limit 100
pfrom 2015-04-25
pto 2021-07-24
contains1 Clock Boy
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select id,rdate,rbanner from (select * from tbltwar where rdate >= '2015-04-25' and rdate <= '2021-07-24') as y where lower(rquote) like '%clock boy%' order by id desc limit 100
1 57664507/11/2020Whatever happened to Stanford?
2 56170801/22/2020'Hate Group' Lawsuit Clears Hurdle, Judeo-Christian Group Warns SPLC 'Day of Reckoning' Is Coming
3 48472703/31/2017Irving, Texas Mayor Who Clock Boy Sued to Join Trump Administration
4 47818601/11/2017Lawfare fail: 'Clock Boy' Loses in Court, Father's Defamation Lawsuit Dismissed
5 46428008/09/2016Family of Muslim teen arrested for homemade clock files suit
6 43794612/08/2015Mosque near 'Clock Boy' Ahmed's Texas Home Connected to Terrorism
7 43330910/21/2015Clock Boy will move to Qatar with family for studies - Good riddance !
8 43293810/17/2015Clock Boy hugs Sudan's genocidal theocrat Omer Hassan Al-Bashir
9 43063009/26/2015Unverified Reporting: More on Ahmed's clock.
10 43021809/21/2015Ahmed CLOCK was a FRAUD built most likely for the purpose of getting arrested - watch the video embed
11 43012109/20/2015'It's fraud': Richard Dawkins on Ahmed Mohamed's clock
12 42989709/18/2015Muslim youth 'ticking clock' inventor invited to White House