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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 5.
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1 IVSergio ß ÷òî-òî íå äîãîíÿþ, à â ÷åì ôèøêà? 2008-12-09 22:45
2 Feellafal Hi Interesting site name - # hostname, How did you get such a pretty domain name? 2008-12-09 17:50
3 Feellafal Hello Interesting site name - # hostname, How did you get such a pretty domain name? 2008-12-09 17:50
4 Ar.K. Sorry, Besoeker, I avoided the usage of "y'all" as a courtesy to Frank. 2008-12-09 11:13
5 Ar.K. You people believe the issue is "policemen vs anarchists". I don't blame you since that's what most Greeks (and certainly the anarchists) seem to believe also. But the way I see it the same police that murdered the 15-year old or allowed anarchist violence to run amok (tolerance towards "leftist" violence), is the same police that has allowed Neonazi groups to launch pogroms against immigrants (tolerance towards "rightist" violence), and the same police that brutalizes prisoners (tolerance towards its own violence), and which allowed the terrorists of 17th November to go uncaptured for decades. This isn't a war of policemen vs anarchists, it's a war that both sides have launched against law and order. Fascism and Anarchy are both the enemies of liberal democracy. (After all, the police-loving fascist party "LAOS" and the anarchist-loving leftwing parties have a similar attitude of hating the West and loving Russia -- if they were actually on opposite sides of the world ideological conflict one would expect they'd actually differ on foreign policy... atleast occasionally) "If that "minor" had been throwing a rock at me I'd have put two rounds center mass just as soon as he drew his fist back." Yes, but then again, you're a coward who justifies lethal action by the mere possibility of *personal* injury. I mean you could have atleast tried to disguise the cowardice by saying you'd shoot the guy if he was throwing the stone at *anyone*, not just yourself. 2008-12-09 09:58