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contains1 Sondland
pfrom 2015-12-06
pto 2022-03-06
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select id,rdate,rbanner from (select * from tbltwar where rdate >= '2015-12-06' and rdate <= '2022-03-06') as y where lower(rquote) like '%sondland%' order by id desc limit 100
1 57615507/05/2020Former Klingon Director Panetta now an expert on HV-19 and POTUS 'dereliction of duty'
2 57086005/07/2020Republican senator Richard Burr's brother-in-law dumped shares on the SAME DAY as the politician - who had just received a secret coronavirus briefing
3 56313202/10/2020Impeachment witness LTC Sausage to attend prestigious Army War College after White House ouster
4 56312902/10/2020Time for Trump to Get His Godfather On
5 56296302/08/2020NSC housecleaning, with special attention to Colonel Vindman
6 56147001/19/2020Pres. Trump's top Russia expert on National Security Council is 'escorted off the White House grounds amid a security investigation'
7 55782112/07/2019CrowdStrike: a Conspiracy Wrapped in a Conspiracy Inside a Conspiracy
8 55728512/02/2019Democratic congresswoman says it doesn’t matter if Trump quid pro quo didn’t happen
9 55672711/30/2019Sondland not resigning over sexual misconduct allegations
10 55668911/29/2019Why Are Democrats Shrinking From the Impeachment Fight?
11 55631711/25/2019 NKor carried out arty drills by sea border. This is a violation of the military agreement signed between NKor and SKor
12 55621511/24/2019‘Sounds like a poor imitation of The Godfather’: Giuliani dismisses criticism from Biden
13 55613111/23/2019Lindsey Graham Launches Senate Probe into Bidens' Burisma Actions
14 55607411/22/2019Joe Biden Becomes Unwitting Grandparent Again
15 55604911/21/2019The Game's Afoot in Ukraine: Burisma Reportedly Indicted for Money Laundering
16 55598611/21/2019Biden, partners receive $16.5 mln in payments stolen from Ukraine -- MP Derkach
17 55598311/21/2019Pence's Chief of Staff: 'This Alleged Discussion Recalled by Ambassador Sondland Never Happened'
18 55597611/21/2019MPs demand Zelensky, Trump investigate suspicion of U.S.-Ukraine corruption involving $7.4 bln
19 55597011/21/2019DNA Confirms Hunter Biden Is Father of Arkansas 1-Year-Old - 99.9% Match, Says Mother and Lawyer
20 55587211/20/2019FBI Never Saw CrowdStrike Unredacted or Final Report on Alleged Russian Hacking Because None was Produced
21 55584111/19/2019US embassy official says Sondland told him Trump 'doesn't give a shi* about Ukraine'
22 55563711/17/2019State Department Aide Confirms He Overheard Trump On Call Discussing Investigation
23 55544011/15/2019Ukraine Foreign Minister: U.S. Aid, Investigations Were ‘Never’ Linked
24 55498811/10/2019House Republicans Request Hunter Biden Testify in Public Impeachment Hearing
25 55496411/10/2019Maxine Waters Praises Schiff, Rants: Trump ‘Pack Up Tanning Bed and Leave’
26 55474811/07/2019Adam Schiff Calls His First Public Witnesses And It Tells Us Everything
27 55464011/06/2019Former CIA Director Leon Panetta - Sondland's Testimony ‘Clear Definition of Bribery'
28 55418810/31/2019BREAKING: NSC Official Testifies He Heard Nothing Illegal On Trump-Zelensky Call, Transcript Accurate
29 55372410/26/2019U.S. Ambassador to E.U. ‘Does NOT Recall' a Conversation to Cutoff Aid to Ukraine
30 55365810/26/2019Democrats Say ‘Whistleblower’s’ Testimony No Longer Needed
31 55340010/23/2019US diplomat tells Congress aid to Ukraine was tied to Biden, 2016 probes