
How US Muslim Extremists Exploited 9-11 For Political Power
American Muslims gaining a foothold in politics
By Jill Lawrence,
Moderators: Is this a "Culture War" or Real War issue?
...The 9/11 attacks have had a curious double-edged impact on the political emergence of American Muslims. They are up against more stereotyping and backlash, which they perceived recently in the furor over a Dubai company's thwarted plan to take over port operations in several U.S. cities.
First: they are humble immigrants; then their big families and prohibitions against working women place strains on our social services; then their lawyers force expensive civil rights protections; then they infiltrate political parties; then these use high office in hated dar-Harb to spy for their beloved homelands; then they use Free World wealth to finance overseas terror; then they accept huge donations from Saudi and Iranian dawah (indoctrination) agencies; then they force giant mosques on cities; then they seek Shariah in the guise of Muslim Family Law; then terror incitement issues from some mosques, but is secretly seconded by all; then they force Islam friendly indoctrination disquised as public education; then their PACs condemn only "stereotyping" but not terror; then their violent protests cause our spineless leaders to give them effective veto power over foreign policy; then they demand jihad-base subsidies for their homeland cesspools, in the name of nation-building; then members of Muslim terrorist organizations receive refugee status, while they continue to promote terror; then they begin pushing non-Muslims out of dar-Islam enclaves; then they get prayer rooms in every school, government office and private industrial plant; then non-garbed Muslim women, Jews, Christians, gays, etc begin to live in fear; then they refuse obedience to loyalty oaths; then they get State subsidized Hajj trips to Mecca; then they force Islamic censorship on our media; then they force open-door immigration for Muslims; then they order jury nullification where a Muslim is affected; then they force de facto legalization of jihad Murder, Kidnapping, Torture, Hostage Taking, Bomb Making, etc; then we suffer the high unemployment and stagnation inherent to Muslim economies; then they force jizya on non-Muslims, while exterminating anyone who in Muhammad's words, "lives as a kaffir"; then they adopt either a Sunni or Shiite identity, and make war against the alleged "apostate"; then sacred Jewish, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Shinto, Spiritualist, etc texts are banned as products of Satanic influence; then thieves are de-limbed, rape victims charged for false testimony, blasphemers are burned alive, spousal and child abandonment after easy male divorce(talaq, talaq, talaq) is legalized, marital-rape and wife-beating are compulsory, adulters are stoned to death, abandoners of Islam are beheaded, terror tax (zakat) is imposed on all, etc; then the Organization of the Islamic Conference occupies the UN building; then we all bow to Mecca five times a day after carrying out innocuous cleansing rituals. And we remember that our leaders said that "Islam is a religion of peace," and that indulging political Islam was an "advancement of freedom."

At the same time, the 9/11 attacks jolted Muslims into realizing that they needed to make themselves known to their neighbors and heard by their government. They are voting, running for office and getting more involved in civic and political life at every level, from PTAs and school boards to town councils and state legislatures. At least two — Texas Republicans Amir Omar and Ahmad Hassan — are running for U.S. Congress.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which promotes Muslim political activity, has opened 23 of its 31 U.S. chapters since 9/11. In the 2004 election, two studies found, one in five Muslim voters were first-time voters.
What if Hitler demanded Nazi Party centers on Allied soil, during WW2?

"There was a silver lining. We became more public," says Aref Assaf, president of the New Jersey-based American Arab Forum.

This large-scale entry of Muslims into public life is not only testing the courage of Muslim candidates and the tolerance of voters. It's also prompting politicians to take notice of a community that has growing clout and is open to appeals from both parties...
Immigrants from 100% of non-Muslim classes can be loyal to a non-Muslim State. 0% of Muslims can under post-ummah conditions, where Muslim indoctrination and law is either influential or powerful. Ergo: treat them differently, keep them out and repress those who are here.

Big Mosque initiative: http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/012/005bsfjb.asp
Violent Shariah Enforcement: http://www.pe.com/ap_news/California2/CA_Stores_Trashed_230040CA.shtml
Western Civilization Perverted Into Terror Finance Base: http://www.ynetnews.com/Ext/Comp/ArticleLayout/CdaArticlePrintPreview/1,2506,L-3231647,00.html
Posted by: Listen to Dogs 2006-03-24