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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 1.
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1 Aris Katsaris Whatever mistakes the Bush administration has made in Iraq, the effects of those mistakes pale beside the enormous damage to our war effort that has been inflicted-- knowingly, cynically and with malicious intent-- by the Democratic Party and its paid propagandists in the media. You think that Iraqi insurgents (or Iranian infiltrators) are deciding to kill Americans or other Iraqis because of what they hear Democrats talk about in American media? That's certainly indicative of the levels of delusional scapegoating that Rantburg has sunk to. With Republican complete control of both the executive and legislative branch, it's still the Democrats to blame for your having lost your war in Iraq. Ah, Republicans. The party of *personal responsibility*. If we leave before the mission is done, we will lose. Before the mission is done? And what mission is that? Because it seems to me that your mission has changed from "finding WMDs and establishing democracy in Iraq" to "trying to prop up the death-squads of a murderous Shiite government obedient to Tehran, against the death-squads of Sunni insurrectionists" So, I'd say that *even* if you succeed in your current mission, you'll still have lost the war. The goalposts having moved so far from what they once were, that they're now where *Iran* is shooting for, as well. Or do you think there's any scenario in which you're victorious against Sadr or the SCIRI agents of Iran? Are you even *fighting* Sadr or Iran's agents right now? Ofcourse you're not. 2007-01-05 20:42