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contains1 Walter Williams,Walter E. Williams
pfrom 2001-09-03
pto 2020-12-02
Search Rantburg
'Burg Search
select id,rdate,rbanner from (select * from tbltwar where rdate >= '2001-09-03' and rdate <= '2020-12-02') as y where lower(rquote) like '%walter williams%' or lower(rquote) like '%walter e. williams%' order by id desc limit 100
1 58896612/02/2020Walter Williams, R.I.P.
2 55463911/06/2019Disproportionalities: Whose Fault?
3 50884402/24/2018LevinTV host Mark Levin's Fox News show premieres this Sunday
4 49610508/29/2017A$$hole of the Year finalist
5 38734803/14/2014The Closing of the Liberal Mind.
6 38657703/01/2014Holmes County homey still kick'n. A modern day Lazarus story.
7 37473708/28/2013Re-education at George Mason
8 30439608/29/2010'Obama will get Israel nuked' say protesters at Glenn Beck rally
9 16180708/03/2006Degenerate U
10 13473211/11/2005Bogus veterans
11 5930403/19/2005A Republic, Not a Democracy
12 2783103/10/2004Any other ideas?
13 1919909/28/2003Simple Economics Continue to Baffle Mugabe