone-zap 2 Islamic Jihadis farther down the border
4 67640508/22/2023Terror charges filed against Palestinian who stabbed coworker in Petah Tikva garage
5 67398407/29/2023Another 10,000 IDF reservists announce they won't serve anymore
6 67342907/23/2023What Matters Now to Dr. Yonatan Freeman: The dictatorship tipping point?
7 67254207/14/2023Reservists reject PM’s shouted accusations they are harming national security
8 67137207/02/2023Turnout rises, several arrested as anti-overhaul protests enter 26th week
9 67119706/30/2023Gun licenses revoked from several members of ‘Brothers in Arms’ protest group
10 66781505/22/2023Two PMF Factions Engage in Firefight in Kirkuk Over a Property Dispute
11 66272603/29/2023Roundup: The Biden war against Bibi continues after 100,000 Israelis protest for reforms
12 65446301/04/2023Pak Taliban to run parallel govt in Pakistan
13 65277412/18/2022Two UN peacekeepers killed in Mali
14 63989307/30/2022Ukrainian Perspective: Invasion of Ukraine: July 29th, 2022