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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 11.
 Posted byTextDate/TimeIP
1 Omomoling Uninter6675
This time the Jew tells the truth. 2004-10-13 12:20:51 AM
2 Angens Jiting4889
Keep spewing your propaganda Rantburgers. 2004-10-13 2:15:07 AM
3 Glereger Cligum6229 Unions suck, BIGTIME! I WISH one of those union thugs would lay a hand on me. I'd beat him into the fucking dirt. BRING IT ON, afl-cio punks.....come to Texas. I've always felt that anyone who belongs to a union is a stupid, incompetent idiot who can't hold a job any other way. 2004-10-13 11:54:34 AM
4 Glereger Cligum6229 huper is a dicksucker. 2004-10-13 12:01:33 PM
5 Fred I've disabled width statements in comments to thwart Boris' latest stupidity. 2004-10-13 7:48:29 PM
6 Fred I've disabled width statements in comments to thwart Boris' latest stupidity. 2004-10-13 7:48:29 PM
7 Boris Pribich Rantburg Zionists, one day your hate spewing against Moslems will land you in jail because it incites hatred and endangers Americans at home -- pack up and go to Israel where you belong. FYI, we are keeping records of your posts and names for the US DOJ. 2004-10-13 8:23:07 PM
8 Boris Pribich Rantburg Zionists, one day your hate spewing against Moslems will land you in jail because it incites hatred and endangers Americans at home -- pack up and go to Israel where you belong. FYI, we are keeping records of your posts and names for the US DOJ. 2004-10-13 8:23:07 PM
9 Cromorong Chomble7321 William Safire is an anti-American Jew who has caused the US uncalculable damage with his yellow journalism.
2004-10-13 8:45:48 PM
10 Cromorong Chomble7321 William Safire is an anti-American Jew who has caused the US uncalculable damage with his yellow journalism.
2004-10-13 8:45:48 PM
11 Cromorong Chomble7321 William Safire is an anti-American Jew who has caused the US uncalculable damage with his yellow journalism. 2004-10-13 8:48:50 PM