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contains1 IDF reservists
pfrom 2022-07-12
pto 2023-10-10
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'Burg Search
select id,rdate,rbanner from (select * from tbltwar where rdate >= '2022-07-12' and rdate <= '2023-10-10') as y where lower(rquote) like '%idf reservists%' order by id desc limit 100
1 67697808/27/2023Top Dutch court confirms Gantz can’t be sued for civilian deaths in 2014 Gaza strike
2 67349107/24/2023‘Time of emergency’: Dueling judicial overhaul rallies as Herzog makes final bid for compromise
3 67342907/23/2023What Matters Now to Dr. Yonatan Freeman: The dictatorship tipping point?
4 65299112/21/2022Notorious Terrorist Involved In Ramallah Lynching Dies in Israeli Prison, Glorified By Palestinian Society
5 64052508/06/2022Egypt is holding feverish talks in order to bring calm in Gaza