limit 100
pfrom 2012-05-03
pto 2020-08-01
contains1 Katherine Russell
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select id,rdate,rbanner from (select * from tbltwar where rdate >= '2012-05-03' and rdate <= '2020-08-01') as y where lower(rquote) like '%katherine russell%' order by id desc limit 100
1 43799512/08/2015Feds looking into a $28k deposit made into Farook's bank account before the shooting
2 41704505/08/2015Boston Bombing: Tsarnaev Guilty..... but Who Made the Bombs?
3 41624404/29/2015Boston Bomber was Drunk, High before Going Radical
4 36797305/10/2013Speedbump Is Buried In Virginia
5 36787105/09/2013Boston bomber's wife hires terrorism lawyer
6 36757805/05/2013al-Qaeda magazine found on Katherine Russell Tsarnaev's laptop
7 36750905/05/2013Investigators sharpen focus on Katherine Russell Tsarnaev
8 36744605/03/2013Tamerlan called wifey after kaboom
9 36722404/30/2013Katherine Russell Under Scrutiny After Female DNA Found on Boston Bomb
10 36680104/24/2013Tamerlan Tsarnaev got Mass. welfare benefits
11 36676304/24/2013Lawyer: Wife Of Dead Boston Suspect Assisting Authorities
12 36649604/20/2013Tamerlan's other life: wife, daughter