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contains1 Eitam Henkin
pfrom 2015-06-11
pto 2020-11-09
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'Burg Search
select id,rdate,rbanner from (select * from tbltwar where rdate >= '2015-06-11' and rdate <= '2020-11-09') as y where lower(rquote) like '%eitam henkin%' order by id desc limit 100
1 51402205/07/2018How much do terrorists who murder Jews get paid?
2 47001910/12/2016IDF seals off candy shop of terrorist’s family
3 43564011/15/2015IDF demolishes homes of four terrorists involved in recent killings
4 43291610/17/2015Several terrorists' homes to be demolished
5 43163610/06/2015Israel accuses Hamas of settler deaths
6 43143410/04/2015IOF Hits Harshly at Palestinians in West Bank, Leaves 10 Wounded