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contains1 Charlottesville
pfrom 2016-12-11
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select id,rdate,rbanner from (select * from tbltwar where rdate >= '2016-12-11' and rdate <= '2018-03-11') as y where lower(rquote) like '%charlottesville%' order by id desc limit 100
1 50718502/03/2018Maxine Waters: There should be a disclaimer when Trump appears on TV
2 50649801/25/2018Thousands march against Trump in Zurich, other Swiss cities
3 50249111/26/2017British Spy Novelist Reports POTUS Destroying US Intelligence Community
4 50234111/24/2017If You Voted for Donald Trump, You Owe My Children an Apology
5 50207511/20/2017The Perfumed Princes of the Pentagon
6 50074911/02/2017Gillespie Family Left ‘Disgusted’ By Truck Ad, Campaign Donations ‘Triple’
7 50047810/29/2017George Washington's Church Says Plaque Honoring First President Must Come Down
8 50046810/28/2017Va. gov candidate Gillespie backs petition to keep Confederate statues
9 50013610/24/2017From The Gym To The Gun Range, Where Antifa Learns To Fight
10 50008510/23/2017Michael Rapaport Calls Trump ‘F*cking Dummy' in Climate Change Rant (Video)
11 49861310/02/2017Fashion Choices of The Stealth Racist
12 49853109/30/2017Blacks, Crime, and the Bended Knee
13 49762209/18/2017Brown University will offer segregated student dinners for black, Muslim students
14 49731709/15/2017Florida rapper music video shows him lynching a young white boy
15 49715509/13/2017How segregated America made Trump inevitable
16 49695709/10/2017UC Berkeley offers counseling ahead of talk by Jewish conservative
17 49689909/09/2017Tim Kaine: ‘I Don’t Know Enough About Antifa’
18 49672709/06/2017Outspoken East Tennessee white nationalist at Fort Sanders rally once active in Occupy, communist groups
19 49654609/04/2017Financial firms raising alarm over US debt ceiling
20 49633109/01/2017Paul Ryan Condemns Antifa As ‘A Scourge On Our Country’
21 49630808/31/2017President Trump's Reassuring Hurricane Response
22 49624808/31/2017Suddenly, Antifa does equal Nazis
23 49622508/30/2017SPLC Steps on Crank
24 49614808/30/2017It Only Took A Day For The March To DC To Lose Nearly All Of The Marchers
25 49607208/29/2017'Civil Disobedience' March From Charlottesville to DC Will Demand Trump's Removal
26 49605408/28/2017Confederate flag sales surge after Charlottesville violence
27 49600808/28/2017Antifa and the 'Alt-Left': Everything You Need to Know
28 49597008/28/2017Glenn K. Beaton: There were no good guys at Charlottesville
29 49596208/27/2017BOOM: Charlottesville Police Officer Tells All!
30 49595808/27/2017'Civil Disobedience' March From Charlottesville to DC Will Demand Trump's Removal
31 49588808/27/2017Calif. Catholic school removes Jesus and Mary statues: ‘Alienating’
32 49588308/27/2017CNN: 'Ordinary People' Are 'White Supremacists by Default'
33 49587208/26/2017Netanyahu's empathy for Trump
34 49586208/26/2017Roger Stone: Cohn ‘Should Be Fired Immediately' for Publicly Criticizing Trump
35 49582808/26/2017Trump's voter fraud commission to meet in New Hampshire in September
36 49573008/24/2017Mr. President: Don't negotiate with the swamp. Drain it.
37 49568808/24/2017Clooneys donate $1mn to combat hate groups after Charlottesville
38 49566408/23/2017ESPN Pulls Asian-American Robert Lee From Broadcast For You Know Why
39 49565208/23/2017Black Lives Matter Activist Unveils List of Demands to White People: ‘Give Up the Home You Own’
40 49562608/23/2017Chaos Breaks Out at Charlottesville City Council Meeting
41 49561408/23/2017‘Adopt-a-Nazi’ campaign raises funds to counter white nationalist free speech rally
42 49553308/22/2017Missouri's top Democrats call for senator to resign for 'I hope Trump is assassinated' post
43 49546708/20/2017Jeh Johnson: Removal of Confederate Statues a Matter of ‘Homeland Security'
44 49544908/20/2017GOP senator: 'It feels like violence is coming'
45 49544108/20/2017Rush Limbaugh: ‘We Are on the Cusp of a Second Civil War'
46 49543208/20/2017Thousands march against 'Free Speech' in Boston
47 49541908/20/2017Tweet from the account of Charlottesville rally organizer insults slain protester Heather Heyer
48 49541608/20/2017Florida man kicked out of school for saluting Lee statue
49 49539408/20/20171 officer killed, 1 in 'grave critical condition' in Kissimmee shooting
50 49538608/19/2017Evangelical advisers stay with Trump as others criticize him
51 49536608/19/2017This Week in Guns, August 19th, 2017
52 49536408/19/2017Mayor Phoenix, AZ does not want the President to visit next week... or ever
53 49533308/20/2017Civil Rights Icon Andrew Young Argues for Confederate Monuments to Remain in Place
54 49532608/18/2017Noam Chomsky: Antifa is a 'major gift to the Right'
55 49530408/18/2017Defying an age of hatred, Ben Carson sets an example for America
56 49528808/18/2017Democrats Push to Censure President Trump
57 49528608/18/2017Trump says US culture 'ripped apart' by statue removals
58 49526008/18/2017Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal (D-Mo) : ‘I Hope Trump Is Assassinated!'
59 49521808/17/2017Something stinks about Charlottesville
60 49521408/17/2017Confederate Statues Today, Book Burnings Tomorrow?
61 49521108/17/2017Violent Tribalism on Display in Charlottesville
62 49520908/17/2017Dear Leftists, There Are No Nazis Under Your Bed
63 49519908/17/2017Former Klingon Master: Trump's comments on Charlottesville are 'a national disgrace'
64 49515008/16/2017Baltimore removes four Confederate statues - Civility, Law and order returning soon
65 49514908/16/2017Terrorism expert Steve Emmerson sez McMaster won't use the term 'radical Islam.'
66 49507708/15/2017Sen. Bernie Sanders Tweets That Trump Has 'Some Responsibility' for Charlottesville Attack
67 49507608/16/2017Fools to the Left of Me, Clowns to the Right
68 49506608/16/2017Three CEOs walk away from Trump after Charlottesville
69 49505908/15/2017White Supremacist Leader in Charlottesville Jason Kessler Was Obama Supporter – Occupy Protester
70 49505608/15/2017CNN guest interview - Challenges to 'blackness' and instructions to 'shut up' (Video)
71 49505508/15/2017CNN’s Symone Sanders Calls Out White Pundit Who Told Her To ‘Shut Up’ On Live TV (Video)
72 49505008/15/2017Protestors Topple Confederate Statue In North Carolina [VIDEO]
73 49504908/15/2017Buchanan: If We Erase Our History, Who Are We?
74 49504808/15/2017Charlottesville, truth, and the new cultural revolution
75 49504708/15/2017Sean Hannity exposes a threat to kill President Trump
76 49499408/15/2017Far-right supporter arrested for planning bomb in Oklahoma City
77 49499108/14/2017Kaepernick III - Seattle DE Michael Bennett Sits For National Anthem
78 49498008/14/2017Big Pharma CEO finds excuse to resign from presidential council
79 49497708/14/2017We'll Have More Charlottesvilles
80 49496508/14/2017Thousands gather in cities across the US in solidarity with Charlottesville victims
81 49491108/13/2017Hundreds protest in Oakland over deadly Virginia rally
82 49490808/13/2017State Police Helo crash deaths now linked to Charlottesville White Nationalists
83 49490708/13/2017Soetoro shares convicted terrorist Mandela quote after deadly white supremacist rally
84 49490608/13/2017Charlottesville AAR
85 49487308/12/2017BREAKING - Right-Wing Charlottesville (VA) Protest Rammed by Speeding Car
86 49487108/13/20171 Killed After Car Plows Into Protesters
87 49053306/17/2017This Week in Guns, June 17th, 2017
88 48824505/17/2017Sanctuary City Mayor Trashes American Hero Robert E. Lee
89 48806105/15/2017Mayor of Charlottesville, VA calls Pro-Confederate rallies 'horrific'
90 48182402/22/2017Wegmans boycott over Trump wine backfires; supermarket sells out
91 48163502/19/2017 Day by day the ranks diminish - god bless