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pfrom 2016-02-19
pto 2020-05-20
contains1 BHR Partners,chris heinz,Rosemont Seneca
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select id,rdate,rbanner from (select * from tbltwar where rdate >= '2016-02-19' and rdate <= '2020-05-20') as y where lower(rquote) like '%bhr partners%' or lower(rquote) like '%chris heinz%' or lower(rquote) like '%rosemont seneca%' order by id desc limit 100
1 57202605/20/2020Derkach unveiled conversations of voices similar to Poroshenko and Biden
2 57184805/18/2020Jordan Requests Pompeo Turn Over Explosive Docs Exposing Alleged ‘Whistleblower' And Hunter Biden
3 57172705/17/2020While VP, Plugz Weinstein paraded nude every day in front of his FEMALE Secret Service detail
4 56883104/16/2020Hunter Biden Still Listed As Board Member Of Chinese Company He Pledged To Resign From In October
5 56839604/11/2020Biden Claims People Refer to Him as a 'Foreign Policy Expert'
6 56818204/09/2020Look back: 2015 deal by Hunter Biden/Chris Heinz's private eq firm + Bank of China + AvIndustry Corporation of China to buy US dual-use parts manufacturer Henniges
7 56277702/06/2020Grassley, Johnson Seek Hunter Biden's Travel Records From Secret Service
8 55991812/31/2019Hunter Biden Gets Hit With Tax Liens
9 55988212/31/2019Hunter Biden Accused of $156M Counterfeiting Scheme With Burisma, CrowdStrike, Legal Filing Claims
10 55633511/25/2019Ukrainian MP Andriy Derkach revealed Joe Biden was paid nearly $1 million for lobbying activities by Burisma Holdings while he was US Vice President
11 55455911/05/2019Hunter Biden's Ukraine gas firm pressed Obama administration to end corruption allegations, memos show
12 55331710/21/2019CD Media Releasing Information On Poroshenko Money Laundering/Biden Cover Up, In Series Of Articles, With Sourcing
13 55248810/11/2019Judicial Watch Files Two New Lawsuits Seeking Records of How CFIUS Investments by Ukraine, China Firms Tied to Hunter Biden
14 55240210/10/2019Burisma paid Joe Biden $900,000 for lobbying – Ukrainian MP
15 51028603/16/2018Breitbart editor: Biden's and Kerry's sons inked deal with Chinese government after vice president's trip